8 research outputs found

    Continuous variable entanglement by radiation pressure

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    We show that the radiation pressure of an intense optical field impinging on a perfectly reflecting vibrating mirror is able to entangle in a robust way the first two optical sideband modes. Under appropriate conditions, the generated entangled state is of EPR type [A. Einstein, {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. {\bf 47}, 777 (1935)].Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum noise in the position measurement of a cavity mirror undergoing Brownian motion

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    We perform a quantum theoretical calculation of the noise power spectrum for a phase measurement of the light output from a coherently driven optical cavity with a freely moving rear mirror. We examine how the noise resulting from the quantum back action appears among the various contributions from other noise sources. We do not assume an ideal (homodyne) phase measurement, but rather consider phase modulation detection, which we show has a different shot noise level. We also take into account the effects of thermal damping of the mirror, losses within the cavity, and classical laser noise. We relate our theoretical results to experimental parameters, so as to make direct comparisons with current experiments simple. We also show that in this situation, the standard Brownian motion master equation is inadequate for describing the thermal damping of the mirror, as it produces a spurious term in the steady-state phase fluctuation spectrum. The corrected Brownian motion master equation [L. Diosi, Europhys. Lett. {\bf 22}, 1 (1993)] rectifies this inadequacy.Comment: 12 pages revtex, 2 figure

    Mirror quiescence and high-sensitivity position measurements with feedback

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    We present a detailed study of how phase-sensitive feedback schemes can be used to improve the performance of optomechanical devices. Considering the case of a cavity mode coupled to an oscillating mirror by the radiation pressure, we show how feedback can be used to reduce the position noise spectrum of the mirror, cool it to its quantum ground state, or achieve position squeezing. Then, we show that even though feedback is not able to improve the sensitivity of stationary position spectral measurements, it is possible to design a nonstationary strategy able to increase this sensitivity.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Continuous variable entanglement and quantum state teleportation between optical and macroscopic vibrational modes through radiation pressure

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    We study an isolated, perfectly reflecting, mirror illuminated by an intense laser pulse. We show that the resulting radiation pressure efficiently entangles a mirror vibrational mode with the two reflected optical sideband modes of the incident carrier beam. The entanglement of the resulting three-mode state is studied in detail and it is shown to be robust against the mirror mode temperature. We then show how this continuous variable entanglement can be profitably used to teleport an unknown quantum state of an optical mode onto the vibrational mode of the mirror.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure