50,018 research outputs found

    Low-energy ion beamline scattering apparatus for surface science investigations

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    We report on the design, construction, and performance of a high current (monolayers/s), mass-filtered ion beamline system for surface scattering studies using inert and reactive species at collision energies below 1500 eV. The system combines a high-density inductively coupled plasma ion source, high-voltage floating beam transport line with magnet mass-filter and neutral stripping, decelerator, and broad based detection capabilities (ions and neutrals in both mass and energy) for products leaving the target surface. The entire system was designed from the ground up to be a robust platform to study ion-surface interactions from a more global perspective, i.e., high fluxes (>100 µA/cm2) of a single ion species at low, tunable energy (50–1400±5 eV full width half maximum) can be delivered to a grounded target under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The high current at low energy problem is solved using an accel-decel transport scheme where ions are created at the desired collision energy in the plasma source, extracted and accelerated to high transport energy (20 keV to fight space charge repulsion), and then decelerated back down to their original creation potential right before impacting the grounded target. Scattered species and those originating from the surface are directly analyzed in energy and mass using a triply pumped, hybrid detector composed of an electron impact ionizer, hemispherical electrostatic sector, and rf/dc quadrupole in series. With such a system, the collision kinematics, charge exchange, and chemistry occurring on the target surface can be separated by fully analyzing the scattered product flux. Key design aspects of the plasma source, beamline, and detection system are emphasized here to highlight how to work around physical limitations associated with high beam flux at low energy, pumping requirements, beam focusing, and scattered product analysis. Operational details of the beamline are discussed from the perspective of available beam current, mass resolution, projectile energy spread, and energy tunability. As well, performance of the overall system is demonstrated through three proof-of-concept examples: (1) elastic binary collisions at low energy, (2) core-level charge exchange reactions involving 20Ne+ with Mg/Al/Si/P targets, and (3) reactive scattering of CF2+/CF3+ off Si. These studies clearly demonstrate why low, tunable incident energy, as well as mass and energy filtering of products leaving the target surface is advantageous and often essential for studies of inelastic energy losses, hard-collision charge exchange, and chemical reactions that occur during ion-surface scattering

    Transverse-Longitudinal Coupling by Space Charge in Cyclotrons

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    A method is presented that enables to compute the parameters of matched beams with space charge in cyclotrons with emphasis on the effect of the transverse-longitudinal coupling. Equations describing the transverse-longitudinal coupling and corresponding tune-shifts in first order are derived for the model of an azimuthally symmetric cyclotron. The eigenellipsoid of the beam is calculated and the transfer matrix is transformed into block-diagonal form. The influence of the slope of the phase curve on the transverse-longitudinal coupling is accounted for. The results are generalized and numerical procedures for the case of an AVF cyclotron are presented. The algorithm is applied to the PSI Injector II and Ring cyclotron and the results are compared to TRANSPORT.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Charge-exchange mechanisms at the threshold for inelasticity in Ne+ collisions with surfaces

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    We present a study on scattering of 100–1400 eV Ne+ ions off Mg, Al, Si, and P surfaces. Exit energy distributions and yields of single-scattered Ne+ and Ne2+ were separately measured to investigate charge exchange mechanisms occurring at the onset of inelastic losses in binary hard collision events. At low incident energies, collisions appear elastic and projectile ion survival is dominated by nonlocal Auger-type neutralization involving the target valence band. However, once a critical Rmin (distance of closest approach) is reached, three phenomena occur simultaneously: Ne2+ generation, reversal of the Ne+ yield trend, and inelastic losses in Ne+ and Ne2+. Rmin values for the Ne2+ turn-on agree very well with the L-shell overlap distances of the colliding partners, suggesting that electron transfer involving the highly promoted 4fsigma molecular orbital (correlated to the Ne 2p) at close internuclear distance (~0.5 Å) is responsible. For the Ne+ yield, a clear transition from nonlocal neutralization to Rmin-dependent collision induced neutralization was observed. Binary collision inelasticities (Qbin) were evaluated for Ne+ and Ne2+ off Al and Si by taking into account electron straggling. Saturation-like behavior at RminNe** (2p43s2, 41–45 eV) and Ne+-->Ne+** (2p33s2/3s3p, 69–72 eV), followed by autoionization as the projectile leaves the surface region to give Ne+ and Ne2+. In contrast, Qbin values for Ne2+ at the +2 turn-on were seen much lower (35–40 eV off Al, 55–60 eV off Si) than that required for double promotion—eliminating the possibility that Ne2+ is only generated in double excitation of surviving Ne+. Thus single-electron excitation appears to be more important in the threshold region compared to the two-electron events seen at higher collision energies. In addition, the Ne+[Single Bond]P system shows striking similarities with the other target cases from the perspective of a well-defined Ne2+ turn-on, continually increasing Ne2+ yield with impact energy, and inelasticity values which point to the same 4fsigma excitation pathway. The decreasing Rmin requirement for higher target Z in terms of Ne2+ production has been confirmed for the Mg through P series, where hard collision excitation is governed by L-shell orbital overlaps

    Evidence of Simultaneous Double-Electron Promotion in F+ Collisions with Surfaces

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    A high-flux beam of mass-filtered F+ at low energy (100–1300 eV) was scattered off Al and Si surfaces to study core-level excitations of F0 and F+. Elastic scattering behavior for F+ was observed at energies 450 (700) eV off Al (Si) produces F2+—behavior which is remarkably similar to Ne+ off the same surfaces. Inelasticities measured for single collision events agree well with the energy deficits required to form (doubly excited) F** and F+** states from F0 and F+, respectively; these excited species most likely decay to inelastic F+ and F2+ via autoionization

    Dynamical control of quantum state transfer within hybrid open systems

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    We analyze quantum state-transfer optimization within hybrid open systems, from a "noisy" (write-in) qubit to its "quiet" counterpart (storage qubit). Intriguing interplay is revealed between our ability to avoid bath-induced errors that profoundly depend on the bath-memory time and the limitations imposed by leakage out of the operational subspace. Counterintuitively, under no circumstances is the fastest transfer optimal (for a given transfer energy)

    Boxfishes (Teleostei: Ostraciidae) as a model system for fishes swimming with many fins: kinematics

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    Swimming movements in boxfishes were much more complex and varied than classical descriptions indicated. At low to moderate rectilinear swimming speeds (<5 TL s^(-1), where TL is total body length), they were entirely median- and paired-fin swimmers, apparently using their caudal fins for steering. The pectoral and median paired fins generate both the thrust needed for forward motion and the continuously varied, interacting forces required for the maintenance of rectilinearity. It was only at higher swimming speeds (above 5 TL s^(-1)), when burst-and-coast swimming was used, that they became primarily body and caudal-fin swimmers. Despite their unwieldy appearance and often asynchronous fin beats, boxfish swam in a stable manner. Swimming boxfish used three gaits. Fin-beat asymmetry and a relatively nonlinear swimming trajectory characterized the first gait (0–1 TL s^(-1)). The beginning of the second gait (1–3 TL s^(-1)) was characterized by varying fin-beat frequencies and amplitudes as well as synchrony in pectoral fin motions. The remainder of the second gait (3–5 TL s^(-1)) was characterized by constant fin-beat amplitudes, varying finbeat frequencies and increasing pectoral fin-beat asynchrony. The third gait (>5 TL s^(-1)) was characterized by the use of a caudal burst-and-coast variant. Adduction was always faster than abduction in the pectoral fins. There were no measurable refractory periods between successive phases of the fin movement cycles. Dorsal and anal fin movements were synchronized at speeds greater than 2.5 TL s^(-1), but were often out of phase with pectoral fin movements

    Lie Algebras and Suppression of Decoherence in Open Quantum Systems

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    Since there are many examples in which no decoherence-free subsystems exist (among them all cases where the error generators act irreducibly on the system Hilbert space), it is of interest to search for novel mechanisms which suppress decoherence in these more general cases. Drawing on recent work (quant-ph/0502153) we present three results which indicate decoherence suppression without the need for noiseless subsystems. There is a certain trade-off; our results do not necessarily apply to an arbitrary initial density matrix, or for completely generic noise parameters. On the other hand, our computational methods are novel and the result--suppression of decoherence in the error-algebra approach without noiseless subsystems--is an interesting new direction.Comment: 7 page