177 research outputs found

    Localization of transverse waves in randomly layered media at oblique incidence

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    We investigate the oblique incidence of transverse waves on a randomly layered medium in the limit of strong disorder. An approximate method for calculating the inverse localization length based on the assumptions of zero energy flux and complete phase stochastization is presented. Two effects not found at normal incidence have been studied: dependence of the localization length on the polarization, and decrease of the localization length due to the internal reflections from layers with small refractive indexes. The inverse localization length (attenuation rate) for P-polarized radiation is shown to be always smaller than that of S-waves, which is to say that long enough randomly layered sample polarizes transmitted radiation. The localization length for P-polarization depends non-monotonically on the angle of propagation, and under certain conditions turns to infinity at some angle, which means that typical (non-resonant) random realizations become transparent at this angle of incidence (stochastic Brewster effect).Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Localized Modes in Open One-Dimensional Dissipative Random Systems

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    We consider, both theoretically and experimentally, the excitation and detection of the localized quasi-modes (resonances) in an open dissipative 1D random system. We show that even though the amplitude of transmission drops dramatically so that it cannot be observed in the presence of small losses, resonances are still clearly exhibited in reflection. Surprisingly, small losses essentially improve conditions for the detection of resonances in reflection as compared with the lossless case. An algorithm is proposed and tested to retrieve sample parameters and resonances characteristics inside the random system exclusively from reflection measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Resonances in 1D disordered systems: localization of energy and resonant transmission

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    Localized states in one-dimensional open disordered systems and their connection to the internal structure of random samples have been studied. It is shown that the localization of energy and anomalously high transmission associated with these states are due to the existence inside the sample of a transparent (for a given resonant frequency) segment with the minimal size of order of the localization length. A mapping of the stochastic scattering problem in hand onto a deterministic quantum problem is developed. It is shown that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the localization and high transparency: only small part of localized modes provides the transmission coefficient close to one. The maximal transmission is provided by the modes that are localized in the center, while the highest energy concentration takes place in cavities shifted towards the input. An algorithm is proposed to estimate the position of an effective resonant cavity and its pumping rate by measuring the resonant transmission coefficient. The validity of the analytical results have been checked by extensive numerical simulations and wavelet analysis

    Total absorption of an electromagnetic wave by an overdense plasma

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    We show both theoretically and experimentally that an electromagnetic wave can be totally absorbed by an overdense plasma when a subwavelength diffraction grating is placed in front of the plasma surface. The absorption is due to dissipation of surface plasma waves (plasmons-polaritons) that have been resonantly excited by the evanescent component of the diffracted electromagnetic wave. The developed theoretical model allows one to determine the conditions for the total absorption.Comment: To be published in PR

    Electron Beam Instability in Left-Handed Media

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    We predict that two electron beams can develop an instability when passing through a slab of left-handed media (LHM). This instability, which is inherent only for LHM, originates from the backward Cherenkov radiation and results in a self-modulation of the beams and radiation of electromagnetic waves. These waves leave the sample via the rear surface of the slab (the beam injection plane) and form two shifted bright circles centered at the beams. A simulated spectrum of radiation has well-separated lines on top of a broad continuous spectrum, which indicates dynamical chaos in the system. The radiation intensity and its spectrum can be controlled either by the beams' current or by the distance between the two beams.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Transverse Shifts in Paraxial Spinoptics

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    The paraxial approximation of a classical spinning photon is shown to yield an "exotic particle" in the plane transverse to the propagation. The previously proposed and observed position shift between media with different refractive indices is modified when the interface is curved, and there also appears a novel, momentum [direction] shift. The laws of thin lenses are modified accordingly.Comment: 3 pages, no figures. One detail clarified, some misprints corrected and references adde

    Spatio-temporal vortex beams and angular momentum

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    We present a space-time generalization of the known spatial (monochromatic) wave vortex beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM) along the propagation direction. Generic spatio-temporal vortex beams are polychromatic and can carry intrinsic OAM at an arbitrary angle to the mean momentum. Applying either (i) a transverse wave-vector shift or (ii) a Lorentz boost to a monochromatic Bessel beam, we construct a family of either (i) time-diffracting or (ii) non-diffracting spatio-temporal Bessel beams, which are exact solutions of the Klein-Gordon wave equations. The proposed spatio-temporal OAM states are able to describe either photon or electron vortex states (both relativistic and nonrelativistic), and can find applications in particle collisions, optics of moving media, quantum communications, and astrophysics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Millimeter Wave Localization: Slow Light and Enhanced Absorption

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    We exploit millimeter wave technology to measure the reflection and transmission response of random dielectric media. Our samples are easily constructed from random stacks of identical, sub-wavelength quartz and Teflon wafers. The measurement allows us to observe the characteristic transmission resonances associated with localization. We show that these resonances give rise to enhanced attenuation even though the attenuation of homogeneous quartz and Teflon is quite low. We provide experimental evidence of disorder-induced slow light and superluminal group velocities, which, in contrast to photonic crystals, are not associated with any periodicity in the system. Furthermore, we observe localization even though the sample is only about four times the localization length, interpreting our data in terms of an effective cavity model. An algorithm for the retrieval of the internal parameters of random samples (localization length and average absorption rate) from the external measurements of the reflection and transmission coefficients is presented and applied to a particular random sample. The retrieved value of the absorption is in agreement with the directly measured value within the accuracy of the experiment.Comment: revised and expande
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