43 research outputs found

    Keragaman dan Kelimpahan Mamalia di Perkebunan Sawit PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur Kalimantan Timur

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    Conversion of primary forests into oil palm plantations in Indonesia is one of the major causes of habitat loss and threats to mammal diversity. Mammals are typically the taxa that receives negative impact of the convertions. This study provided information about the vegetation structure as habitat for mammals, as well as the diversity and abundance of mammals in high conservation value areas. Data collected through direct observation on the transect for large mammals and live-trapping for small mammals. Total species of mammals were found in all habitats types observed (karst habitats, palm oil plantation and secondary forests) are 25 species. In karst habitat was found as many as 17 species with a total abundance 12.41 individuals/ha, in the palm oil plantation area 12 species with a total abundance 4.29 individuals/ha, and in the secondary forest habitat as much as 6 species with a total abundance of 3.92 individuals/ha. Species diversity index in karst habitat H'=2.38±0.35, palm oil plantation area H'=2.13±0.67, and secondary forests H'=1.65±0.48. Hylobates muelleri, Rusa unicolor and Tragulus napu are a protected species found in karst habitat

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Tumbuhan Langka Rotan Beula Ceratolobus Glaucescens Blume Di Cagar Alam Sukawayana Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian forest possesses a huge number of rare plants species but support of data and information that have supported preservation action was not available optimally. One of rare plant is rotan beula (Ceratolobus galucescens Blume). The aims of this study is to determine the structure, composition, and diversity vegetation which grows at habitat of rotan beula; to know the population condition of rotan beula; and to identify the ecological factors of rotan beula. Data was collected from 7 of circular plot sample. The width of every circular plot was 0.1 ha. The processing and analysis of data was done using Minitab's program version 14. The result showed the condition of rotan beula populations was well, they still grow normally. This conditions was described with young age (446 individuals) is more than the total of Rotan beula in old age (162 individuals). The sustainability of rotan beula population at Sukawayana Natural Reserve (SNR) was being threatened by society activity surround the SNR. The other, the abundance of Rotan beula was affected by density of pole level (n=7; t=7.81; p=0.001) and relative humidity of air (n=7; t=12.10; p=0.000). It can be formulated with regression: rotan beula density = -1155 + 0.154 density of pole + 13.9 relative humidity of air. The R2 value of formulation was 98,53%

    Variasi Aktivitas Harian Hylobates Moloch (Audebert, 1798) Menurut Kelas Umur Di Tn Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat*[variation in Daily Activites of Hylobates Molloch (Audebert, 1778) Due to Age Classification in Gunung Halimun National Park]

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    The study of daily activity of (Hylobates moloch Audebert 1798) was conducted in Cikaniki. Ciawitali and Pasir Bivak TN Gunung Halimun for two months from June to July 1999.Commontly the daily activity for Jawan Gibbon are resting 39.1%, feeding 30.3%, moving 24.1% and other social activity 6.5% in average.Based on the meaning of activity category, the most for feeding;activity used by subadult (45%), moving for juvenile (33%), resting for infant (82%) and social for juvenile (15.72%).The least social activity was done by subadult category (0.4%). The space area for Jawan Gibbon activity was done at 5-15 meter (23%), 16-25 meter (43%), 26-35 meter (30%) and upper or top canopy at 35 meter from ground (4%).On this study also indicated that this gibbon turn down until to 1.5 meter from ground at lepus (Ammonium pseudopoetens) vegetation

    Stakeholders Mapping For Restoration Of Khdtk Samboja

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    Forest and land rehabilitation at kawasan hutan dengan tujuan khusus (KHDTK) Samboja, East Kalimantan had been started in 1988. Many stakeholders were involved in the activities through different mechanisms. However, this program was still far beyond expectation as the success of the rehabilitation program was limited only at the research site of the KHDTK Samboja. Information on potential stakeholders and their roles in the program is needed to formulate a better plan that will be used as a guidance to achieve an effective, efficient and sustainable restoration program in the future. An interview with key informants using snowball sampling method was carried out in BPTKSDA Samboja to identify potential stakeholders that will be involved in the future restoration program, including their interests and possible impacts on the program. The result showed that there was 11 stakeholders that could be engaged in the future Samboja Research Forest Restoration Program; BPTKSDA Samboja, UPTD Tahura Bukit Soeharto, Foresty Officer, Mulawarman University and FOERDIA as key players; Dipterocarp Research Centre and Indonesia Institute of Science as context setter; land manager and forestry industrial companies as subject; non land manager and mining companies as crowd

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Oleh Kelelawar Sub Ordo Megachiroptera Di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Manokwari, Papua Barat

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    Bats utilizing resources together will differ morphologically, ecologically, and behaviorally. This study aimed to measurespecies diversity and to investigate resource use by Megachiropteran bats. Data were analyzed using Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA), Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Correspondence Analysis (CA), euclidean distance, chisquare, Anova, and niche overlap index. The result showed seven bat species were captured in three habitat types. Plant asfood identified from pollen comprised 55 species from 29 families and 11 types of corolla. Dobsonia magna and Rousettusamplexicaudatus preferred mixed fruit plantation, whilst other bat species tended to choose primary forest. Dobsonia minortended to have high niche overlap against Macroglossus minimus and Nyctemene aello. According to similarity of foodresource niche, Dobsonia magna, Dobsonia minor, and Macroglossus minimus tended to closely associate, in contrast,Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Nyctemene albiventer, Nyctemene aello, and Syconicteris australis were groupedcorrespondingly. Niche overlap index of food resource among bat species were overall less than 50%. This indicated thatthere was no interspecies competition to food resource. Coronoid process height (CPH), maximum zygomatic breadth(MZB), and condyle to canine bite point (CC) were craniodental morphology variables which did not describe certaincorolla types

    Karakteristik Habitat Trenggiling Jawa (Manis Javanica) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Pangolin (Manis javanica) is one of the critically endangered mammals that categorized by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Conservation efforts for M. javanica still limited caused of it's ecological study has not been revealed. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of M. javanica's habitat The determination of measuring habitat using single plot based on the presence of M. javanica in a location that known by exploration method and open grid technique according the identification of footprint. M. javanica using a habitat which 9 special components that grouped into 6 the main character, namely: (1) The above canopy's density is high category, (2) the number of plant species that used as digs of it's prey is rarely category, (3) A source of feed is very close around the M. javanica's den, (4) there is no competitors and predators around the M. javanica's den, (5) a very steep slope steepness and (6) the soil's texture is medium categorized. Chisquare test showed that M. javanica didn't use a site as it's habitats despite having the appropriate characteristics, if there are competitors in those area

    Kelelawar Pemakan Buah Sebagai Polinator Yang Diidentifikasi Melalui Polen Yang Digunakan Sebagai Sumber Pakannya Di Kawasan Sektor Linggarjati, Taman Nasional Ciremai Jawa Barat

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    Pollinator Bat Identification Based on Pollen as Feed Resources at LinggarjatiDistrict-Ciremai National Park, West Jawa. Pollen identification that used for feedresources by six species of frugivorous bats from Ciremai National Park was identifiedunder microscope. The results shown that are known 21 species as important plants forbats and in the contrast possibly for bats as pollinator. By the principle componentanalysis and cluster grouping based on Euclidian distance indicated that Aethalops alecto,Chironax melanocephalus as important polinator role in primary forest and high in elevationlevel, C. brachyotis and Macroglossus sobrinus in secondary or fragmented forest andMegaerops kusnotoi in lower primary forest and Cynopterus tittacheilus is important rolefor intermediate area between primary and secondary forest and at lower elevation range.On the niche overlaps analysis indicated that the highest overlaps were known in C.brachyotis and M. sobrinus (0.881) but the lowest in niche overlaps between M. sobrinusand C. melanocephalus (0.288

    Pendugaan Model Pertumbuhan Dan Penyebaran Spasial Populasi Rusa Timor (Cervus Timorensis De Blainville, 1822) Di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Jawa Timur

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    Timor deer is ruminant mammals' species with high adaptability which enable them to be introduced easily in to new habitat. The animal was experiencing population decrease which put them in the rare status. The research was aimed at the estimation of demographic parameter, population growth model, and the determination of spatial distribution pattern of the timor deer population in Alas Purwo National Park (APNP). Animal inventory was conducted using strip transect method with sample unit of 1.5 km length and 100 m width strips. Analyses were conducted on demography parameter (size and density, sex ratio, birth rate/natality and mortality), spatial distribution pattern, and population growth model estimation. The result showed that timor deer in APNP has population size of 8157 ± 1224 individuals with population density of 0,20 ± 0,03 individuals/ha. Population size in general was 1 – 8 individuals/group. The age structure of the population was progressive population with reproductive sex ratio of 1 : 2.3. Rough birth rate/natality was 0.19, while juvenile and fawn mortality was 0.13 and 0.31. The population was spatially distributed in group. Growth model of Timor deer was logistic model, with population growth rate of 0.22 in 38,844 individuals/year habitat carrying capacity