4,980,011 research outputs found

    A Folkman Linear Family

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    For graphs FF and GG, let Fβ†’(G,G)F\to (G,G) signify that any red/blue edge coloring of FF contains a monochromatic GG. Define Folkman number f(G;p)f(G;p) to be the smallest order of a graph FF such that Fβ†’(G,G)F\to (G,G) and Ο‰(F)≀p\omega(F) \le p. It is shown that f(G;p)≀cnf(G;p)\le cn for graphs GG of order nn with Ξ”(G)≀Δ\Delta(G)\le \Delta, where Ξ”β‰₯3\Delta\ge 3, c=c(Ξ”)c=c(\Delta) and p=p(Ξ”)p=p(\Delta) are positive constants.Comment: 11 page

    Conjectures on the distribution of roots modulo a prime of a polynomial

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    For a given monic integral polynomial f(x)f(x) of degree nn, we define local roots rir_i of f(x)f(x) for a completely decomposable prime pp by ri∈Zr_i \in \mathbb{Z}, f(ri)≑0β€Šmodβ€Špf(r_i) \equiv 0 \bmod p and 0≀r1≀r2≀⋯≀rn<p0 \le r_1 \le r_2 \le \dots \le r_n < p. With numerical data, we propose a conjecture on the distribution of (r1/p,…,rn/p)(r_1/p,\dots,r_n/p), which is a new kind of equi-distribution, and a conjecture of the distribution of (r1,…,rn)(r_1,\dots,r_n) which satisfies ri≑Riβ€Šmodβ€ŠLr_i \equiv R_i \bmod L for given natural numbers L,R1,…,RnL,R_1,\dots,R_n, which is nothing but Dirichlet's theorem on an arithmetic progression in the case n=1n = 1

    Hypercontractive Inequality for Pseudo-Boolean Functions of Bounded Fourier Width

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    A function f:Β {βˆ’1,1}nβ†’Rf:\ \{-1,1\}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R} is called pseudo-Boolean. It is well-known that each pseudo-Boolean function ff can be written as f(x)=βˆ‘I∈Ff^(I)Ο‡I(x),f(x)=\sum_{I\in {\cal F}}\hat{f}(I)\chi_I(x), where ${\cal F}\subseteq \{I:\ I\subseteq [n]\},, [n]=\{1,2,...,n\},and, and \chi_I(x)=\prod_{i\in I}x_iand and \hat{f}(I)arenonβˆ’zeroreals.Thedegreeof are non-zero reals. The degree of fis is \max \{|I|:\ I\in {\cal F}\}andthewidthof and the width of fistheminimuminteger is the minimum integer \rhosuchthatevery such that every i\in [n]appearsinatmost appears in at most \rhosetsin sets in \cal F.For. For i\in [n],let, let \mathbf{x}_ibearandomvariabletakingvalues1orβˆ’1uniformlyandindependentlyfromallothervariables be a random variable taking values 1 or -1 uniformly and independently from all other variables \mathbf{x}_j,, j\neq i.Let Let \mathbf{x}=(\mathbf{x}_1,...,\mathbf{x}_n).The. The pβˆ’normof-norm of fis is ||f||_p=(\mathbb E[|f(\mathbf{x})|^p])^{1/p}forany for any p\ge 1.Itiswellβˆ’knownthat. It is well-known that ||f||_q\ge ||f||_pwhenever whenever q> p\ge 1.However,thehighernormcanbeboundedbythelowernormtimesacoefficientnotdirectlydependingon. However, the higher norm can be bounded by the lower norm times a coefficient not directly depending on f:if: if fisofdegree is of degree dand and q> p>1then then ||f||_q\le (\frac{q-1}{p-1})^{d/2}||f||_p.ThisinequalityiscalledtheHypercontractiveInequality.Weshowthatonecanreplace This inequality is called the Hypercontractive Inequality. We show that one can replace dby by \rhointheHypercontractiveInequalityforeach in the Hypercontractive Inequality for each q> p\ge 2asfollows: as follows: ||f||_q\le ((2r)!\rho^{r-1})^{1/(2r)}||f||_p,where where r=\lceil q/2\rceil.Forthecase. For the case q=4and and p=2,whichisimportantinmanyapplications,weproveastrongerinequality:, which is important in many applications, we prove a stronger inequality: ||f||_4\le (2\rho+1)^{1/4}||f||_2.
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