437 research outputs found

    Wedge states in string field theory

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    The wedge states form an important subalgebra in the string field theory. We review and further investigate their various properties. We find in particular a novel expression for the wedge states, which allows to understand their star products purely algebraically. The method allows also for treating the matter and ghost sectors separately. It turns out, that wedge states with different matter and ghost parts violate the associativity of the algebra. We introduce and study also wedge states with insertions of local operators and show how they are useful for obtaining exact results about convergence of level truncation calculations. These results help to clarify the issue of anomalies related to the identity and some exterior derivations in the string field algebra.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, v3: section 3.3 rewritten, few other corrections, set in JHEP styl

    Relevant Deformations in Open String Field Theory: a Simple Solution for Lumps

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    We propose a remarkably simple solution of cubic open string field theory which describes inhomogeneous tachyon condensation. The solution is in one-to-one correspondence with the IR fixed point of the RG-flow generated in the two--dimensional world-sheet theory by integrating a relevant operator with mild enough OPE on the boundary. It is shown how the closed string overlap correctly captures the shift in the closed string one point function between the UV and the IR limits of the flow. Examples of lumps in non-compact and compact transverse directions are given.Comment: 45 pages. v2: typos and minor improvements. v3: submitted to jhe

    Classification of N=6 superconformal theories of ABJM type

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    Studying the supersymmetry enhancement mechanism of Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena, we find a simple condition on the gauge group generators for the matter fields. We analyze all possible compact Lie groups and their representations. The only allowed gauge groups leading to the manifest N=6 supersymmetry are, up to discrete quotients, SU(n) x U(1), Sp(n) x U(1), SU(n) x SU(n), and SU(n) x SU(m) x U(1) with possibly additional U(1)'s. Matter representations are restricted to be the (bi)fundamentals. As a byproduct we obtain another proof of the complete classification of the three algebras considered by Bagger and Lambert.Comment: 18 page

    The Perturbative Spectrum of the Dressed Sliver

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the dressed sliver solution found in a previous paper, hep-th/0311198, in the operator formulation of Vacuum String Field Theory. We derive the tachyon wave function and then analyze the higher level fluctuations. We show that the dressing is responsible for implementing the transversality condition on the massless vector. In order to consistently deal with the singular k=0k=0 mode we introduce a string midpoint regulator and we show that it is possible to accommodate all the open string states among the solutions to the linearized equations of motion. We finally show how the dressing can give rise to the correct ratio between the energy density of the dressed sliver and the brane tension computed via the three-tachyons-coupling.Comment: 52 pages, v2: comment added in sec. 5, v3: one appendix added, comments added in introduction and conclusion, to appear on PR

    Acute-on-chronic liver failure in cirrhosis

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    The definition of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) remains contested. In Europe and North America, the term is generally applied according to the European Association for the Study of the Liver-Chronic Liver Failure (EASL-CLIF) Consortium guidelines, which defines this condition as a syndrome that develops in patients with cirrhosis and is characterized by acute decompensation, organ failure and high short-term mortality. One-third of patients who are hospitalized for acute decompensation present with ACLF at admission or develop the syndrome during hospitalization. ACLF frequently occurs in a closed temporal relationship to a precipitating event, such as bacterial infection or acute alcoholic, drug-induced or viral hepatitis. However, no precipitating event can be identified in approximately 40% of patients. The mechanisms of ACLF involve systemic inflammation due to infections, acute liver damage and, in cases without precipitating events, probably intestinal translocation of bacteria or bacterial products. ACLF is graded into three stages (ACLF grades 1–3) on the basis of the number of organ failures, with higher grades associated with increased mortality. Liver and renal failures are the most common organ failures, followed by coagulation, brain, circulatory and respiratory failure. The 28-day mortality rate associated with ACLF is 30%. Depending on the grade, ACLF can be reversed using standard therapy in only 16–51% of patients, leaving a considerable proportion of patients with ACLF that remains steady or progresses. Liver transplantation in selected patients with ACLF grade 2 and ACLF grade 3 increases the 6-month survival from 10% to 80%

    Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: Definition, Diagnosis, and Clinical Characteristics

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    Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a recently recognized syndrome in cirrhosis characterized by acute decompensation (AD), organ failure(s), and high short-term mortality. Organ failure(s) is defined by the Chronic Liver Failure-Sequential Organ Failure (CLIF-SOFA) score or by its simplified version Chronic Liver Failure-Organ Failure Assessment (CLIF-OF) score. They include six types of organ failure: liver, renal, coagulation, cerebral, respiratory, and circulatory. One third of patients hospitalized with AD present with ACLF at admission or develop ACLF during hospitalization. Acute-on-chronic liver failure frequently occurs in a closed relationship to a precipitating event. According to the number of organ failures, ACLF is graded into three stages: ACLF-1 = single renal failure or single nonrenal organ failure if associated with renal dysfunction and/or cerebral dysfunction; ACLF-2 = two organ failures; and ACLF-3 = three to six organ failures, with increasing 28-day mortality rate (from 23%–74%). Acute-on-chronic liver failure may develop at any phase during the clinical course of the disease. Patients without prior AD develop a severe form of ACLF

    Star Algebra Projectors

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    Surface states are open string field configurations which arise from Riemann surfaces with a boundary and form a subalgebra of the star algebra. We find that a general class of star algebra projectors arise from surface states where the open string midpoint reaches the boundary of the surface. The projector property of the state and the split nature of its wave-functional arise because of a nontrivial feature of conformal maps of nearly degenerate surfaces. Moreover, all such projectors are invariant under constant and opposite translations of their half-strings. We show that the half-string states associated to these projectors are themselves surface states. In addition to the sliver, we identify other interesting projectors. These include a butterfly state, which is the tensor product of half-string vacua, and a nothing state, where the Riemann surface collapses.Comment: 65 pages, 23 figures, LaTe

    The dual of Janus -:- an interface CFT

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    We propose and study a specific gauge theory dual of the smooth, non-supersymmetric (and apparently stable) Janus solution of Type IIB supergravity found in hep-th/0304129. The dual field theory is N=4 SYM theory on two half-spaces separated by a planar interface with different coupling constants in each half-space. We assume that the position dependent coupling multiplies the operator L' which is the fourth descendent of the primary Tr(X^I X^J) and closely related to the N=4 Lagrangian density. At the classical level supersymmetry is broken explicitly, but SO(3,2) conformal symmetry is preserved. We use conformal perturbation theory to study various correlation functions to first and second order in the discontinuity of g^2_{YM}, confirming quantum level conformal symmetry. Certain quantities such as the vacuum expectation value are protected to all orders in g^2_{YM}N, and we find perfect agreement between the weak coupling value in the gauge theory and the strong coupling gravity result. SO(3,2) symmetry requires vanishing vacuum energy, =0, and this is confirmed in first order in the discontinuity.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure; references adde

    Characterizing the diverse cells that associate with the developing commissures of the zebrafish forebrain

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    During embryonic development of bilaterally symmetrical organisms, neurons send axons across the midline at specific points to connect the two halves of the nervous system with a commissure. Little is known about the cells at the midline that facilitate this tightly regulated process. We exploit the conserved process of vertebrate embryonic development in the zebrafish model system to elucidate the identity of cells at the midline that may facilitate postoptic (POC) and anterior commissure (AC) development. We have discovered that three different gfap+ astroglial cell morphologies persist in contact with pathfinding axons throughout commissure formation. Similarly, olig2+ progenitor cells occupy delineated portions of the postoptic and anterior commissures where they act as multipotent, neural progenitors. Moreover, we conclude that both gfap+ and olig2+ progenitor cells give rise to neuronal populations in both the telencephalon and diencephalon; however, these varied cell populations showed significant developmental timing differences between the telencephalon and diencephalon. Lastly, we also showed that fli1a+ mesenchymal cells migrate along the presumptive commissure regions before and during midline axon crossing. Furthermore, following commissure maturation, specific blood vessels formed at the midline of the POC and immediately ventral and parallel to the AC. This comprehensive account of the cellular populations that correlate with the timing and position of commissural axon pathfinding has supported the conceptual modeling and identification of the early forebrain architecture that may be necessary for proper commissure development

    Energy from the gauge invariant observables

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    For a classical solution |Psi> in Witten's cubic string field theory, the gauge invariant observable is conjectured to be equal to the difference of the one-point functions of the closed string state corresponding to V, between the trivial vacuum and the one described by |Psi>. For a static solution |Psi>, if V is taken to be the graviton vertex operator with vanishing momentum, the gauge invariant observable is expected to be proportional to the energy of |Psi>. We prove this relation assuming that |Psi> satisfies equation of motion and some regularity conditions. We discuss how this relation can be applied to various solutions obtained recently.Comment: 27 pages; v5: minor revision in section 2, results unchange
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