1,300 research outputs found

    Low-energy excitations in the magnetized state of the bond-alternating quantum S=1 chain system NTENP

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    High intensity inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the S=1 quasi-one-dimensional bond-alternating antiferromagnet Ni(C9D24N4)(NO2)ClO4 (NTENP) are performed in magnetic fields of up to 14.8~T. Excitation in the high field magnetized quantum spin solid (ordered) phase are investigated. In addition to the previously observed coherent long-lived gap excitation [M. Hagiwara et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 177202 (2005)], a broad continuum is detected at lower energies. This observation is consistent with recent numerical studies, and helps explain the suppression of the lowest-energy gap mode in the magnetized state of NTENP. Yet another new feature of the excitation spectrum is found at slightly higher energies, and appears to be some kind of multi-magnon state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fugure

    Evidence for self-interaction of charge distribution in charge-coupled devices

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    Charge-coupled devices (CCDs) are widely used in astronomy to carry out a variety of measurements, such as for flux or shape of astrophysical objects. The data reduction procedures almost always assume that ther esponse of a given pixel to illumination is independent of the content of the neighboring pixels. We show evidence that this simple picture is not exact for several CCD sensors. Namely, we provide evidence that localized distributions of charges (resulting from star illumination or laboratory luminous spots) tend to broaden linearly with increasing brightness by up to a few percent over the whole dynamic range. We propose a physical explanation for this "brighter-fatter" effect, which implies that flatfields do not exactly follow Poisson statistics: the variance of flatfields grows less rapidly than their average, and neighboring pixels show covariances, which increase similarly to the square of the flatfield average. These covariances decay rapidly with pixel separation. We observe the expected departure from Poisson statistics of flatfields on CCD devices and show that the observed effects are compatible with Coulomb forces induced by stored charges that deflect forthcoming charges. We extract the strength of the deflections from the correlations of flatfield images and derive the evolution of star shapes with increasing flux. We show for three types of sensors that within statistical uncertainties,our proposed method properly bridges statistical properties of flatfields and the brighter-fatter effect

    Magnetic Resonant excitations in High-{Tc\rm T_c} superconductors

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    The observation of an unusual spin resonant excitation in the superconducting state of various High-Tc ~copper oxides by inelastic neutron scattering measurements is reviewed. This magnetic mode % (that does not exist in conventional superconductors) is discussed in light of a few theoretical models and likely corresponds to a spin-1 collective mode.Comment: 4 figures, Proceedings conference MSM'03 (september 2003) in Monastir (Tunisia) to be published in Phys. Stat. Solid

    Crossover to non-Fermi-liquid spin dynamics in cuprates

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    The antiferromagnetic spin correlation function SQS_{\bf Q}, the staggered spin susceptibility χQ\chi_{\bf Q} and the energy scale ωFL=SQ/χQ\omega_{FL}=S_{\bf Q}/\chi_{\bf Q} are studied numerically within the t-J model and the Hubbard model, as relevant to cuprates. It is shown that ωFL\omega_{FL}, related to the onset of the non-Fermi-liquid spin response at T>ωFLT>\omega_{FL}, is very low in the regime below the 'optimum' hole doping ch<ch0.16c_h < c_h^* \sim 0.16, while it shows a steep increase in the overdoped regime. A quantitative analysis of NMR spin-spin relaxation-rate 1/T2G1/T_{2G} for various cuprates reveals a similar behavior, indicating on a sharp, but continuous, crossover between a Fermi-liquid and a non-Fermi-liquid behavior as a function of doping.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PR

    Scaling of the magnetic response in doped antiferromagnets

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    A theory of the anomalous ω/T\omega/T scaling of the dynamic magnetic response in cuprates at low doping is presented. It is based on the memory function representation of the dynamical spin suceptibility in a doped antiferromagnet where the damping of the collective mode is constant and large, whereas the equal-time spin correlations saturate at low TT. Exact diagonalization results within the t-J model are shown to support assumptions. Consequences, both for the scaling function and the normalization amplitude, are well in agreement with neutron scattering results.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Elementary Excitations in Quantum Antiferromagnetic Chains: Dyons, Spinons and Breathers

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    Considering experimental results obtained on three prototype compounds, TMMC, CsCoCl3 (or CsCoBr3) and Cu Benzoate, we discuss the importance of non-linear excitations in the physics of quantum (and classical) antiferromagnetic spin chains.Comment: Invited at the International Symposium on Cooperative Phenomena of Assembled Metal Complexes, November 15-17, 2001, Osaka, Japa

    Quantum Hall fractions for spinless Bosons

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    We study the Quantum Hall phases that appear in the fast rotation limit for Bose-Einstein condensates of spinless bosonic atoms. We use exact diagonalization in a spherical geometry to obtain low-lying states of a small number of bosons as a function of the angular momentum. This allows to understand or guess the physics at a given filling fraction nu, ratio of the number of bosons to the number of vortices. This is also the filling factor of the lowest Landau level. In addition to the well-known Bose Laughlin state at nu =1/2 we give evidence for the Jain principal sequence of incompressible states at nu =p/(p+- 1) for a few values of p. There is a collective mode in these states whose phenomenology is in agreement with standard arguments coming e.g. from the composite fermion picture. At filling factor one, the potential Fermi sea of composite fermions is replaced by a paired state, the Moore-Read state. This is most clearly seen from the half-flux nature of elementary excitations. We find that the hierarchy picture does not extend up to the point of transition towards a vortex lattice. While we cannot conclude, we investigate the clustered Read-Rezayi states and show evidence for incompressible states at the expected ratio of flux vs number of Bose particles.Comment: RevTeX 4, 11 pages, 13 figure

    Evidence for short-range antiferromagnetic fluctuations in Kondo-insulating YbB12

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    The spin dynamics of mixed-valence YbB12 has been studied by inelastic neutron scattering on a high-quality single crystal. In the Kondo-insulating regime realized at low temperature, the spectra exhibit a spin-gap structure with two sharp, dispersive, in-gap excitations at E = 14.5 and approximately 20 meV. The lower mode is shown to be associated with short-range correlations near the antiferromagnetic wave vector q0 = (1/2, 1/2, 1/2). Its properties are in overall agreement with those expected for a "spin exciton'' branch in an indirect hybridization gap semiconductor.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures ; submitted to Physical Review Letter