10,178 research outputs found

    Automated monitor and control for deep space network subsystems

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    The problem of automating monitor and control loops for Deep Space Network (DSN) subsystems is considered and an overview of currently available automation techniques is given. The use of standard numerical models, knowledge-based systems, and neural networks is considered. It is argued that none of these techniques alone possess sufficient generality to deal with the demands imposed by the DSN environment. However, it is shown that schemes that integrate the better aspects of each approach and are referenced to a formal system model show considerable promise, although such an integrated technology is not yet available for implementation. Frequent reference is made to the receiver subsystem since this work was largely motivated by experience in developing an automated monitor and control loop for the advanced receiver

    Fault detection using a two-model test for changes in the parameters of an autoregressive time series

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    This article describes an investigation of a statistical hypothesis testing method for detecting changes in the characteristics of an observed time series. The work is motivated by the need for practical automated methods for on-line monitoring of Deep Space Network (DSN) equipment to detect failures and changes in behavior. In particular, on-line monitoring of the motor current in a DSN 34-m beam waveguide (BWG) antenna is used as an example. The algorithm is based on a measure of the information theoretic distance between two autoregressive models: one estimated with data from a dynamic reference window and one estimated with data from a sliding reference window. The Hinkley cumulative sum stopping rule is utilized to detect a change in the mean of this distance measure, corresponding to the detection of a change in the underlying process. The basic theory behind this two-model test is presented, and the problem of practical implementation is addressed, examining windowing methods, model estimation, and detection parameter assignment. Results from the five fault-transition simulations are presented to show the possible limitations of the detection method, and suggestions for future implementation are given

    Failure monitoring in dynamic systems: Model construction without fault training data

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    Advances in the use of autoregressive models, pattern recognition methods, and hidden Markov models for on-line health monitoring of dynamic systems (such as DSN antennas) have recently been reported. However, the algorithms described in previous work have the significant drawback that data acquired under fault conditions are assumed to be available in order to train the model used for monitoring the system under observation. This article reports that this assumption can be relaxed and that hidden Markov monitoring models can be constructed using only data acquired under normal conditions and prior knowledge of the system characteristics being measured. The method is described and evaluated on data from the DSS 13 34-m beam wave guide antenna. The primary conclusion from the experimental results is that the method is indeed practical and holds considerable promise for application at the 70-m antenna sites where acquisition of fault data under controlled conditions is not realistic

    Initial results on fault diagnosis of DSN antenna control assemblies using pattern recognition techniques

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    Initial results obtained from an investigation using pattern recognition techniques for identifying fault modes in the Deep Space Network (DSN) 70 m antenna control loops are described. The overall background to the problem is described, the motivation and potential benefits of this approach are outlined. In particular, an experiment is described in which fault modes were introduced into a state-space simulation of the antenna control loops. By training a multilayer feed-forward neural network on the simulated sensor output, classification rates of over 95 percent were achieved with a false alarm rate of zero on unseen tests data. It concludes that although the neural classifier has certain practical limitations at present, it also has considerable potential for problems of this nature

    Real-time antenna fault diagnosis experiments at DSS 13

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    Experimental results obtained when a previously described fault diagnosis system was run online in real time at the 34-m beam waveguide antenna at Deep Space Station (DSS) 13 are described. Experimental conditions and the quality of results are described. A neural network model and a maximum-likelihood Gaussian classifier are compared with and without a Markov component to model temporal context. At the rate of a state update every 6.4 seconds, over a period of roughly 1 hour, the neural-Markov system had zero errors (incorrect state estimates) while monitoring both faulty and normal operations. The overall results indicate that the neural-Markov combination is the most accurate model and has significant practical potential

    Automating the Hunt for Volcanoes on Venus

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    Our long-term goal is to develop a trainable tool for locating patterns of interest in large image databases. Toward this goal we have developed a prototype system, based on classical filtering and statistical pattern recognition techniques, for automatically locating volcanoes in the Magellan SAR database of Venus. Training for the specific volcano-detection task is obtained by synthesizing feature templates (via normalization and principal components analysis) from a small number of examples provided by experts. Candidate regions identified by a focus of attention (FOA) algorithm are classified based on correlations with the feature templates. Preliminary tests show performance comparable to trained human observers

    A high-speed distortionless predictive image-compression scheme

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    A high-speed distortionless predictive image-compression scheme that is based on differential pulse code modulation output modeling combined with efficient source-code design is introduced. Experimental results show that this scheme achieves compression that is very close to the difference entropy of the source

    Applied constant gain amplification in circulating loop experiments

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    The reconfiguration of channel or wavelength routes in optically transparent mesh networks can lead to deviations in channel power that may impact transmission performance. A new experimental approach, applied constant gain, is used to maintain constant gain in a circulating loop enabling the study of gain error effects on long-haul transmission under reconfigured channel loading. Using this technique we examine a number of channel configurations and system tuning operations for both full-span dispersion-compensated and optimized dispersion-managed systems. For each system design, large power divergence was observed with a maximum of 15 dB at 2240 km, when switching was implemented without additional system tuning. For a bit error rate of 10-3, the maximum number of loop circulations was reduced by up to 33%

    Dynamic circulating-loop methods for transmission experiments in optically transparent networks

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    Recent experiments incorporating multiple fast switching elements and automated system configuration in a circulating loop apparatus have enabled the study of aspects of long-haul WDM transmission unique to optically transparent networks. Techniques include per-span switching to measure the performance limits due to dispersion compensation granularity and mesh network walk-off, and applied constant-gain amplification to evaluate wavelength reconfiguration penalties

    Lyndon Array Construction during Burrows-Wheeler Inversion

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    In this paper we present an algorithm to compute the Lyndon array of a string TT of length nn as a byproduct of the inversion of the Burrows-Wheeler transform of TT. Our algorithm runs in linear time using only a stack in addition to the data structures used for Burrows-Wheeler inversion. We compare our algorithm with two other linear-time algorithms for Lyndon array construction and show that computing the Burrows-Wheeler transform and then constructing the Lyndon array is competitive compared to the known approaches. We also propose a new balanced parenthesis representation for the Lyndon array that uses 2n+o(n)2n+o(n) bits of space and supports constant time access. This representation can be built in linear time using O(n)O(n) words of space, or in O(nlogn/loglogn)O(n\log n/\log\log n) time using asymptotically the same space as TT