651 research outputs found

    A High Resolution Study of the Slowly Contracting, Starless Core L1544

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    We present interferometric observations of N2H+(1--0) in the starless, dense core L1544 in Taurus. Red-shifted self-absorption, indicative of inward motions, is found toward the center of an elongated core. The data are fit by a non-spherical model consisting of two isothermal, rotating, centrally condensed layers. Through a hybrid global-individual fit to the spectra, we map the variation of infall speed at scales ~1400AU and find values ~0.08 km/s around the core center. The inward motions are small in comparison to thermal, rotational, and gravitational speeds but are large enough to suggest that L1544 is very close to forming a star.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    DCO+^+, DCN and N2_2D+^+ reveal three different deuteration regimes in the disk around the Herbig Ae star HD163296

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    The formation pathways of deuterated species trace different regions of protoplanetary disks and may shed light into their physical structure. We aim to constrain the radial extent of main deuterated species; we are particularly interested in spatially characterizing the high and low temperature pathways for enhancing deuteration of these species. We observed the disk surrounding the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 using ALMA in Band 6 and obtained resolved spectral imaging data of DCO+^+ (JJ=3-2), DCN (JJ=3-2) and N2_2D+^+ (JJ=3-2). We model the radial emission profiles of DCO+^+, DCN and N2_2D+^+, assuming their emission is optically thin, using a parametric model of their abundances and radial excitation temperature estimates. DCO+^+ can be described by a three-region model, with constant-abundance rings centered at 70 AU, 150 AU and 260 AU. The DCN radial profile peaks at about ~60 AU and N2_2D+^+ is seen in a ring at ~160 AU. Simple models of both molecules using constant abundances reproduce the data. Assuming reasonable average excitation temperatures for the whole disk, their disk-averaged column densities (and deuterium fractionation ratios) are 1.6-2.6×1012\times 10^{12} cm2^{-2} (0.04-0.07), 2.9-5.2×1012\times 10^{12} cm2^{-2} (\sim0.02) and 1.6-2.5 ×1011\times 10^{11} cm2^{-2} (0.34-0.45) for DCO+^+, DCN and N2_2D+^+, respectively. Our simple best-fit models show a correlation between the radial location of the first two rings in DCO+^+ and the DCN and N2_2D+^+ abundance distributions that can be interpreted as the high and low temperature deuteration pathways regimes. The origin of the third DCO+^+ ring at 260 AU is unknown but may be due to a local decrease of ultraviolet opacity allowing the photodesorption of CO or due to thermal desorption of CO as a consequence of radial drift and settlement of dust grains

    Exploring DCO+^+ as a tracer of thermal inversion in the disk around the Herbig Ae star HD163296

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    We aim to reproduce the DCO+^+ emission in the disk around HD163296 using a simple 2D chemical model for the formation of DCO+^+ through the cold deuteration channel and a parametric treatment of the warm deuteration channel. We use data from ALMA in band 6 to obtain a resolved spectral imaging data cube of the DCO+^+ JJ=3--2 line in HD163296 with a synthesized beam of 0."53×\times 0."42. We adopt a physical structure of the disk from the literature that reproduces the spectral energy distribution. We then apply a simplified chemical network for the formation of DCO+^+ that uses the physical structure of the disk as parameters along with a CO abundance profile, a constant HD abundance and a constant ionization rate. Finally, from the resulting DCO+^+ abundances, we calculate the non-LTE emission using the 3D radiative transfer code LIME. The observed DCO+^+ emission is reproduced by a model with cold deuteration producing abundances up to 1.6×10111.6\times 10^{-11}. Warm deuteration, at a constant abundance of 3.2×10123.2\times 10^{-12}, becomes fully effective below 32 K and tapers off at higher temperatures, reproducing the lack of DCO+^+ inside 90 AU. Throughout the DCO+^+ emitting zone a CO abundance of 2×1072\times 10^{-7} is found, with \sim99\% of it frozen out below 19 K. At radii where both cold and warm deuteration are active, warm deuteration contributes up to 20\% of DCO+^+, consistent with detailed chemical models. The decrease of DCO+^+ at large radii is attributed to a temperature inversion at 250 AU, which raises temperatures above values where cold deuteration operates. Increased photodesorption may also limit the radial extent of DCO+^+. The corresponding return of the DCO+^+ layer to the midplane, together with a radially increasing ionization fraction, reproduces the local DCO+^+ emission maximum at \sim260 AU.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted 7th July 201

    A Keplerian Disk around the Herbig Ae star HD169142

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    We present Submillimeter Array observations of the Herbig Ae star HD169142 in 1.3 millimeter continuum emission and 12CO J=2-1 line emission at 1.5 arcsecond resolution that reveal a circumstellar disk. The continuum emission is centered on the star position and resolved, and provides a mass estimate of about 0.02 solar masses for the disk. The CO images show patterns in position and velocity that are well matched by a disk in Keplerian rotation with low inclination to the line-of-sight. We use radiative transfer calculations based on a flared, passive disk model to constrain the disk parameters by comparison to the spectral line emission. The derived disk radius is 235 AU, and the inclination is 13 degrees. The model also necessitates modest depletion of the CO molecules, similar to that found in Keplerian disks around T Tauri stars.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A

    SMA Imaging of CO(3-2) Line and 860 micron Continuum of Arp 220 : Tracing the Spatial Distribution of Luminosity

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    We used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to image 860 micron continuum and CO(3-2) line emission in the ultraluminous merging galaxy Arp 220, achieving a resolution of 0.23" (80 pc) for the continuum and 0.33" (120 pc) for the line. The CO emission peaks around the two merger nuclei with a velocity signature of gas rotation around each nucleus, and is also detected in a kpc-size disk encompassing the binary nucleus. The dust continuum, in contrast, is mostly from the two nuclei. The beam-averaged brightness temperature of both line and continuum emission exceeds 50 K at and around the nuclei, revealing the presence of warm molecular gas and dust. The dust emission morphologically agrees with the distribution of radio supernova features in the east nucleus, as expected when a starburst heats the nucleus. In the brighter west nucleus, however, the submillimeter dust emission is more compact than the supernova distribution. The 860 micron core, after deconvolution, has a size of 50-80 pc, consistent with recent 1.3 mm observations, and a peak brightness temperature of (0.9-1.6)x10^2 K. Its bolometric luminosity is at least 2x10^{11} Lsun and could be ~10^{12} Lsun depending on source structure and 860 micron opacity, which we estimate to be of the order of tau_{860} ~ 1 (i.e., N_{H_2} ~ 10^{25} cm^{-2}). The starbursting west nuclear disk must have in its center a dust enshrouded AGN or a very young starburst equivalent to hundreds of super star clusters. Further spatial mapping of bolometric luminosity through submillimeter imaging is a promising way to identify the heavily obscured heating sources in Arp 220 and other luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: ApJ. in press. 26 pages, 10 figure

    Limits on Radio Continuum Emission from a Sample of Candidate Contracting Starless Cores

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    We used the NRAO Very Large Array to search for 3.6 cm continuum emission from embedded protostars in a sample of 8 nearby ``starless'' cores that show spectroscopic evidence for infalling motions in molecular emission lines. We detect a total of 13 compact sources in the eight observed fields to 5 sigma limiting flux levels of typically 0.09 mJy. None of these sources lie within 1' of the central positions of the cores, and they are all likely background objects. Based on an extrapolation of the empirical correlation between the bolometric luminosity and 3.6 cm luminosity for the youngest protostars, these null-detections place upper limits of ~0.1 L_sun (d/140pc)^2 on the luminosities of protostellar sources embedded within these cores. These limits, together with the extended nature of the inward motions inferred from molecular line mapping (Lee et al. 2001), are inconsistent with the inside-out collapse model of singular isothermal spheres and suggest a less centrally condensed phase of core evolution during the earliest stages of star formation.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal; 12 pages, 1 figur

    Envelope Structure of Starless Core L694-2 Derived from a Near-Infrared Extinction Map

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    We present a near-infrared extinction study of the dark globule L694-2, a starless core that shows strong evidence for inward motions in molecular line profiles. The J,H, and K band data were taken using the European Southern Observatory New Technology Telescope. The best fit simple spherical power law model has index p=2.6 +/- 0.2, over the 0.036--0.1 pc range in radius sampled in extinction. This power law slope is steeper than the value of p=2 for a singular isothermal sphere, the initial condition of the inside-out model for protostellar collapse. Including an additional extinction component along the line of sight further steepens the inferred profile. Fitting a Bonnor-Ebert sphere results in a super-critical value of the dimensionless radius xi_max=25 +/- 3. The unstable configuration of material may be related to the observed inward motions. The Bonnor-Ebert model matches the shape of the observed profile, but significantly underestimates the amount of extinction (by a factor of ~4). This discrepancy in normalization has also been found for the nearby protostellar core B335 (Harvey et al. 2001). A cylindrical density model with scale height H=0.0164+/- 0.002 pc viewed at a small inclination to the cylinder axis provides an equally good radial profile as a power law model, and reproduces the asymmetry of the core remarkably well. In addition, this model provides a basis for understanding the discrepancy in the normalization of the Bonnor-Ebert model, namely that L694-2 has prolate structure, with the full extent (mass) of the core being missed by assuming symmetry between the profiles in the plane of the sky and along the line-of-sight. If the core is sufficiently magnetized then fragmentation may be avoided, and later evolution might produce a protostar similar to B335.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Journa