579 research outputs found

    Das Comma Johanneum, 1 Joh. 5, 7

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    Das Comma Johanneum, 1 Joh. 5, 7 (The Comma Johanneum, 1 John 5, 7


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    Das Verhaeltnis des Pietismus zum Rationalismus

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    Das Verhaeltnis des Pietismus zum Rationalismus (The relation of pietism to rationalism


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    Die Hauptschriften Luthers in chronologischer Reihenfolge

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    Die Hauptschriften Luthers in chronologischer Reihenfolge (The main writings of Luther in chronological order

    The Koridethi Manuscript and the Latest Discoveries in Egypt

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    A little more than ten years ago a short article was offered in the Theological Monthly, the predecessor of the Concordia Theological Monthly, on the topic The Freer Manuscripts and the Oxyrhynchus Papyri (Vol. I, 1921, 255-259). The importance of these manuscripts for the student of the Greek New Testament has since been abundantly demonstrated, and it is most fortunate that reprints and facsimile copies of most of the important material included in these finds are available in the larger libraries

    Testimonials for the Lutheran Position in Education

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    We Lutherans of the Synodical Conference are sometimes inclined to be somewhat apologetic with regard to our whole system of religious instruction. This is true even of our catechetical training in preparation for the rite of confirmation and the admission to adult or communicant membership in the Church. How else shall we explain the lowering of standards of indoctrination, particularly in adult classes? And yet, apart from Scripture precept and example, we have the support of some of the staunchest champions of the Bible, as when J. Gresham Machen writes, in his book What is Faith? (p. 150 f.) : It should, I think, be made much harder than it is now to enter the Church; the confession of faith that is required should be a credible confession; and if it becomes evident upon examination that a candidate has no notion of what he is doing, he should be advised to enter upon a course of instruction before he becomes a member of the Church. Such a course of instruction, moreover, should be conducted, not by comparatively untrained laymen, but ordinarily by the ministers; the excellent institution of the catechetical class should be generally revived. Those churches, like the Lutheran bodies in America, which have maintained that institution have profited enormously by its employment; and their example deserves to be generally followed


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    Luther\u27s Academic Relations to Erfurt and Wittenberg

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    The word academic is here used in the special sense of something Agreeing with scholastic rules, customs, and usages; for the age in which Luther lived was very particular in its observance of such relations. And although Luther, in his personal opinions and judgments, made use of great freedom in analyzing such customs, yet his abhorrence of any form of radicalism kept him from actions which might have been regarded as iconoclastic, also in the field of academic courtesies. In other words, while he was not necessarily conscientious and punctilious about these customs, he took part in their observance with a manifest absence of self-consciousness. It was in agreement with a principle which he copied from the great apostle, a maxim that caused him to become all things to all men if he could do so without denying the truth in any manner
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