28 research outputs found

    Clinical validation of cutoff target ranges in newborn screening of metabolic disorders by tandem mass spectrometry: a worldwide collaborative project.

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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve UniversityThe trapping of gaseous ions in an ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer has given significant information concerning near-thermal ion-molecule reactions and has recently been extended to the study of light-induced reactions. Both primary and secondary light-induced reactions have been shown to be energy dependent, yielding interesting information for several systems. Since even the most basic information concerning ion structures and energy states is scarce, the determination even of broad features of the wavelength dependence of primary dissociation processes can give interesting information about upper electronic levels of the ionic species. If the photodissociation process could be observed with the high spectral resolution of a dye laser, the assignment of vibrational structure could provide new information on symmetries and bonds of simple ions

    Instrumentalne techniki oceny jakości żywności

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    Two instrumental techniques applied for food quality assessment such as gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and electronic nose (e-nose) are characterized. The principle of each technique and typical analytical approaches in odour determination are briefly described. Furthermore, the examples of applications, performed also in the author’s laboratory, are given.Scharakteryzowano dwie techniki instrumentalne stosowane w ocenie jakości produktów spożywczych, tj. chromatografię gazową w połączeniu z detekcją olfaktometryczną oraz nos elektroniczny. Opisano zasady działania obu technik oraz typowe procedury analityczne stosowane w ocenie zapachu. Ponadto podano przykłady praktycznego zastosowania obu technik, włącznie z tymi, które wykorzystano w pracowni autorów