1,320 research outputs found
QCD and Hadronic Interactions - Experimental Summary of Moriond 03
The broad progress in QCD studies during the last years is summarise
Direct Determination of the CKM Matrix from Decays of W Bosons and Top Quarks at High Energy e+e- Colliders
At proposed high energy linear e+e- colliders a large number of W bosons and
top quarks will be produced. We evaluate the potential precision to which the
decay branching ratios into the various quark species can be measured, implying
also the determination of the respective CKM matrix elements. Crucial is the
identification of the individual quark flavours, which can be achieved
independent of QCD models. For transitions involving up quarks the accuracy is
of the same order of magnitude as has been reached in hadron decays. We
estimate that for charm transitions a precision can be reached that is superior
to current and projected traditional kinds of measurements. The t->b
determination will be significantly improved, and for the first time a direct
measurement of the t->s transition can be made. In all cases such a
determination is complementary to the traditional way of extracting the CKM
matrix elements.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures; Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.
System Tests of the ATLAS Pixel Detector
The innermost part of the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) experiment at the
LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will be a pixel detector, which is presently under
construction. Once installed into the experimental area, access will be
extremely limited. To ensure that the integrated detector assembly operates as
expected, a fraction of the detector which includes the power supplies and
monitoring system, the optical readout, and the pixel modules themselves, has
been assembled and operated in a laboratory setting for what we refer to as
system tests. Results from these tests are presented.Comment: 5 Pages, 9 Figures, to appear in Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop
on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiment
Upgrade of the BOC for the ATLAS Pixel Insertable B-Layer
The phase 1 upgrade of the ATLAS [1] pixel detector will be done by inserting a fourth pixel layer together with a new beampipe into the recent three layer detector. This new detector, the Insertable B-Layer (IBL) should be integrated into the recent pixel system with as few changes in services as possible, but deliver some advantages over the recent system. One of those advantages will be a new data transmission link from the detector modules to the off-detector electronics, requiring a re-design of the electro-optical converters on the off-detector side. First ideas of how to implement those, together with some ideas to reduce cost by increasing the systems throughput are discussed
The Tolman Surface Brightness Test for the Reality of the Expansion. I. Calibration of the Necessary Local Parameters
The extensive CCD photometry by Postman & Lauer (1995, ApJ, 440, 28) in the
Cape/Cousins R photometric band for first ranked cluster elliptical and S0
galaxies in 118 low redshift clusters is analyzed for the correlations between
average surface brightness, linear radius, and absolute magnitude. The purpose
is to calibrate the correlations between these three parameters in the limit of
zero redshift. These local correlations provide the comparisons to be made in
Paper IV with the sample of early-type galaxies at high redshift in search of
the Tolman surface brightness signal of (1 + z)^4 if the expansion is real.
Surface brightness averages are calculated at various metric radii in each
galaxy in the sample. The definition of such radii by Petrosian (1976, ApJ,
209, L1) uses ratios of observed surface photometric data. The observed surface
brightnesses are listed for 118 first ranked cluster galaxies at Petrosian eta
radii of 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, and 2.5 mag. The three local diagnostic
correlation diagrams are defined and discussed. We review the Tolman test and
show that, although recipes from the standard cosmological model that already
have the Tolman signal incorporated are required to calculate linear radii and
absolute magnitudes from the observed data, the test is nevertheless free from
the hermeneutical circularity dilemma occasionally claimed in the literature.
The reasons are the observed mean surface brightness (1) is independent of any
assumptions of cosmological model, (2) does not depend on the existence of a
Tolman signal because it is calculated directly from the data using only
angular radii and apparent magnitudes, and (3) can be used to search for the
Tolman signal because it carries the bulk of that signal.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa
A Serendipitous Galaxy Cluster Survey with XMM: Expected Catalogue Properties and Scientific Applications
This paper describes a serendipitous galaxy cluster survey that we plan to
conduct with the XMM X-ray satellite. We have modeled the expected properties
of such a survey for three different cosmological models, using an extended
Press-Schechter (Press & Schechter 1974) formalism, combined with a detailed
characterization of the expected capabilities of the EPIC camera on board XMM.
We estimate that, over the ten year design lifetime of XMM, the EPIC camera
will image a total of ~800 square degrees in fields suitable for the
serendipitous detection of clusters of galaxies. For the presently-favored
low-density model with a cosmological constant, our simulations predict that
this survey area would yield a catalogue of more than 8000 clusters, ranging
from poor to very rich systems, with around 750 detections above z=1. A
low-density open Universe yields similar numbers, though with a different
redshift distribution, while a critical-density Universe gives considerably
fewer clusters. This dependence of catalogue properties on cosmology means that
the proposed survey will place strong constraints on the values of Omega-Matter
and Omega-Lambda. The survey would also facilitate a variety of follow-up
projects, including the quantification of evolution in the cluster X-ray
luminosity-temperature relation, the study of high-redshift galaxies via
gravitational lensing, follow-up observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
and foreground analyses of cosmic microwave background maps.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. Minor changes, e.g. presentation of temperature
errors as a figure (rather than as a table). Latex (20 pages, 6 figures, uses
The Tolman Surface Brightness Test for the Reality of the Expansion. IV. A Measurement of the Tolman Signal and the Luminosity Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies
We review a sample of the early literature in which the reality of the
expansion is discussed, explain Hubble's reticence to accept the expansion as
real, and contrast the Tolman surface brightness test with three other modern
tests. We search for the Tolman surface brightness depression with redshift
using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data from Paper III for 34 early-type
galaxies from the three clusters Cl 1324+3011 (z=0.76), Cl 1604+4304 (z=0.90),
and Cl 1604+4321 (z=0.92). Depressions of the surface brightness relative to
the zero-redshift fiducial lines in the mean surface brightness, log linear
radius diagrams of Paper I are found for all three clusters. Expressed as the
exponent, n, in 2.5 log (1 + z)^n mag, the value of n for all three clusters is
n = 2.59 +/- 0.17 in the R band and 3.37 +/- 0.13 in the I band for a q_o = 1/2
model. The sensitivity of the result to the assumed value of q_o is shown to be
less than 23% between q_o = 0 and +1. For a true Tolman signal with n = 4, the
luminosity evolution in the look-back time, expressed as the exponent in 2.5
log (1+z)^(4-n) mag, must then be between 1.72 to 1.19 in the R band and 0.94
to 0.45 in the I band. We show that this is precisely the range expected from
the evolutionary models of Bruzual & Charlot. We conclude that the Tolman
surface brightness test is consistent with the reality of the expansion. We
have also used the high-redshift HST data to test the ``tired light''
speculation for a non-expansion model for the redshift. The HST data rule out
the ``tired light'' model at a significance level of better than 10 sigma.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in the Astronomical
The Dipole Anisotropy of the First All-Sky X-ray Cluster Sample
We combine the recently published CIZA galaxy cluster catalogue with the
XBACs cluster sample to produce the first all-sky catalogue of X-ray clusters
in order to examine the origins of the Local Group's peculiar velocity without
the use of reconstruction methods to fill the traditional Zone of Avoidance.
The advantages of this approach are (i) X-ray emitting clusters tend to trace
the deepest potential wells and therefore have the greatest effect on the
dynamics of the Local Group and (ii) our all-sky sample provides data for
nearly a quarter of the sky that is largely incomplete in optical cluster
catalogues. We find that the direction of the Local Group's peculiar velocity
is well aligned with the CMB as early as the Great Attractor region 40 h^-1 Mpc
away, but that the amplitude of its dipole motion is largely set between 140
and 160 h^-1 Mpc. Unlike previous studies using galaxy samples, we find that
without Virgo included, roughly ~70% of our dipole signal comes from mass
concentrations at large distances (>60 h^-1 Mpc) and does not flatten,
indicating isotropy in the cluster distribution, until at least 160 h^-1 Mpc.
We also present a detailed discussion of our dipole profile, linking observed
features to the structures and superclusters that produce them. We find that
most of the dipole signal can be attributed to the Shapley supercluster
centered at about 150 h^-1 Mpc and a handful of very massive individual
clusters, some of which are newly discovered and lie well in the Zone of
Avoidance.Comment: 15 Pages, 9 Figures. Accepted by Ap
Neutrino Masses in the Composite Little Higgs Model
The composite little Higgs model, a UV completion for the
little Higgs model, incorporates supersymmetry into strong gauge dynamics. We
extend the study of flavor physics in the model, and find that it is similar to
the bosonic technicolor model. Lepton flavor violations and neutrino mass
matrix arise once R-parity violating superpotential is introduced to the model,
as in the MSSM. We identify various low-energy effective lepton
flavor violating operators, and find that most of them are similar to those of
the R-parity violating MSSM. There is a new operator which involves only
leptons and the pseudo-Nambu Goldstone bosons of the little Higgs model. We
further study a possibility that this operator gives a dominant contribution to
the neutrino mass matrix.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; Changed contents;v3 corrected typos, to appear
in JHE
The Rest-Frame Extreme Ultraviolet Spectral Properties of QSOs
We use a sample of 332 Hubble Space Telescope spectra of 184 QSOs with z >
0.33 to study the typical ultraviolet spectral properties of QSOs, with
emphasis on the ionizing continuum. Our sample is nearly twice as large as that
of Zheng et al. (1997) and provides much better spectral coverage in the
extreme ultraviolet (EUV). The overall composite continuum can be described by
a power law with index alpha_EUV = -1.76 +/- 0.12 (f_nu ~ nu^alpha) between 500
and 1200 Angstroms. The corresponding results for subsamples of radio-quiet and
radio-loud QSOs are alpha_EUV = -1.57 +/- 0.17 and alpha_EUV = -1.96 +/- 0.12,
respectively. We also derive alpha_EUV for as many individual objects in our
sample as possible, totaling 39 radio-quiet and 40 radio-loud QSOs. The typical
individually measured values of alpha_EUV are in good agreement with the
composites. We find no evidence for evolution of alpha_EUV with redshift for
either radio-loud or radio-quiet QSOs. However, we do find marginal evidence
for a trend towards harder EUV spectra with increasing luminosity for
radio-loud objects. An extrapolation of our radio-quiet QSO spectrum is
consistent with existing X-ray data, suggesting that the ionizing continuum may
be represented by a single power law. The resulting spectrum is roughly in
agreement with models of the intergalactic medium photoionized by the
integrated radiation from QSOs.Comment: 14 pages using emulateapj, 15 figures, accepted for publication in
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