50 research outputs found

    Neutral Radius Value Determination by Numerical Simulation Method at Ring Upsetting Test

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    Ring upsetting represents a basic operation for bulk forming process and has particular significance since it is used for contact friction determination. At ring upsetting by flat dies, metal flow depends upon tribological conditions present at contact surface. Thereby, two variants of metal flow are possible: a) two-way flow from neutral radius that is present at lower friction coefficient values, followed by ring’s inner radius reduction and ring’s outer radius increase. In such circumstances, neutral radius is found between inner and outer radius. b) one-way flow that occurs at higher friction coefficient values, where neutral radius is lower than ring’s inner radius. This paper is presenting the results of determination of relation between neutral radius value and friction coefficient. Such relation is determined by numerical simulation, by using Simufact.Forming software. Experimental verification of neutral radius position is conducted by metallographic analysis, for two friction coefficient values. Friction coefficient values are determined by ring upsetting by using dies, where in one case of ring upsetting, contact surfaces were ion implanted with nitroge

    Redshift-independent Distances in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database: Methodology, Content, and Use of NED-D

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    Estimates of galaxy distances based on indicators that are independent of cosmological redshift are fundamental to astrophysics. Researchers use them to establish the extragalactic distance scale, to underpin estimates of the Hubble constant, and to study peculiar velocities induced by gravitational attractions that perturb the motions of galaxies with respect to the "Hubble flow" of universal expansion. In 2006 the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) began making available a comprehensive compilation of redshift-independent extragalactic distance estimates. A decade later, this compendium of distances (NED-D) now contains more than 100,000 individual estimates based on primary and secondary indicators, available for more than 28,000 galaxies, and compiled from over 2000 references in the refereed astronomical literature. This paper describes the methodology, content, and use of NED-D, and addresses challenges to be overcome in compiling such distances. Currently, 75 different distance indicators are in use. We include a figure that facilitates comparison of the indicators with significant numbers of estimates in terms of the minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and maximum distances spanned. Brief descriptions of the indicators, including examples of their use in the database, are given in an appendix

    IRSA's New Look: Design Considerations

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    The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) undertook a major upgrade to its website and user experience this year. The work was motivated by the need to facilitate access to a growing number of astronomical data sets and exploration tools. The guiding principle of the redesign was to focus on the most important items, while providing easy access to the full set of IRSA's holdings and services. We discuss the redesign process and the key features of the new website

    Redshift-independent Distances in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database: Methodology, Content, and Use of NED-D

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    Estimates of galaxy distances based on indicators that are independent of cosmological redshift are fundamental to astrophysics. Researchers use them to establish the extragalactic distance scale, to underpin estimates of the Hubble constant, and to study peculiar velocities induced by gravitational attractions that perturb the motions of galaxies with respect to the "Hubble flow" of universal expansion. In 2006 the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) began making available a comprehensive compilation of redshift-independent extragalactic distance estimates. A decade later, this compendium of distances (NED-D) now contains more than 100,000 individual estimates based on primary and secondary indicators, available for more than 28,000 galaxies, and compiled from over 2000 references in the refereed astronomical literature. This paper describes the methodology, content, and use of NED-D, and addresses challenges to be overcome in compiling such distances. Currently, 75 different distance indicators are in use. We include a figure that facilitates comparison of the indicators with significant numbers of estimates in terms of the minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and maximum distances spanned. Brief descriptions of the indicators, including examples of their use in the database, are given in an appendix

    The Zwicky Transient Facility: System Overview, Performance, and First Results

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    The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is a new optical time-domain survey that uses the Palomar 48 inch Schmidt telescope. A custom-built wide-field camera provides a 47 deg 2 field of view and 8 s readout time, yielding more than an order of magnitude improvement in survey speed relative to its predecessor survey, the Palomar Transient Factory. We describe the design and implementation of the camera and observing system. The ZTF data system at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center provides near-real-time reduction to identify moving and varying objects. We outline the analysis pipelines, data products, and associated archive. Finally, we present on-sky performance analysis and first scientific results from commissioning and the early survey. ZTF’s public alert stream will serve as a useful precursor for that of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

    The Zwicky Transient Facility: Science Objectives

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    The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), a public–private enterprise, is a new time-domain survey employing a dedicated camera on the Palomar 48-inch Schmidt telescope with a 47 deg2 field of view and an 8 second readout time. It is well positioned in the development of time-domain astronomy, offering operations at 10% of the scale and style of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) with a single 1-m class survey telescope. The public surveys will cover the observable northern sky every three nights in g and r filters and the visible Galactic plane every night in g and r. Alerts generated by these surveys are sent in real time to brokers. A consortium of universities that provided funding (“partnership”) are undertaking several boutique surveys. The combination of these surveys producing one million alerts per night allows for exploration of transient and variable astrophysical phenomena brighter than r∼20.5 on timescales of minutes to years. We describe the primary science objectives driving ZTF, including the physics of supernovae and relativistic explosions, multi-messenger astrophysics, supernova cosmology, active galactic nuclei, and tidal disruption events, stellar variability, and solar system objects. © 2019. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific

    The role of sex in the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disease characterised by increased pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary artery remodelling as result of increased vascular tone and vascular cell proliferation, respectively. Eventually, this leads to right heart failure. Heritable PAH is caused by a mutation in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor-II (BMPR-II). Female susceptibility to PAH has been known for some time, and most recent figures show a female-to-male ratio of 4:1. Variations in the female sex hormone estrogen and estrogen metabolism modify FPAH risk, and penetrance of the disease in BMPR-II mutation carriers is increased in females. Several lines of evidence point towards estrogen being pathogenic in the pulmonary circulation, and thus increasing the risk of females developing PAH. Recent studies have also suggested that estrogen metabolism may be crucial in the development and progression of PAH with studies indicating that downstream metabolites such as 16α-hydroxyestrone are upregulated in several forms of experimental pulmonary hypertension (PH) and can cause pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation and subsequent vascular remodelling. Conversely, other estrogen metabolites such as 2-methoxyestradiol have been shown to be protective in the context of PAH. Estrogen may also upregulate the signalling pathways of other key mediators of PAH such as serotonin

    The Zwicky Transient Facility: System Overview, Performance, and First Results

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    The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is a new optical time-domain survey that uses the Palomar 48 inch Schmidt telescope. A custom-built wide-field camera provides a 47 deg^2 field of view and 8 s readout time, yielding more than an order of magnitude improvement in survey speed relative to its predecessor survey, the Palomar Transient Factory. We describe the design and implementation of the camera and observing system. The ZTF data system at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center provides near-real-time reduction to identify moving and varying objects. We outline the analysis pipelines, data products, and associated archive. Finally, we present on-sky performance analysis and first scientific results from commissioning and the early survey. ZTF's public alert stream will serve as a useful precursor for that of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

    Primjena SEM i EDS analiza u istraživanju poroznosti Al-Si-Cu lijevanog stapa

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    Porosity formation was detected in the casting thinnest section in the proximity of the as cast surface and near the wall centerline. In order to investigate the cause of the porosity formation light microscopy was used to define as cast structure. After initial findings SEM and EDS analyses were performed. Based on the results it is possible to define cause of the observed porosity. A number of pores originates from the mould filling stage and entrainment of the oxide films, while others appear due to insufficient feeding during solidification.Kod najtanjeg presjeka stijenke odljevka otkrivena je pojava poroznosti neposredno ispod površine stijenke, kao i u zoni sredine stijenke. Kako bi se utvrdio uzrok pojave poroznosti primijenjena je svjetlosna mikroskopija za određivanje lijevane strukture. Nakon prvobitnih opažanja provedene su SEM i EDS analize. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata moguće je odrediti uzroke nastanka otkrivene poroznosti. Određeni broj pora nastaje zbog zarobljavanja oksidnog filma tijekom faze popunjavanja kalupa, dok je ostatak poroznosti posljedica neadekvatnog napajanja tijekom skrućivanja

    Use of SEM and EDS analysis in the investigation of Al-Si-Cu piston alloy cast porosity

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    Porosity formation was detected in the casting thinnest section in the proximity of the as cast surface and near the wall centerline. In order to investigate the cause of the porosity formation light microscopy was used to define as cast structure. After initial findings SEM and EDS analyses were performed. Based on the results it is possible to define cause of the observed porosity. A number of pores originates from the mould filling stage and entrainment of the oxide films, while others appear due to insufficient feeding during solidification