56 research outputs found
Development of a Reagent for Evaluation of Incipient Immune Response to the Live Plague Vaccine
Objective of the study is to develop a reagent for the detection of lymphocytes with Yersinia pestis F1 antigen receptors. Materials and methods. Utilized have been: live plague vaccine based on the strain of Yersinia pestis EV NIIEG, formalin killed suspensions of microorganisms - Y. pestis , 3123, Y. enterocolitica O9 H-383 serovar, Y. pseudotuberculosis O1 2841 serovar; acetaldehyde-immobilized capsular antigen of Y. pestis F1 (obtained applying Baker methodology), lipopolysaccharide of Y. pestis K1, and bovine erythrocytes. Bovine erythrocyte F1 sensibilization has been performed using rivanol. Lymphocytes from blood have been isolated in density gradient ficoll-verografin 1.077. Lymphocytes with Yersinia pestis F1 antigen receptors have been detected by means of reagent adhesion onto the isolated lymphocytes. F1-free erythrocytes serve as controls. After the exposition, 7 evaluations of specificity to F1 and the lymphocytes, binding control reagent, have been carried out. Deployed have been 8 rabbits, immunized with live vaccine EV, and 2 rabbits, immunized with inactivated vaccine EV. Examined have been EV-vaccinated 5 persons. Results and conclusions. Identified is optimum sensibilizing dose of F1 antigen (250 µg/ml). Specificity of lymphocytes with receptors to F1 is demonstrated in inhibition experiments applying homologous and heterogeneous antigens. Lymphocytes with receptors to F1 (LRs) have been detected in peripheral blood of all rabbits and humans, immunized with vaccine EV. LRs have been registered since day 2 till day 35 in the rabbits, and in humans - since day 2 till day 14 after vaccination. It is shown that in case of revaccination of humans, LRs emerge and disappear earlier, than in case of primary immunization
Quasi-static simulation of the formation of holes many of cutting tools
Дерябин Игорь Петрович. Доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры «Технология машиностроения, станки и инструмент», Южно-Уральский государственный университет, филиал в г. Златоусте. Область научных интересов – математическое и компьютерное моделирование точности обработки отверстий. Тел.: (3513) 66-53-28; е-mail: [email protected]
Igor P. Deryabin. The doctor of technical sciences, professor of department of “Technology of mechanical engineering, machinery and tools”, South Ural state university, the branch in the city Zlatoust. The area of scientific interests – mathematical and computer modeling of precision bores. Tel.: (3513) 66-53-28; e-mail: [email protected]Рассматриваются вопросы математического моделирования процессов формообразования отверстий многолезвийными инструментами: зенкерами и развертками. Показан переход от общей динамической к квазистатической модели, позволяющей получить простое решение на ЭВМ. Полученная модель позволяет рассчитывать погрешности обработки отверстий и может применяться в интеллектуальных системах CAM/CAE. Considered are the questions of mathematical simulation of processes of forming of holes many of cutting tools: counterbore and scans. Shows the transition from the General dynamic of the quasi-state model, allowing to get a simple solution to the host. The obtained model allows to calculate the error of processing of apertures and can be used in intelligent systems CAM/CAE
Metrological support of computer simulation of precision machining parts
Дерябин Игорь Петрович. Доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры "Технология машиностроения, станки и инструмент", Южно-Уральский государственный университет, филиал в г. Златоусте. Область научных интересов – математическое и компьютерное моделирование точности обработки отверстий. Тел.: (3513) 66-53-28; е-mail: [email protected]
Igor P. Deryabin. The doctor of technical sciences, professor of department of “Technology of mechanical engineering, machinery and tools”, South Ural state university, the branch in the city Zlatoust. The area of scientific interests – mathematical and computer modeling of precision bores. Тel.: (3513) 66-53-28; e-mail: [email protected]
Миронова Ирина Николаевна. Кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры «Технология машиностроения, станки и инструмент», Южно-Уральский государственный университет, филиал в г. Златоусте. Область научных интересов – метрология, моделирование точности обработки деталей машин. Тел.: (3513) 66-53-28; е-mail: [email protected]
Irina N. Mironova. The candidate of engineering science, assistant professor of “Mechanical engineering, machinery and tools”, South Ural state university, the branch in the city Zlatoust. The area of scientific interests – metrology, the simulation of machining accuracy of machine parts. Тel.: (3513) 66-53-28; e-mail: [email protected]В статье рассмотрены проблемы применения стандартных определений параметров точности для различных поверхностей. Приведены примеры невозможности применения стандартных характеристик для оценки точности некоторых поверхностей. Показано, что аналогичные проблемы возникают при компьютерном моделировании процессов формообразования отверстий и расчете параметров точности. Приведены методики оценки параметров точности обработки отверстий. In the article there are considered the problems of application of the standard definitions of the accuracy for the different surfaces. Examples of nonpossibility of application of the standard parameters for assessment of the accuracy of some surfaces. It is shown that similar problems arise when the computer modelling of processes of formation of holes and the calculation of the parameters of accuracy. Procedure for assessment of the accuracy of processing of apertures
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