1,296 research outputs found

    Transformer Oil Passivation and Impact of Corrosive Sulphur

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    In recent years a significant volume of research has been undertaken in order to understand the recent failures in oil insulated power apparatus due to deposition of copper sulphide on the conductors and in the insulation paper. Dibenzyl Disulfide (DBDS) has been found to be the leading corrosive sulphur compound in the insulation oil [1]. The process of copper sulphide formation and the deposition in the paper is still being investigated, but a recently proposed method seems to be gaining some confidence [1]. This method suggests a two-step process; initially the DBDS and some oil soluble copper complexes are formed. Secondly the copper complexes are absorbed in the paper insulation, where they then decompose into copper sulphide [2]. The most commonly used mitigating technique for corrosive sulphur contaminated oil is passivation, normally using Irgamet 39 or 1, 2, 3-benzotriazole (BTA). The passivator is diluted into the oil to a concentration of around 100ppm, where it then reacts with the copper conductors to form a complex layer around the copper, preventing it from interacting with DBDS compounds and forming copper sulphide. This research project will investigate the electrical properties of HV transformers which have tested positive for corrosive sulphur, and the evolution of those properties as the asset degrades due to sulphur corrosion. Parallel to this the long term properties of transformers with passivated insulation oil will be analysed in order to understand the passivator stability and whether it is necessary to keep adding the passivator to sustain its performance. Condition monitoring techniques under investigation will include dielectric spectroscopy, frequency response analysis, recovery voltage method (aka interfacial polarisation) amongst others. Partial discharge techniques will not be investigated, as the voltage between the coil plates is low and therefore it will not contribute significantly to the overall insulation breakdown, in corrosive oil related faults [3]. The goal of this research is to establish key electrical properties in both passivated and non-passivated power transformers that demonstrate detectable changes as the equipment degrades due to the insulation oil being corrosive

    Implications of using an extended lactation to change from a spring-calving to an autumn-calving farm system in South Taranaki

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    Recent changes to pasture-supply curves in South Taranaki, and the availability of winter milk premiums have increased farmer interest in changing from a spring-calving to an autumn-calving farm system. One approach to changing the season of calving from spring to autumn is to extend the calving interval (CI) by delaying the mating period by ~8 months, so that they next calve in autumn and undertake an extended lactation [>305 days in milk (DIM)]. A large-scale farmlet experiment was established in South Taranaki to investigate the production and reproduction responses of cows using this approach. In June 2017, 602 springcalving cows were allocated to two farmlets. In one farmlet (SPR) 301 cows were mated in October to maintain a 12-month CI spring-calving pattern. In the other farmlet (AUT, n=301 cows), mating was delayed for eight months, and cows underwent an extended lactation (mean DIM, 488; max DIM, 577) to calve next in autumn 2019. The experiment analysed two lactations for the AUT farmlet and two and a half lactations for the SPR farmlet. Across the total experimental period, milksolids (MS) production was similar between farmlets (1,194 vs. 1,174 kg MS/cow), however, cows in the AUT farmlet were fed more supplementary feed [2,371 vs. 1,951 kg dry matter (DM)/cow]. The extended lactation changed the relationship between feed supply and herd demand, which led to excessive BCS gain and ryegrass staggers for AUT farmlet cows. Further research is required to examine grazing management during extended lactations and to assess the economic implications of this approach.fals

    Live imaging of Drosophila gonad formation reveals roles for Six4 in regulating germline and somatic cell migration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Movement of cells, either as amoeboid individuals or in organised groups, is a key feature of organ formation. Both modes of migration occur during <it>Drosophila </it>embryonic gonad development, which therefore provides a paradigm for understanding the contribution of these processes to organ morphogenesis. Gonads of Drosophila are formed from three distinct cell types: primordial germ cells (PGCs), somatic gonadal precursors (SGPs), and in males, male-specific somatic gonadal precursors (msSGPs). These originate in distinct locations and migrate to associate in two intermingled clusters which then compact to form the spherical primitive gonads. PGC movements are well studied, but much less is known of the migratory events and other interactions undergone by their somatic partners. These appear to move in organised groups like, for example, lateral line cells in zebra fish or <it>Drosophila </it>ovarian border cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have used time-lapse fluorescence imaging to characterise gonadal cell behaviour in wild type and mutant embryos. We show that the homeodomain transcription factor Six4 is required for the migration of the PGCs and the msSGPs towards the SGPs. We have identified a likely cause of this in the case of PGCs as we have found that Six4 is required for expression of <it>Hmgcr </it>which codes for HMGCoA reductase and is necessary for attraction of PGCs by SGPs. Six4 affects msSGP migration by a different pathway as these move normally in <it>Hmgcr </it>mutant embryos. Additionally, embryos lacking fully functional Six4 show a novel phenotype in which the SGPs, which originate in distinct clusters, fail to coalesce to form unified gonads.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our work establishes the <it>Drosophila </it>gonad as a model system for the analysis of coordinated cell migrations and morphogenesis using live imaging and demonstrates that Six4 is a key regulator of somatic cell function during gonadogenesis. Our data suggest that the initial association of SGP clusters is under distinct control from the movements that drive gonad compaction.</p

    Getting it right: The case for supervisors assessing process in capstone projects

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    © 2015 TEMPUS Publications. Capstone projects represent the culmination of an undergraduate engineering degree and are typically the last checkpoint measure before students graduate and enter the engineering profession. In Australia there is a longstanding interest in and commitment to developing quality capstone experiences.Anational study into the supervision and assessment of capstone projects has determined that whilst there is relative consistency in terms of what project tasks are set and assessed, there is not comparable consistency in how these tasks or assignments are marked. Two interconnected areas of assessing process and the role of the supervisor in marking are identified as contentious. This paper presents some findings of a national case study and concludes that whilst further investigation is warranted, assessing process as well as project products is valuable as is the need for greater acceptance of project supervisors as capable of making informed, professional judgments when marking significant project work

    The national burden of orthopedic injury: Cross-sectional estimates for trauma system planning and optimization

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    Background: Management of orthopedic injuries is a critical component of comprehensive trauma care. As patterns of injury incidence and recovery change in the face of emerging injury prevention efforts and technologies and an aging US population, assessment of the burden of orthopedic injury is essential to optimize trauma system planning. We sought to estimate the incidence of orthopedic injury requiring emergency orthopedic surgery in the United States.Methods: Using nationally representative samples from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, we estimated the incidence of orthopedic injury, polytrauma with orthopedic injury, and emergency operative orthopedic procedures performed for the management of traumatic injury. We used multivariable logistic regression to identify patient, injury, and hospital characteristics associated with odds of emergency orthopedic surgery.Results: A total of 7,214,915 patients were diagnosed with orthopedic injury in 2013-2014, resulting in 1,167,656 emergency orthopedic surgical procedures. Fall-related injuries accounted for 51% of health care encounters and 61% of emergency orthopedic surgical procedures. Odds of emergency orthopedic surgery were 2.04 times greater for patients with polytrauma, compared with isolated orthopedic injury (P \u3c 0.001).Conclusions: The total burden or orthopedic injury in the United States is substantial, and there is considerable heterogeneity in demand for care and practice patterns in the orthopedic trauma community. Population-based trauma system planning and tailored care delivery models would likely optimize initial treatment, recovery, and health outcomes for orthopedic trauma patients
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