561 research outputs found

    Distributed SUSY Breaking: Dark Energy, Newton's Law and the LHC

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    We identify the underlying symmetry mechanism that suppresses the low-energy effective 4D cosmological constant within 6D supergravity models, leading to results suppressed by powers of the KK scale relative to the much larger masses associated with particles localized on codimension-2 branes. In these models the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry can be satisfied locally everywhere within the extra dimensions, but are obstructed by global conditions like flux quantization or the mutual inconsistency of boundary conditions at the various branes. Consequently quantities forbidden by supersymmetry cannot be nonzero until wavelengths of order the KK scale are integrated out, since only such long wavelength modes see the entire space and so know that supersymmetry breaks. We verify these arguments by extending earlier rugby-ball calculations of one-loop vacuum energies to more general pairs of branes within two warped extra dimensions. The predicted effective 4D vacuum energy density can be of order C (m Mg/4 pi Mp)^4, where Mg (Mp) is the rationalized 6D (4D) Planck scale and m is the heaviest brane-localized particle. Numerically this is C (5.6 x 10^{-5} eV)^4 if we take m = 173 GeV and take Mg as small as possible (10 TeV corresponding to KK size r < 1 micron), consistent with supernova bounds. C is a constant depending on details of the bulk spectrum, which could be ~ 500 for each of hundreds of fields. The value C ~ 6 x 10^6 gives the observed Dark Energy density

    Gravitational Forces on a Codimension-2 Brane

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    We compute the gravitational response of six dimensional gauged, chiral supergravity to localized stress energy on one of two space-filling branes, including the effects of compactifying the extra dimensions and brane back-reaction. We find a broad class of exact solutions, including various black-brane solutions. Several approximate solutions are also described, such as the near-horizon geometry of a small black hole which is argued to be approximately described by a 6D Schwarzschild (or Kerr) black hole, with event horizon appropriately modified to encode the brane back-reaction. The general linearized far-field solutions are found in the 4D regime very far from the source, and all integration constants are related to physical quantities describing the branes and the localized energy source. The localized source determines two of these, corresponding to the source mass and the size of the strength of a coupling to a 4D scalar mode whose mass is parametrically smaller than the KK scale. At large distances the solutions agree with those of 4D general relativity, but for an intermediate range of distances (larger than the KK scale) the solutions better fit a Brans-Dicke theory. For a realistic choice of parameters the KK scale could lie at a micron, while the crossover to Brans-Dicke behaviour could occur at around 10 microns. While allowed by present data this points to potentially measurable changes to Newton's Law arising at distances larger than the KK scale.Comment: 31 pages + appendices, 2 figure

    Running with Rugby Balls: Bulk Renormalization of Codimension-2 Branes

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    We compute how one-loop bulk effects renormalize both bulk and brane effective interactions for geometries sourced by codimension-two branes. We do so by explicitly integrating out spin-zero, -half and -one particles in 6-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar theories compactified to 4 dimensions on a flux-stabilized 2D geometry. (Our methods apply equally well for D dimensions compactified to D-2 dimensions, although our explicit formulae do not capture all divergences when D>6.) The renormalization of bulk interactions are independent of the boundary conditions assumed at the brane locations, and reproduce standard heat-kernel calculations. Boundary conditions at any particular brane do affect how bulk loops renormalize this brane's effective action, but not the renormalization of other distant branes. Although we explicitly compute our loops using a rugby ball geometry, because we follow only UV effects our results apply more generally to any geometry containing codimension-two sources with conical singularities. Our results have a variety of uses, including calculating the UV sensitivity of one-loop vacuum energy seen by observers localized on the brane. We show how these one-loop effects combine in a surprising way with bulk back-reaction to give the complete low-energy effective cosmological constant, and comment on the relevance of this calculation to proposed applications of codimension-two 6D models to solutions of the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems.Comment: 42 pages + appendices. This is the final version which appears in JHE

    Accidental SUSY: Enhanced Bulk Supersymmetry from Brane Back-reaction

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    We compute how bulk loops renormalize both bulk and brane effective interactions for codimension-two branes in 6D gauged chiral supergravity, as functions of the brane tension and brane-localized flux. We do so by explicitly integrating out hyper- and gauge-multiplets in 6D gauged chiral supergravity compactified to 4D on a flux-stabilized 2D rugby-ball geometry, specializing the results of a companion paper, arXiv:1210.3753, to the supersymmetric case. While the brane back-reaction generically breaks supersymmetry, we show that the bulk supersymmetry can be preserved if the amount of brane-localized flux is related in a specific BPS-like way to the brane tension, and verify that the loop corrections to the brane curvature vanish in this special case. In these systems it is the brane-bulk couplings that fix the size of the extra dimensions, and we show that in some circumstances the bulk geometry dynamically adjusts to ensure the supersymmetric BPS-like condition is automatically satisfied. We investigate the robustness of this residual supersymmetry to loops of non-supersymmetric matter on the branes, and show that supersymmetry-breaking effects can enter only through effective brane-bulk interactions involving at least two derivatives. We comment on the relevance of this calculation to proposed applications of codimension-two 6D models to solutions of the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems.Comment: 49 pages + appendices. This is the final version to appear in JHE

    Draft Whole-Genome Sequences of 11 Bacillus cereus Food Isolates

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    Bacillus cereus is a foodborne pathogen causing emetic and diarrheal-type syndromes. Here, we report the whole-genome sequences of 11 B. cereus food isolates.</p
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