16,697 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Quantum Dot Nuclear Spin Polarization Controlled by a Single Electron

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    We present an experimental study of the dynamics underlying the buildup and decay of dynamical nuclear spin polarization in a single semiconductor quantum dot. Our experiment shows that the nuclei can be polarized on a time scale of a few milliseconds, while their decay dynamics depends drastically on external parameters. We show that a single electron can very efficiently depolarize the nuclear spins and discuss two processes that can cause this depolarization. Conversely, in the absence of a quantum dot electron, the lifetime of nuclear spin polarization is on the time scale of a second, most likely limited by the non-secular terms of the nuclear dipole-dipole interaction. We can further suppress this depolarization rate by 1-2 orders of magnitude by applying an external magnetic field exceeding 1 mT.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    First-Principles Calculation of Electric Field Gradients and Hyperfine Couplings in YBa2Cu3O7

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    The local electronic structure of YBa2Cu3O7 has been calculated using first-principles cluster methods. Several clusters embedded in an appropriate background potential have been investigated. The electric field gradients at the copper and oxygen sites are determined and compared to previous theoretical calculations and experiments. Spin polarized calculations with different spin multiplicities have enabled a detailed study of the spin density distribution to be made and a simultaneous determination of magnetic hyperfine coupling parameters. The contributions from on-site and transferred hyperfine fields have been disentangled with the conclusion that the transferred spin densities essentially are due to nearest neighbour copper ions only with marginal influence of ions further away. This implies that the variant temperature dependencies of the planar copper and oxygen NMR spin-lattice relaxation rates are only compatible with commensurate antiferromagnetic correlations. The theoretical hyperfine parameters are compared with those derived from experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted to appear in EPJ

    Semantic Wide and Deep Learning for Detecting Crisis-Information Categories on Social Media

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    When crises hit, many flog to social media to share or consume information related to the event. Social media posts during crises tend to provide valuable reports on affected people, donation offers, help requests, advice provision, etc. Automatically identifying the category of information (e.g., reports on affected individuals, donations and volunteers) contained in these posts is vital for their efficient handling and consumption by effected communities and concerned organisations. In this paper, we introduce Sem-CNN; a wide and deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model designed for identifying the category of information contained in crisis-related social media content. Unlike previous models, which mainly rely on the lexical representations of words in the text, the proposed model integrates an additional layer of semantics that represents the named entities in the text, into a wide and deep CNN network. Results show that the Sem-CNN model consistently outperforms the baselines which consist of statistical and non-semantic deep learning models

    First principles study of local electronic and magnetic properties in pure and electron-doped Nd2_2CuO4_4

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    The local electronic structure of Nd2CuO4 is determined from ab-initio cluster calculations in the framework of density functional theory. Spin-polarized calculations with different multiplicities enable a detailed study of the charge and spin density distributions, using clusters that comprise up to 13 copper atoms in the CuO2plane. Electron doping is simulated by two different approaches and the resulting changes in the local charge distribution are studied in detail and compared to the corresponding changes in hole doped La2CuO4. The electric field gradient (EFG) at the copper nucleus is investigated in detail and good agreement is found with experimental values. In particular the drastic reduction of the main component of the EFG in the electron-doped material with respect to LaCuO4 is explained by a reduction of the occupancy of the 3d3z^2-r^2 atomic orbital. Furthermore, the chemical shieldings at the copper nucleus are determined and are compared to results obtained from NMR measurements. The magnetic hyperfine coupling constants are determined from the spin density distribution

    Electron spin quantum beats in positively charged quantum dots: nuclear field effects

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    We have studied the electron spin coherence in an ensemble of positively charged InAs/GaAs quantum dots. In a transverse magnetic field, we show that two main contributions must be taken into account to explain the damping of the circular polarization oscillations. The first one is due to the nuclear field fluctuations from dot to dot experienced by the electron spin. The second one is due to the dispersion of the transverse electron Lande g-factor, due to the inherent inhomogeneity of the system, and leads to a field dependent contribution to the damping. We have developed a model taking into account both contributions, which is in good agreement with the experimental data. This enables us to extract the pure contribution to dephasing due to the nuclei.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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