3 research outputs found
Gelation of Concentrated Skimmilk: Electron Microscopic Study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Dairy Science Association'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Specific Casein Phosphorylation by a Casein Kinase from Lactating Bovine Mammary Gland
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Nomenclature of the Proteins of Cow's Milk: Third Revision
- Author
- Alais
- Annan
- Arioli
- Armstrong
- Aschaffenburg
- Aschaffenburg
- Aschaffenburg
- B.L. Larson
- Babad
- Baglioni
- Bell
- Blakemore
- Blakeslee
- Brew
- Brew
- Brew
- Brodbeck
- Brodbeck
- Brodbeck
- Brunner
- Butler
- Butler
- Carroll
- Carroll
- Coffey
- Cohen
- Cole
- D.F. Waugh
- de Koning
- de Koning
- de Koning
- Dixon
- Dyson Rose
- E.B. Kalan
- Ebner
- Ebner
- Ehrenpreis
- El-Negoumy
- El-Negoumy
- Feldman
- Garner
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gough
- Grosclancle
- Groves
- Groves
- Groves
- Groves
- Gulger
- H.E. Swaisgood
- Hammer
- Hanson
- Hanson
- Haurowitz
- Hess
- Hill
- Hipp
- Hipp
- J.R. Brunner
- Jenness
- Jenness
- Johke
- Kalan
- Kickhöfen
- Kiddy
- Kim
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klostergaard
- Larsen
- Larson
- Larson
- Lascelles
- MacKinlay
- MacKinlay
- Maeno
- McKenzie
- Mellander
- Melynchyn
- Meyer
- Michalak
- Micusan
- Milstein
- Muralt
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murthy
- Neelin
- Nolan
- Osborne
- Ovary
- P. Melnychyn
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Phelps
- Phillips
- Pierce
- Polis
- Popovici
- Pujolle
- Rice
- Rowland
- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Shemeleva
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Stark
- Sullivan
- Swaisgood
- Tanahashi
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Townsend
- Wake
- Woychik
- Woychik
- Yaguchi
- Publication venue
- 'American Dairy Science Association'
- Publication date
- Field of study