4 research outputs found

    En Ă©rodant l’espace public. L’espace public Ă  une Ă©poque de transition : le cas de Skopje

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    AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© en dĂ©tail les quatre grandes pĂ©riodes de l’évolution urbaine de Skopje (pĂ©riode ottomane, fondation de l’État national, socialisme, capitalisme), l’auteur dĂ©veloppe un point de vue personnel s’opposant aux dĂ©veloppements actuels de la ville, oĂč les intĂ©rĂȘts privĂ©s prennent le pas sur les intĂ©rĂȘts publics. Au centre de sa rĂ©flexion se trouve la vision de l’espace public comme espace imprĂ©visible, improvisĂ© et hybride.After an historical overview of urban evolution of Skopje (ottoman times, foundation of national state, socialism, capitalism) the author gives his point of view in opposition to actual privatization process, where public space very concretely gets fragmented. In the bulk of his reflection, public space is defined as an unpredictable, improvised and hybrid space

    Uključenost građana u inovacijski proces planiranja; Primjer Općine Centar u Skopju

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    The paper examines what smart planning and information technology can contribute to inclusive planning and the goal of sensitive city, through an innovative approach to creation of sustainable and efficient urban movement system and bicycle infrastructure in particular. Using the GPS tracking capability of a smartphone application, we carried out a study of cycling habits introducing urban living labs experiences, but also utilising data and activities undertaken in a traditional way by interest groups promoting cycling in the city.Rad analizira na koji način ‘pametno’ planiranje i informacijska tehnologija mogu pridonijeti inkluzivnom planiranju tzv. ‘osjetljivoga’ grada kroz inovacijski pristup formiranju odrĆŸivog i učinkovitog sustava urbanoga kretanja, osobito biciklističke infrastrukture. KoriĆĄtenjem GPS sustava praćenja putem smartphone aplikacije proveli smo studiju o biciklistiĂškom kretanju na temelju tzv. living lab koncepta, ali i kroz prikupljanje podataka i aktivnosti interesnih grupa koje promoviraju biciklistički način prijevoza u gradu

    Middle-Class Mass Housing in Germany

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    The article presents a study on the conceptual and contextual framework of the middle class mass housing (MCMH) neighbourhoods in Germany, contributing to the cross-geographical debate at a broader European level. It complements the case studies presented in this publication, providing a wider framework for their better understanding. The aim of the study is twofold: (1) to contribute to a broader awareness of the specificities of MCMH in Germany, compiling historical description that details background on its emergence and changes to MCMH over time, in particular in the second half of the 20th century; and (2) to provide basic information about the typologies and characteristics thereof, and to give an insight into the specific problems inherent to the conservation and renewal of the MCMH in Germany