41,143 research outputs found

    Electrical conductivity and thermal dilepton rate from quenched lattice QCD

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    We report on a continuum extrapolation of the vector current correlation function for light valence quarks in the deconfined phase of quenched QCD. This is achieved by performing a systematic analysis of the influence of cut-off effects on light quark meson correlators at T1.45TcT\simeq 1.45 T_c using clover improved Wilson fermions. We discuss resulting constraints on the electrical conductivity and the thermal dilepton rate in a quark gluon plasma. In addition new results at 1.2 and 3.0 TcT_c will be presented.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figures, to appear in the proceedings of Quark Matter 2011, 23-28 May 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Effective Kinetic Theory for High Temperature Gauge Theories

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    Quasiparticle dynamics in relativistic plasmas associated with hot, weakly-coupled gauge theories (such as QCD at asymptotically high temperature TT) can be described by an effective kinetic theory, valid on sufficiently large time and distance scales. The appropriate Boltzmann equations depend on effective scattering rates for various types of collisions that can occur in the plasma. The resulting effective kinetic theory may be used to evaluate observables which are dominantly sensitive to the dynamics of typical ultrarelativistic excitations. This includes transport coefficients (viscosities and diffusion constants) and energy loss rates. We show how to formulate effective Boltzmann equations which will be adequate to compute such observables to leading order in the running coupling g(T)g(T) of high-temperature gauge theories [and all orders in 1/logg(T)11/\log g(T)^{-1}]. As previously proposed in the literature, a leading-order treatment requires including both 2222 particle scattering processes as well as effective ``1212'' collinear splitting processes in the Boltzmann equations. The latter account for nearly collinear bremsstrahlung and pair production/annihilation processes which take place in the presence of fluctuations in the background gauge field. Our effective kinetic theory is applicable not only to near-equilibrium systems (relevant for the calculation of transport coefficients), but also to highly non-equilibrium situations, provided some simple conditions on distribution functions are satisfied.Comment: 40 pages, new subsection on soft gauge field instabilities adde

    Real-time Chern-Simons term for hypermagnetic fields

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    If non-vanishing chemical potentials are assigned to chiral fermions, then a Chern-Simons term is induced for the corresponding gauge fields. In thermal equilibrium anomalous processes adjust the chemical potentials such that the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term vanishes, but it has been argued that there are non-equilibrium epochs in cosmology where this is not the case and that, consequently, certain fermionic number densities and large-scale (hypermagnetic) field strengths get coupled to each other. We generalise the Chern-Simons term to a real-time situation relevant for dynamical considerations, by deriving the anomalous Hard Thermal Loop effective action for the hypermagnetic fields, write down the corresponding equations of motion, and discuss some exponentially growing solutions thereof.Comment: 13 page

    Non-abelian plasma instabilities for strong anisotropy

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    We numerically investigate gauge field instabilities in anisotropic SU(2) plasmas using weak field initial conditions. The growth of unstable modes is stopped by non-abelian effects for moderate anisotropy. If we increase the anisotropy the growth continues beyond the non-abelian saturation bound. We find strong indications that the continued growth is not due to over-saturation of infrared field modes, but instead due to very rapid growth of high momentum modes which are not unstable in the weak field limit. The saturation amplitude strongly depends on the initial conditions. For strong initial fields we do not observe the sustained growth.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Hard thermal loops in the real-time formalism

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    We present a systematic discussion of Braaten and Pisarski's hard thermal loop (HTL) effective theory within the framework of the real-time (Schwinger-Keldysh) formalism. As is well known, the standard imaginary-time HTL amplitudes for hot gauge theory express the polarization of a medium made out of nonabelian charged point-particles; we show that the complete real-time HTL theory includes, in addition, a second set of amplitudes which account for Gaussian fluctuations in the charge distributions, but nothing else. We give a concise set of graphical rules which generate both set of functions, and discuss its relation to classical plasma physics.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    High momentum lepton pairs from jet-plasma interactions

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    We discuss the emission of high momentum lepton pairs (p_T>4 GeV) with low invariant masses (M << p_T) in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC (\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV). The spectra of dileptons produced through interactions of quark and antiquark jets with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) have been calculated. Annihilation and Compton scattering processes, as well as processes benefitting from collinear enhancement, including Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effects, are calculated and convolved with a one dimensional hydrodynamic expansion. The jet-induced contributions are compared to thermal dilepton emission and Drell-Yan processes, and are found to dominate around p_T=4 GeV.Comment: Parallel talk given at QM2006, Shanghai November 2006. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Perturbative and Nonperturbative Kolmogorov Turbulence in a Gluon Plasma

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    In numerical simulations of nonabelian plasma instabilities in the hard-loop approximation, a turbulent spectrum has been observed that is characterized by a phase-space density of particles n(p)pνn(p)\sim p^{-\nu} with exponent ν2\nu\simeq 2, which is larger than expected from relativistic 222\leftrightarrow 2 scatterings. Using the approach of Zakharov, L'vov and Falkovich, we analyse possible Kolmogorov coefficients for relativistic (m4)(m \ge 4)-particle processes, which give at most ν=5/3\nu=5/3 perturbatively for an energy cascade. We discuss nonperturbative scenarios which lead to larger values. As an extreme limit we find the result ν=5\nu=5 generically in an inherently nonperturbative effective field theory situation, which coincides with results obtained by Berges et al.\ in large-NN scalar field theory. If we instead assume that scaling behavior is determined by Schwinger-Dyson resummations such that the different scaling of bare and dressed vertices matters, we find that intermediate values are possible. We present one simple scenario which would single out ν=2\nu=2.Comment: published versio

    A transport coefficient: the electrical conductivity

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    I describe the lattice determination of the electrical conductivity of the quark gluon plasma. Since this is the first extraction of a transport coefficient with a degree of control over errors, I next use this to make estimates of other transport related quantities using simple kinetic theory formulae. The resulting estimates are applied to fluctuations, ultra-soft photon spectra and the viscosity. Dimming of ultra-soft photons is exponential in the mean free path, and hence is a very sensitive probe of transport.Comment: Talk given in ICPAQGP 2005, SINP, Kolkat

    Empirical Emission Functions for LPM Suppression of Photon Emission from Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    The LPM suppression of photon emission rates from the quark gluon plasma have been studied at different physical conditions of the plasma given by temperature and chemical potentials.The integral equation for the transverse vector function (f(p_t)) consisting of multiple scattering effects is solved for the parameter set {p,k,kappa,T}, for bremsstrahlung and AWS processes. The peak positions of these distributions depend only on the dynamical variable x=(T/kappa)|1/p-1/(p+k)|. Integration over these distributions multiplied by x^2 factor also depends on this variable x,leading to a unique global emission function g(x) for all parameters. Empirical fits to this dimensionless emission function, g(x), are obtained. The photon emission rate calculations with LPM suppression effects reduce to one dimensional integrals involving folding over the empirical g(x) function with appropriate distribution functions and the kinematic factors. Using this approach, the suppression factors for both bremsstrahlung and AWS have been estimated for various chemical potentials and compared with the variational method