17,531,441 research outputs found

    Renormings of Lp(Lq)L^p(L^q)

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    We investigate the best order of smoothness of Lp(Lq)L^p(L^q). We prove in particular that there exists a C∞C^\infty-smooth bump function on Lp(Lq)L^p(L^q) if and only if pp and qq are both even integers and pp is a multiple of qq.Comment: 18 pages; AMS-Te

    L^p-tauberian theorems and L^p-rates for energy decay

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    We prove LpL^p-analogues of the classical tauberian theorem of Ingham and Karamata, and its variations giving rates of decay. These results are applied to derive LpL^p-decay of operator families arising in the study of the decay of energy for damped wave equations and local energy for wave equations in exterior domains. By constructing some examples of critical behaviour we show that the LpL^p-rates of decay obtained in this way are best possible under our assumptions.Comment: Minor corrections have been mad

    On LpL^p--LqL^q trace inequalities

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    We give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that inequalities of the type ∥TKf∥Lq(dμ)≤C∥f∥Lp(dσ),f∈Lp(dσ), \| T_K f\|_{L^q(d\mu)}\leq C \|f\|_{L^p(d\sigma)}, \qquad f \in L^p(d\sigma), hold for a class of integral operators TKf(x)=∫RnK(x,y)f(y)dσ(y)T_K f(x) = \int_{R^n} K(x, y) f(y) d \sigma(y) with nonnegative kernels, and measures dμd \mu and dσd\sigma on Rn\R^n, in the case where p>q>0p>q>0 and p>1p>1. An important model is provided by the dyadic integral operator with kernel KD(x,y)∑Q∈DK(Q)χQ(x)χQ(y)K_{\mathcal D}(x, y) \sum_{Q\in{\mathcal D}} K(Q) \chi_Q(x) \chi_Q(y), where D={Q}\mathcal D=\{Q\} is the family of all dyadic cubes in Rn\R^n, and K(Q)K(Q) are arbitrary nonnegative constants associated with Q∈DQ \in{\mathcal D}. The corresponding continuous versions are deduced from their dyadic counterparts. In particular, we show that, for the convolution operator Tkf=k⋆fT_k f = k\star f with positive radially decreasing kernel k(∣x−y∣)k(|x-y|), the trace inequality ∥Tkf∥Lq(dμ)≤C∥f∥Lp(dx),f∈Lp(dx), \| T_k f\|_{L^q(d\mu)}\leq C \|f\|_{L^p(d x)}, \qquad f \in L^p(dx), holds if and only if Wk[μ]∈Ls(dμ){\mathcal W}_{k}[\mu] \in L^s (d\mu), where s=q(p−1)p−qs = {\frac{q(p-1)}{p-q}}. Here Wk[μ]{\mathcal W}_{k}[\mu] is a nonlinear Wolff potential defined by Wk[μ](x)=∫0+∞k(r)kˉ(r)1p−1μ(B(x,r))1p−1rn−1dr,{\mathcal W}_{k}[\mu](x)=\int_0^{+\infty} k(r) \bar{k}(r)^{\frac 1 {p-1}} \mu (B(x,r))^{\frac 1{p-1}} r^{n-1} dr, and kˉ(r)=1rn∫0rk(t)tn−1dt\bar{k}(r)=\frac1{r^n}\int_0^r k(t) t^{n-1} dt. Analogous inequalities for 1≤q<p1\le q < p were characterized earlier by the authors using a different method which is not applicable when q<1q<1

    Stochastic maximal LpL^p-regularity

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    In this article we prove a maximal LpL^p-regularity result for stochastic convolutions, which extends Krylov's basic mixed Lp(Lq)L^p(L^q)-inequality for the Laplace operator on Rd{\mathbb{R}}^d to large classes of elliptic operators, both on Rd{\mathbb{R}}^d and on bounded domains in Rd{\mathbb{R}}^d with various boundary conditions. Our method of proof is based on McIntosh's H∞H^{\infty}-functional calculus, RR-boundedness techniques and sharp Lp(Lq)L^p(L^q)-square function estimates for stochastic integrals in LqL^q-spaces. Under an additional invertibility assumption on AA, a maximal space--time LpL^p-regularity result is obtained as well.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOP626 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Multivariate p-dic L-function

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    We construct multivariate p-adic L-function in the p-adic number fild by using Washington method.Comment: 9 page
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