88 research outputs found

    A Routing Delay Predication Based on Packet Loss and Explicit Delay Acknowledgement for Congestion Control in MANET

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    In Mobile Ad hoc Networks congestion control and prevention are demanding because of network node mobility and dynamic topology. Congestion occurs primarily due to the large traffic volume in the case of data flow because the rate of inflow of data traffic is higher than the rate of data packets on the node. This alteration in sending rate results in routing delays and low throughput. The Rate control is a significant concern in streaming applications, especially in wireless networks. The TCP friendly rate control method is extensively recognized as a rate control mechanism for wired networks, which is effective in minimizing packet loss (PL) in the event of congestion. In this paper, we propose a routing delay prediction based on PL and Explicit Delay Acknowledgement (EDA) mechanism for data rate and congestion control in MANET to control data rate to minimize the loss of packets and improve the throughput. The experiment is performed over a reactive routing protocol to reduce the packet loss, jitter, and improvisation of throughput


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    Objective: Influence of different carbon [C] and nitrogen [N] source on the growth and Deoxynivalenol [DON] and Nivalenol [NIV] production by Fusarium aethiopicum and Fusarium culmorum was investigated.Methods: Seven days old monosporic cultures of F. aethiopicum strain GSKUMB [KJ21085] and F. culmorum strain GSKUMB [KJ190159] were grown in CYA broth and incubated at 27±2°C on the rotary shaker at 120 rpm for 21 days. At the end of incubation period, cultures were harvested for determination of fungal growth (biomass). The resultant culture filtrates were extracted twice with ethyl acetate and concentrated. One ml of final concentrate in methanol was employed for detection of DON and NIV with the help of RP-HPLC.Results: The highest amount of DON and NIV were produced by F. aethiopicum in the presence of D-mannose and D-galactose as C source, while the highest amount of biomass was recorded on maltose and succinic acid. F. culmorum produced maximum amount of toxins in the presence of D-glucose, D-mannitol and D-fructose. Sodium nitrate was most favorable nitrogen source as it induced maximum amount of toxins by F. aethiopicum, while L-methionine, L-asparatic acid and L-tryptophan were next preferred N source. In contrast, highest biomass of fungus was obtained with L-lysine, L-glutamine and L-tyrosine. F. culmorum produced maximum amount of toxin and biomass with potassium nitrate and L-tyrosine respectively.Conclusion: Present species of Fusarium differed varied both in toxins (DON, and NIV) and biomass production. Their response of fungi under investigation towards C and N sources is also varied.Â

    Feeding value of sorghum stover fed to tropical hair sheep as complete rations in chop, mash, pellet, and block forms

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    Background and Aim: Poor palatability, low bulk density, and low nutritive value restrict the utilization of the crop residues as animal feeds. Altering the physical characteristics of feed by blending the roughage and concentrates in the form of complete feed improves the nutrient use efficiency and reduces the feed wastage, feed cost, and labor cost. The study aims to determine suitable processing methods (mash, pellet, or block forms) for efficient utilization of sorghum stover-based complete rations vis-a-vis conventional feeding methods in sheep. Materials and Methods: The sorghum stover was incorporated in complete rations with roughage to concentrate ratio of 50:50 proportion in a growth trial of 120 days. The feed ingredients were chaffed, ground in a hammer mill, passed through expander-extruder, and compressed by feed block machine to prepare chop, mash, pellet, and block form of rations, respectively. Twenty-four male intact growing Nellore×Deccani cross lambs (3.5±0.5 months age, 14.50±0.41 kg (mean ± SD) at the start of the experiment) were divided into four experimental groups of six animals each in a complete randomized design. The experimental rations were randomly allotted to each group and evaluated for their intake, nutrient utilization, and growth performance. Results: The sheep fed on pellet-based ration consumed a higher (p<0.05) quantity of dry matter. The digestibility coefficients of organic matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber were higher (p<0.05) in processed rations (mash, pellet, or block). Further, the nitrogen balance (g/d) was higher (p<0.05) in the mash, pellet, and block form of rations, compared to chopped ration. The processing method did not influence calcium or phosphorous balance parameters, except for their urinary losses, which showed an increasing trend (p=0.07). The ram lambs fed with pelleted ration showed higher (p<0.05) weight gain than mash, block, or chaff forms. The efficiency of feed utilization in gaining one kg body weight was higher (p<0.05) in lambs fed a pelleted diet. Feeding pelletized ration was more economical to gain one kg body weight. The bulk density was highest for block-based ration followed by pellet, mash, and conventional rations, and the carrying capacity of truck was highest with the least transport cost in block-form of rations. Conclusion: Physical processing (mash, pellet, and block) of sorghum stover-based complete rations increased the nutrient utilization and growth performance of sheep compared to conventional chopped form. Pelleting the mash with expanderextruder procedure was found to be more profitable. Nevertheless, the cost economics revealed blocks as more preferable forms for transporting the complete rations to larger distances

    Antibacterial Characterization of Novel Synthetic Thiazole Compounds against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius

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    Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is a commensal organism of companion animals that is a significant source of opportunistic infections in dogs. With the emergence of clinical isolates of S. pseudintermedius (chiefly methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP)) exhibiting increased resistance to nearly all antibiotic classes, new antimicrobials and therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Thiazole compounds have been previously shown to possess potent antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus of human and animal concern. Given the genetic similarity between S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius, this study explores the potential use of thiazole compounds as novel antibacterial agents against methicillin-sensitive S. pseudintermedius (MSSP) and MRSP. A broth microdilution assay confirmed these compounds exhibit potent bactericidal activity (at sub-microgram/mL concentrations) against both MSSA and MRSP clinical isolates while the MTS assay confirmed three compounds (at 10 ÎŒg/mL) were not toxic to mammalian cells. A time-kill assay revealed two derivatives rapidly kill MRSP within two hours. However, this rapid bactericidal activity was not due to disruption of the bacterial cell membrane indicating an alternative mechanism of action for these compounds against MRSP. A multistep resistance selection analysis revealed compounds 4 and 5 exhibited a modest (twofold) shift in activity over ten passages. Furthermore, all six compounds (at a subinihibitory concentration) demonstrated the ability to re-sensitize MRSP to oxacillin, indicating these compounds have potential use for extending the therapeutic utility of ÎČ-lactam antibiotics against MRSP. Metabolic stability analysis with dog liver microsomes revealed compound 3 exhibited an improved physicochemical profile compared to the lead compound. In addition to this, all six thiazole compounds possessed a long post-antibiotic effect (at least 8 hours) against MRSP. Collectively the present study demonstrates these synthetic thiazole compounds possess potent antibacterial activity against both MSSP and MRSP and warrant further investigation into their use as novel antimicrobial agents

    Pigeonpea nutrition and its improvement

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    Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan [L.] Millsp.), known by several vernacular and names such as red gram, tuar, Angola pea. yellow dhal and oil dhal, is one of the major grain legume crops of the tropics and sub-tropics. It is a crop of small holder dryland fmmers because it can grow well under subsistence level of agriculture and provides nutritive food, fodder, and fuel wood. It also improves soil by fixing atmospheric nitrogen. India by far is the largest pigeonpea producer it is consumed as decorticated split peas, popularly called as 'dhaL' In other countries, its consumption as whole dty and green vegetable is popular. Its foliage is used as fodder and milling by-products [onn an excellent feed for domestic animals. Pigeonpea seeds contain about 20-22% protein and appreciable amounts of essential amino.acids and minerals. DehuHing and boiling treatments of seeds get rid of the most antinutritional factors as tannins and enzyme inhibitors. Seed storage causes considerable losses in the quality of this legume. The seed protein of pigeonpea has been successfully enhanced by breeding from 20-22% to 28-30%. Such lines also agronomically performed well and have acceptable and color. The high-protein lines were found nutritionally superior to the cultivars because they would provide more quantities of utilizable protein and sulfur-containing amino acids

    General anaesthetic and airway management practice for obstetric surgery in England: a prospective, multi-centre observational study

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    There are no current descriptions of general anaesthesia characteristics for obstetric surgery, despite recent changes to patient baseline characteristics and airway management guidelines. This analysis of data from the direct reporting of awareness in maternity patients' (DREAMY) study of accidental awareness during obstetric anaesthesia aimed to describe practice for obstetric general anaesthesia in England and compare with earlier surveys and best-practice recommendations. Consenting patients who received general anaesthesia for obstetric surgery in 72 hospitals from May 2017 to August 2018 were included. Baseline characteristics, airway management, anaesthetic techniques and major complications were collected. Descriptive analysis, binary logistic regression modelling and comparisons with earlier data were conducted. Data were collected from 3117 procedures, including 2554 (81.9%) caesarean deliveries. Thiopental was the induction drug in 1649 (52.9%) patients, compared with propofol in 1419 (45.5%). Suxamethonium was the neuromuscular blocking drug for tracheal intubation in 2631 (86.1%), compared with rocuronium in 367 (11.8%). Difficult tracheal intubation was reported in 1 in 19 (95%CI 1 in 16-22) and failed intubation in 1 in 312 (95%CI 1 in 169-667). Obese patients were over-represented compared with national baselines and associated with difficult, but not failed intubation. There was more evidence of change in practice for induction drugs (increased use of propofol) than neuromuscular blocking drugs (suxamethonium remains the most popular). There was evidence of improvement in practice, with increased monitoring and reversal of neuromuscular blockade (although this remains suboptimal). Despite a high risk of difficult intubation in this population, videolaryngoscopy was rarely used (1.9%)

    DNA barcoding and surveillance sampling strategies for Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in southern India

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