2 research outputs found

    Вплив наносполук Феруму та Германію на вміст церулоплазміну в крові свиноматок і отриманих від них поросят

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    The work is devoted to establishing the degree and nature of the effect of the application of iron and germanium nano compounds on the content of ceruloplasmin in the blood plasma of sows and piglets obtained from them. For this, two groups of sows (control and experimental) were selected; the pigs of the experimental group were given a complex of nano compounds of trace elements iron and germanium, and the ceruloplasmin content in the blood was evaluated. A reliable effect of the application of iron and germanium nanocompounds on the content of ceruloplasmin in the blood of sows was established – F = 25.5 > FU = 4.15; P < 0.001, which is manifested only after farrowing – gh²ᵪ = 0.48–0.74 (P ≤ 0.05–0.01). Thus, after farrowing (on the first and third day), the content of the enzyme in the blood of these animals was significantly higher than that of sows of the control group (12.7–13.5 %; P ≤ 0.05). It was established that the ceruloplasmin content in the blood of piglets obtained from sows that were given the mentioned metal nanocompounds on the second (gh²ᵪ = 0.52; P ≤ 0.05) and seventh (gh²ᵪ = 0.70; P ≤ 0.01) days of life of animals depends on the application of iron and germanium nanocompounds. In these piglets, the enzyme content two and seven days after birth is 13.3–20.0 % (P ≤ 0.05) higher than piglets obtained from sows that were not given nanocompounds. It was experimentally proven that the content of ceruloplasmin in the blood plasma of piglets obtained from sows that were given nano compounds of metals is directly related to its content in the blood of sows, in particular, the content of the enzyme in the blood of two- and 7-day-old piglets correlates with the content of the enzyme in the blood of sows on the day of farrowing – r = 0.91–0.95 (P ≤ 0.001). Therefore, the conducted studies indicate the effectiveness of using ferrum and germanium nanoparticles to correct the ceruloplasmin content in the blood of both sows and suckling piglets.Роботу присвячено встановленню ступеня і характеру впливу наносполук Феруму та Германію на вміст церулоплазміну в плазмі крові свиноматок і отриманих від них поросят. Для цього було підібрано дві групи свиноматок (контрольна і дослідна), свиням дослідної групи задавали комплекс наносполук мікроелементів Феруму та Германію і оцінювали вміст церулоплазміну в крові. Встановлено достовірний вплив наносполук Феруму та Германію на вміст церулоплазміну в крові свиноматок – F= 25,5 > FU = 4,15; Р < 0,001, який проявляється лише після опоросу – ղ²ᵪ = 0,48–0,74 (P ≤ 0,05–0,01). Так, після опоросу (на першу і третю добу) вміст ензиму в крові цих тварин був достовірно більшим від такого у свиноматок контрольної групи (на 12,7–13,5 %; P ≤ 0,05). Встановлено, що у поросят отриманих від свиноматок, яким задавали згадані наносполуки металів вміст церулоплазміну в крові на другу (ղ²ᵪ = 0,52; P ≤ 0,05) та сьому (ղ²ᵪ = 0,70; P ≤ 0,01) добу життя залежить від задавання наносполук Феруму та Германію. У цих поросят вміст ензиму через дві та сім діб після народження більше на 13,3–20,0 % (P ≤ 0,05) від такого у поросят отриманих від свиноматок, яким наносполуки не задавали. Експериментально доведено, що вміст церулоплазміну в плазмі крові поросят отриманих від свиноматок, яким задавали наносполуки металів прямо пов’язаний з його вмістом в крові свиноматок, зокрема, вміст ензиму в крові дво- та 7-добових поросят корелює з вмістом ензиму в крові свиноматок в день опоросу – r = 0,91–0,95 (P ≤ 0,001). Отже, проведені дослідження вказують на ефективність застосування наночастинок Феруму та Германію для корекції вмісту церулоплазміну в крові як свиноматок, так і молочних поросят

    The influence of feed additive “Sylimevit” on indicators of the immune system of piglets at weaning

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    In the development of adaptive reactions during weaning, biological mechanisms are involved with the complete mobilization of the functional reserve, an increase in the level of catecholamines, corticosteroids, and mediators, which is accompanied by a violation of the nitrogen balance in the body, enzymopathy, and endotoxemia—the work aimed to investigate humoral and non-specific immunity indicators in piglets after weaning. Experiments were conducted based on the Ltd “KOSHET” of the Mukachiv district of the Zakarpattia region. Two groups of piglets were formed – control and experimental in the number of 10 individuals in each group, selected according to the principle of analogs – age, breed, and body weight. Weaning piglets from sows at 28 days suppress the humoral link of natural resistance. A decrease in lysocin and bactericidal activity of blood serum was established at 40.56 ± 1.75 and 21.22 ± 1.05 %. The content of circulating immune complexes in the blood of piglets of the control group remained high after weaning. Along with a decrease in the activity of the humoral link of immunity in weaned piglets, suppression of the non-specific link of the immune system was established, manifested by a decrease in phagocytic activity and a decrease in the number of phagocytes. Feeding the feed supplement “Sylimevit” to the piglets of the research group helped to strengthen the immune status of the piglets' bodies. In piglets of the research group on the 35th day of life, when feeding the feed additive “Sylimevit”, an increase in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils by 4.26 % was established. Similar differences were obtained regarding the effect of the Butaselmevit-plus feed additive on the phagocytic number and the phagocytic index, in particular, in piglets of the experimental group on the 35th day of the experiment; they were 7.63 and 11.1 % higher than in control. These research results confirm the effectiveness of using milk thistle, methifen, selenium, and vitamins as part of the feed supplement “Sylimevit” for piglets before and after weaning to activate the protective systems of their body