532 research outputs found
Searching for L-Violating Supersymmetry at the LHC
The possibility to simulate lepton number violating supersymmetric models has
been introduced into the recently updated PYTHIA event generator, now
containing 1278 decay channels of SUSY particles into SM particles via lepton
number violating interactions. This generator has been used in combination with
the ATLFAST detector simulation to study the impact of lepton number violation
(LV) on event topologies in the ATLAS detector, and trigger menus designed for
LV-SUSY are proposed based on very general considerations. In addition, a
rather preliminary analysis is presented on the possibility for ATLAS to
observe a signal above the background in several mSUGRA scenarios, using a
combination of primitive cuts and neural networks to optimize the
discriminating power between signal and background events over regions of
parameter space rather than at individual points. It is found that a 5 sigma
discovery is possible roughly for m_{1/2} < 1TeV and m_0 < 2TeV with an
integrated luminosity of 30fb^{-1}, corresponding to one year of data taking
with the LHC running at ``mid-luminosity'', L = 3*10^{33}s^{-1}cm^{-2}.Comment: 12 page
Multiple Interactions and Beam Remnants
Open issues on the structure of multiple interactions are outlined. An
improved model is summarized, with a new approach to correlated parton
densities in flavour, colour, longitudinal and transverse momenta, for both
hard-scattering partons and beam-remnant ones.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on
Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June 200
Progress on Multiple Interactions
We report on the development of a new model for the underlying event in
hadron-hadron collisions. The model includes parton showers for all
interactions, as well as non-trivial flavour, momentum, and colour correlations
between interaction initiators and beam remnant partons.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of HEP 2003, 3p
Antenna Showers with Hadronic Initial States
We present an antenna shower formalism including contributions from
initial-state partons and corresponding backwards evolution. We give a set of
phase-space maps and antenna functions for massless partons which define a
complete shower formalism suitable for computing observables with hadronic
initial states. We focus on the initial-state components: initial-initial and
initial-final antenna configurations. The formalism includes comprehensive
possibilities for uncertainty estimates. We report on some preliminary results
obtained with an implementation in the Vincia antenna-shower framework.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
One Universal Extra Dimension in Pythia
The Universal Extra Dimensions model has been implemented in the Pythia
generator from version 6.4.18 onwards, in its minimal formulation with one
inverse-TeV-sized extra dimension. The additional possibility of
gravity-mediated decays, through a variable number of inverse-eV-sized extra
dimensions into which only gravity extends, is also available. The
implementation covers the lowest-lying Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of
Standard Model particles, except for the excitations of the Higgs fields, with
the mass spectrum calculated at one loop. 2 -> 2 tree-level production cross
sections and KK number conserving 2-body decays are included. Mixing between
iso-doublet and -singlet KK excitations is neglected thus far, and is expected
to be negligible for all but the top sector.Comment: 11 page
Studies of isolated photon production in simulated proton-proton collisions with ALICE-EMCal
The production of prompt photons at high transverse momentum in proton-proton
collisions (p-p) is a useful tool to study perturbative Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics
(pQCD). In particular, they yield valuable information about parton
distribution functions in the proton. The experimental measurement of prompt
photons is a difficult task due to the large background of decay photons from
neutral mesons, mainly pi0. We present a full simulation and reconstruction
study of prompt photons identification in p-p at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV in the ALICE
electromagnetic calorimeter EMCal, giving details on the methods developed to
separate them from decay photons with the help of shower-shape and isolation
cuts. We present Monte Carlo predictions for signal and background. The method
used to extract the final isolated corrected cross-section is presented and the
calculation of various experimental corrections is outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings Hot Quarks 2010 La-Londe-les-Maures
(France), JPG submitte
L-Violating Supersymmetry: Implementation in PYTHIA and study of LHC discovery potential
In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the simultaneous appearance of lepton and baryon number violation causes the proton to decay much faster than the experimental bound allows. Customarily, a discrete symmetry known as R-parity is imposed to forbid these dangerous interactions. This work begins by arguing that there is no deep theoretical motivation for preferring R-parity over other discrete symmetries and continues by adopting the MSSM with baryon number conservation replacing R-parity conservation. For the purpose of studying the influence of the consequent lepton number violating interactions, 1278 new decay channels of supersymmetric particles into Standard Model particles have been included in the PYTHIA event generator. The augmented event generator is then used in combination with the atlfast detector simulation to study the impact of lepton number violation on event topologies in the ATLAS detector, and trigger menus designed for LV-SUSY are proposed based on very general conclusions. The subsequent analysis uses a combination of primitive cuts and neural networks to optimize the discriminating power between signal and background events. In all scenarios studied, it is found that a discovery is possible for cross sections down to mb with an integrated luminosity of 30 fb
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