418 research outputs found

    Integration of multiple determinants in the neuronal computation of economic values

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    Economic goods may vary on multiple dimensions (determinants). A central conjecture in decision neuroscience is that choices between goods are made by comparing subjective values computed through the integration of all relevant determinants. Previous work identified three groups of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) of monkeys engaged in economic choices: (1) offer value cells, which encode the value of individual offers; (2) chosen value cells, which encode the value of the chosen good; and (3) chosen juice cells, which encode the identity of the chosen good. In principle, these populations could be sufficient to generate a decision. Critically, previous work did not assess whether offer value cells (the putative input to the decision) indeed encode subjective values as opposed to physical properties of the goods, and/or whether offer value cells integrate multiple determinants. To address these issues, we recorded from the OFC while monkeys chose between risky outcomes. Confirming previous observations, three populations of neurons encoded the value of individual offers, the value of the chosen option, and the value-independent choice outcome. The activity of both offer value cells and chosen value cells encoded values defined by the integration of juice quantity and probability. Furthermore, both populations reflected the subjective risk attitude of the animals. We also found additional groups of neurons encoding the risk associated with a particular option, the risky nature of the chosen option, and whether the trial outcome was positive or negative. These results provide substantial support for the conjecture described above and for the involvement of OFC in good-based decisions.</jats:p

    Anomalous cooling of the parallel velocity in seeded beams

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    We have measured the parallel velocity distribution of a lithium supersonic beam produced by seeding lithium in argon. The parallel temperature for lithium is considerably lower than the calculated parallel temperature of the argon carrier gas. We have extended the theory of supersonic cooling to calculate the parallel temperature of the seeded gas, in the limit of high dilution. The theoretical result thus obtained is in good agreement with ourobservations.Comment: 01 june 200

    Free energy barrier for melittin reorientation from a membrane-bound state to a transmembrane state

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    An important step in a phospholipid membrane pore formation by melittin antimicrobial peptide is a reorientation of the peptide from a surface into a transmembrane conformation. In this work we perform umbrella sampling simulations to calculate the potential of mean force (PMF) for the reorientation of melittin from a surface-bound state to a transmembrane state and provide a molecular level insight into understanding peptide and lipid properties that influence the existence of the free energy barrier. The PMFs were calculated for a peptide to lipid (P/L) ratio of 1/128 and 4/128. We observe that the free energy barrier is reduced when the P/L ratio increased. In addition, we study the cooperative effect; specifically we investigate if the barrier is smaller for a second melittin reorientation, given that another neighboring melittin was already in the transmembrane state. We observe that indeed the barrier of the PMF curve is reduced in this case, thus confirming the presence of a cooperative effect

    Real-time and Multichannel Measurement of Contractility of hiPSC-Derived 3D Skeletal Muscle using Fiber Optics-Based Sensing

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    As the field of cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue engineering expands, so does the need for accurate and reliable systems to generate in vitro 3D tissues and analyze their functional properties. In this study, the Cuore is introduced, a system that integrates sensors based on optical fibers and uses the principle of light interferometry to detect the contraction of 3D Tissue Engineered Skeletal Muscles (3D-TESMs). The technology employed in the Cuore allows for reproducible and multichannel force measurements down to a nano-Newtons resolution while maintaining sterility and permitting continuous non-invasive recording within and outside standard tissue culture incubators. Thanks to the integrated electrodes for electrical pulse stimulation (EPS), 3D-TESMs generated from three independent hiPSC-derived myogenic progenitors (MPs) lines are stimulated and the contractility is recorded over the course of a week. Through the modulation of different EPS parameters, the optimal combination to induce the 3D-TESMs in producing fully fused tetani without causing damage is determined. Furthermore, 3D-TESMs from different lines exhibit characteristic signatures of spontaneous contractility and response to caffeine, verapamil, and the β-agonist clenbuterol. The ease of use, high sensitivity, and the integrated electrodes and sensors make the Cuore an ideal technology to investigate the biology of contractile tissues and their response to drugs.</p

    Gene products and processes contributing to lanthanide homeostasis and methanol metabolism in \u3cem\u3eMethylorubrum extorquens\u3c/em\u3e AM1

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    Lanthanide elements have been recently recognized as “new life metals” yet much remains unknown regarding lanthanide acquisition and homeostasis. In Methylorubrum extorquens AM1, the periplasmic lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenase XoxF1 produces formaldehyde, which is lethal if allowed to accumulate. This property enabled a transposon mutagenesis study and growth studies to confirm novel gene products required for XoxF1 function. The identified genes encode an MxaD homolog, an ABC-type transporter, an aminopeptidase, a putative homospermidine synthase, and two genes of unknown function annotated as orf6 and orf7. Lanthanide transport and trafficking genes were also identified. Growth and lanthanide uptake were measured using strains lacking individual lanthanide transport cluster genes, and transmission electron microscopy was used to visualize lanthanide localization. We corroborated previous reports that a TonB-ABC transport system is required for lanthanide incorporation to the cytoplasm. However, cells were able to acclimate over time and bypass the requirement for the TonB outer membrane transporter to allow expression of xoxF1 and growth. Transcriptional reporter fusions show that excess lanthanides repress the gene encoding the TonB-receptor. Using growth studies along with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy, we demonstrate that lanthanides are stored as cytoplasmic inclusions that resemble polyphosphate granules

    Genome-Wide Mapping of DNA Strand Breaks

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    Determination of cellular DNA damage has so far been limited to global assessment of genome integrity whereas nucleotide-level mapping has been restricted to specific loci by the use of specific primers. Therefore, only limited DNA sequences can be studied and novel regions of genomic instability can hardly be discovered. Using a well-characterized yeast model, we describe a straightforward strategy to map genome-wide DNA strand breaks without compromising nucleotide-level resolution. This technique, termed “damaged DNA immunoprecipitation” (dDIP), uses immunoprecipitation and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin end-labeling (TUNEL) to capture DNA at break sites. When used in combination with microarray or next-generation sequencing technologies, dDIP will allow researchers to map genome-wide DNA strand breaks as well as other types of DNA damage and to establish a clear profiling of altered genes and/or intergenic sequences in various experimental conditions. This mapping technique could find several applications for instance in the study of aging, genotoxic drug screening, cancer, meiosis, radiation and oxidative DNA damage

    Epigenetically-Inherited Centromere and Neocentromere DNA Replicates Earliest in S-Phase

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    Eukaryotic centromeres are maintained at specific chromosomal sites over many generations. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, centromeres are genetic elements defined by a DNA sequence that is both necessary and sufficient for function; whereas, in most other eukaryotes, centromeres are maintained by poorly characterized epigenetic mechanisms in which DNA has a less definitive role. Here we use the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans as a model organism to study the DNA replication properties of centromeric DNA. By determining the genome-wide replication timing program of the C. albicans genome, we discovered that each centromere is associated with a replication origin that is the first to fire on its respective chromosome. Importantly, epigenetic formation of new ectopic centromeres (neocentromeres) was accompanied by shifts in replication timing, such that a neocentromere became the first to replicate and became associated with origin recognition complex (ORC) components. Furthermore, changing the level of the centromere-specific histone H3 isoform led to a concomitant change in levels of ORC association with centromere regions, further supporting the idea that centromere proteins determine origin activity. Finally, analysis of centromere-associated DNA revealed a replication-dependent sequence pattern characteristic of constitutively active replication origins. This strand-biased pattern is conserved, together with centromere position, among related strains and species, in a manner independent of primary DNA sequence. Thus, inheritance of centromere position is correlated with a constitutively active origin of replication that fires at a distinct early time. We suggest a model in which the distinct timing of DNA replication serves as an epigenetic mechanism for the inheritance of centromere position