200 research outputs found

    Phase-fluctuation induced reduction of the kinetic energy at the superconducting transition

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    Recent reflectivity measurements provide evidence for a "violation" of the in-plane optical integral in the underdoped high-T_c compound Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} up to frequencies much higher than expected by standard BCS theory. The sum rule violation may be related to a loss of in-plane kinetic energy at the superconducting transition. Here, we show that a model based on phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter can account for this change of in-plane kinetic energy at T_c. The change is due to a transition from a phase-incoherent Cooper-pair motion in the pseudogap regime above T_c to a phase-coherent motion at T_c.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps-figure

    Characterization and evolution of cell division and cell wall synthesis genes in the bacterial phyla Verrucomicrobia, Lentisphaerae, Chlamydiae and Planctomycetes and phylogenetic comparison with rRNA genes

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    In the past, studies on the relationships of the bacterial phyla Planctomycetes, Chlamydiae, Lentisphaerae, and Verrucomicrobia using different phylogenetic markers have been controversial. Investigations based on 16S rRNA sequence analyses suggested a relationship of the four phyla, showing the branching order Planctomycetes, Chlamydiae, Verrucomicrobia/Lentisphaerae. Phylogenetic analyses of 23S rRNA genes in this study also support a monophyletic grouping and their branching order—this grouping is significant for understanding cell division, since the major bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is absent from members of two of the phyla Chlamydiae and Planctomycetes. In Verrucomicrobia, knowledge about cell division is mainly restricted to the recent report of ftsZ in the closely related genera Prosthecobacter and Verrucomicrobium. In this study, genes of the conserved division and cell wall (dcw) cluster (ddl, ftsQ, ftsA, and ftsZ) were characterized in all verrucomicrobial subdivisions (1 to 4) with cultivable representatives (1 to 4). Sequence analyses and transcriptional analyses in Verrucomicrobia and genome data analyses in Lentisphaerae suggested that cell division is based on FtsZ in all verrucomicrobial subdivisions and possibly also in the sister phylum Lentisphaerae. Comprehensive sequence analyses of available genome data for representatives of Verrucomicrobia, Lentisphaerae, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes strongly indicate that their last common ancestor possessed a conserved, ancestral type of dcw gene cluster and an FtsZ-based cell division mechanism. This implies that Planctomycetes and Chlamydiae may have shifted independently to a non-FtsZ-based cell division mechanism after their separate branchings from their last common ancestor with Verrucomicrobia

    Pair Phase Fluctuations and the Pseudogap

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    The single-particle density of states and the tunneling conductance are studied for a two-dimensional BCS-like Hamiltonian with a d_{x^2-y^2}-gap and phase fluctuations. The latter are treated by a classical Monte Carlo simulation of an XY model. Comparison of our results with recent scanning tunneling spectra of Bi-based high-T_c cuprates supports the idea that the pseudogap behavior observed in these experiments can be understood as arising from phase fluctuations of a d_{x^2-y^2} pairing gap whose amplitude forms on an energy scale set by T_c^{MF} well above the actual superconducting transition.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps-figure

    Pseudogap and Superconducting Fluctuation in High-Tc Cuprates: Theory beyond 1-loop Approximation

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    The pseudogap phenomena induced by the SC fluctuation are investigated in details. We perform a calculation beyond the 1-loop approximation. The SC fluctuation is microscopically derived on the basis of the repulsive Hubbard model. The vertex corrections are collected in the infinite order with use of the quasi-static approximation. The single-particle excitations, NMR 1/T_{1}T, spin susceptibility and superconducting transition temperature are discussed. The important role of the vertex correction is pointed out for the single particle spectral function. On the other hand, the validity of the 1-loop order theory is confirmed for other quantities. We shed light on the essential nature of SC fluctuation leading to the pseudogap from the comparison with spin and charge fluctuations

    Electromotive forces and the Meissner effect puzzle

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    In a voltaic cell, positive (negative) ions flow from the low (high) potential electrode to the high (low) potential electrode, driven by an `electromotive force' which points in opposite direction and overcomes the electric force. Similarly in a superconductor charge flows in direction opposite to that dictated by the Faraday electric field as the magnetic field is expelled in the Meissner effect. The puzzle is the same in both cases: what drives electric charges against electromagnetic forces? I propose that the answer is also the same in both cases: kinetic energy lowering, or `quantum pressure'

    Kinetic Energy, Condensation Energy, Optical Sum Rule and Pairing Mechanism in High-Tc Cuprates

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    The mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity is investigated with interests on the microscopic aspects of the condensation energy. The theoretical analysis is performed on the basis of the FLEX approximation which is a microscopic description of the spin-fluctuation-induced-superconductivity. Most of phase transitions in strongly correlated electron system arise from the correlation energy which is copmetitive to the kinetic energy. However, we show that the kinetic energy cooperatively induces the superconductivity in the underdoped region. This unusual decrease of kinetic energy below T_c is induced by the feedback effect. The feedback effect induces the magnetic resonance mode as well as the kink in the electronic dispersion, and alters the properties of quasi-particles, such as mass renormalization and lifetime. The crossover from BCS behavior to this unusual behavior occurs for hole dopings. On the other hand, the decrease of kinetic energy below T_c does not occur in the electron-doped region. We discuss the relation to the recent obserbation of the violation of optical sum rule

    Superconducting Fluctuation and Pseudogap in Disordered Short Coherence Length Superconductor

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    We investigate the role of disorder on the superconducting (SC) fluctuation in short coherence length d-wave superconductors. The particular intetest is focused on the disorder-induced microscopic inhomogeneity of SC fluctuation and its effect on the pseudogap phenomena. We formulate the self-consistent 1-loop order theory for the SC fluctuation in inhomogeneous systems and analyze the disordered tt-t′t'-VV model. The SC correlation function, electronic DOS and the critical temperature are estimated. The SC fluctuation is localized like a nanoscale granular structure when the coherence length is short, namely the transition temperature is high. This is contrasted to the long coherence length superconductors where the order parameter is almost uniform in the microscopic scale. In the former case, the SC fluctuation is enhanced by the disorder in contrast to the Abrikosov-Gorkov theory. These results are consistent with the STM, NMR and transport measurements in high-TcT_{\rm c} cuprates and illuminate the essential role of the microscopic inhomogeneity. We calculate the spacial dependence of DOS around the single impurity and discuss the consistency with the NMR measurements

    Phonons and related properties of extended systems from density-functional perturbation theory

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    This article reviews the current status of lattice-dynamical calculations in crystals, using density-functional perturbation theory, with emphasis on the plane-wave pseudo-potential method. Several specialized topics are treated, including the implementation for metals, the calculation of the response to macroscopic electric fields and their relevance to long wave-length vibrations in polar materials, the response to strain deformations, and higher-order responses. The success of this methodology is demonstrated with a number of applications existing in the literature.Comment: 52 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Review of Modern Physic

    On Migdal's theorem and the pseudogap

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    We study a model of quasiparticles on a two-dimensional square lattice coupled to Gaussian distributed dynamical molecular fields. The model describes quasiparticles coupled to spin or charge fluctuations, and is solved by a Monte Carlo sampling of the molecular field distributions. When the molecular field correlations are sufficiently weak, the corrections to the self-consistent Eliashberg theory do not bring about qualitative changes in the quasiparticle spectrum. But for a range of model parameters near the magnetic boundary, we find that Migdal's theorem does not apply and the quasiparticle spectrum is qualitatively different from its mean-field approximation, in that a pseudogap opens in the quasiparticle spectrum. An important feature of the magnetic pseudogap found in the present calculations is that it is strongly anisotropic. It vanishes anlong the diagonal of the Brillouin zone and is large near the zone boundary. In the case of ferromagnetic fluctuations, we also find a range of model parameters with qualitative changes in the quasiparticle spectral function not captured by the one-loop approximation, in that the quasiparticle peak splits into two. We provide intuitive arguments to explain the physical origin of the breakdown of Midgal's theoremComment: revised versio

    Source apportionment of methane emissions from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin using isotopic signatures

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    Anthropogenic emissions are the primary source of the increase in atmospheric methane (CH4) levels. However, estimates of anthropogenic CH4 emissions still show large uncertainties at global and regional scales. Differences in CH4 isotopic source signatures δ13C and δ2H can help to constrain different source contributions (e.g., fossil, waste, agriculture). The Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) represents one of the largest European CH4 emission regions, with more than 500 Gg CH4 yr−1 released from more than 50 coal mine ventilation shafts, landfills, and wastewater treatment plants. During the CoMet (Carbon Dioxide and Methane Mission) campaign in June 2018 methane observations were conducted from a variety of platforms including aircraft and cars to quantify these emissions. Besides the continuous sampling of atmospheric methane concentration, numerous air samples were taken from inside and around the ventilation shafts (1–2 km distance) and aboard the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) and DLR Cessna Caravan aircraft, and they were analyzed in the laboratory for the isotopic composition of CH4. The airborne samples downwind of the USCB contained methane from the entire region and thus enabled determining the mean signature of the USCB accurately. This mean isotopic signature of methane emissions was -50.9±0.7 ‰ for δ13C and -226±9 ‰ for δ2H. This is in the range of previous USCB studies based on samples taken within the mines for δ13C but more depleted in δ2H than reported before. Signatures of methane enhancements sampled upwind of the mines and in the free troposphere clearly showed the influence of biogenic sources. We determined the source signatures of individual coal mine ventilation shafts using ground-based samples. These signatures displayed a considerable range between different mines and also varied for individual shafts from day to day. Different layers of the USCB coal contain thermogenic methane, isotopically similar to natural gas, and methane formed through biogenic carbonate reduction. The signatures vary depending on what layer of coal is mined at the time of sampling. Mean shaft signatures range from −60 ‰ to −42 ‰ for δ13C and from −200 ‰ to −160 ‰ for δ2H. A gradient in the signatures of subregions of the USCB is reflected both in the aircraft data and in the ground samples, with emissions from the southwest being most depleted in δ2H and emissions from the south being most depleted in δ13C, which is probably associated with the structural and lithostratigraphic history of the USCB and generation and migration processes of methane in the coal. The average signature of -49.8±5.7 ‰ in δ13C and -184±32 ‰ in δ2H from the ventilation shafts clearly differs from the USCB regional signature in δ2H. This makes a source attribution using δ2H signatures possible, which would not be possible with only the δ13C isotopic signatures. We assume that the USCB plume mainly contains fossil coal mine methane and biogenic methane from waste treatment, because the USCB is a highly industrialized region with few other possible methane sources. Assuming a biogenic methane signature between and −320 ‰ and −280 ‰ for δ2H, the biogenic methane emissions from the USCB account for 15 %–50 % of total emissions. The uncertainty range shows the need of comprehensive and extensive sampling from all possible source sectors for source apportionment. The share of anthropogenic–biogenic emissions of 0.4 %–14 % from this densely populated industrial region is underestimated in commonly used emission inventories. Generally, this study demonstrates the importance of δ2H-CH4 observations for methane source apportionment in regions with a mix of thermogenic and biogenic sources and, especially in our case, where the δ13C signature of the coal mine gas has a large variability.</p
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