243 research outputs found

    Aspherical Explosion Models for SN 1998bw/GRB 980425

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    The recent discovery of the unusual supernova SN1998bw and its apparent correlation with the gamma-ray burst GRB 980425 has raised new issues concerning both the GRB and supernovae. Although the spectra resemble those of TypeIc supernovae, there are distinct differences at early times and SN1998bw appeared to be unusually bright and red at maximum light. The apparent expansion velocities inferred by the Doppler shift of (unidentified) absorption features appeared to be high, making SN1998bw a possible candidate for a "hypernova" with explosion energies between 20 and 50E51 erg and ejecta masses in excess of 6 - 15 M_o. Based on light curve calculations for aspherical explosions and guided by the polarization observations of "normal" SNIc and related events, we present an alternative picture that allows SN1998bw to have an explosion energy and ejecta mass consistent with core collapse supernovae (although at the 'bright' end). We show that the LC of SN1998bw can be understood as result of an aspherical explosion along the rotational axis of a basically spherical, non-degenerate C/O core of massive star with an explosion energy of 2foe and a total ejecta mass of 2 M_o if it is seen from high inclinations with respect to the plane of symmetry. In this model, the high expansion velocities are a direct consequence of an aspherical explosion which, in turn, produces oblate iso-density contours. It suggests that the fundamental core-collapse explosion process itself is strongly asymmetric.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, latex, aas2pp4.sty, submitted to Ap

    Explaining the "ebb and flow" of the problem stream: frame conflicts over the future of coal seam gas ("fracking") in Australia

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    Why do issues “fade” from the problem stream? This is an important but underresearched question, which this article examines by looking at the dynamic interaction between frames and frame sponsors. We develop a novel methodological approach that combines algorithmic coding (topic modelling) with hand-coding to track changes in the presence of frames and frame sponsors during periods of intense problematisation (“problem windows”) both within continuous contexts and diachronically across different contexts. We apply this approach empirically in a corpus of newspaper articles that pertain to the coal seam gas controversy in Australia – a divisive policy issue where frame conflicts are common. We find that elite actors have a particularly decisive impact on the problem stream in terms of both the evolution and duration of debate. Further, problem windows close in response to three different mechanisms: elite frame convergence; public statements (by government and industry); and elections.The authors acknowledge funding from the Australian Research Council (DP150103615

    Trade in the Shadow of Power : Japanese Industrial Exports in the Interwar years

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    During the interwar years, Japanese industrialisation accelerated alongside the expansion of industrial exports to regional markets. Trade blocs in the interwar years were used as an instrument of imperial power to foster exports and as a substitute for productivity to encourage industrial production. The historiography on Japanese industrialisation in the interwar years describes heavy industries' interests in obtaining access to wider markets to increase economies of scale and reduce unit costs. However, this literature provides no quantitative evidence that proves the success of those mechanisms in expanding exports. In this paper we scrutinise how Japan—a relatively poor country—used colonial as well as informal power interventions to expand regional markets for its exports, especially for the most intensive human capital sector of the industrializing economy

    Anti-tumor activity against multiple myeloma by combination of KW-2478, an Hsp90 inhibitor, with bortezomib

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    Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a promising target for anti-tumor therapy. We previously reported the anti-tumor activity of a novel Hsp90 inhibitor, KW-2478, in multiple myeloma (MM) as a single agent. In this study, we examined the combinational effect of KW-2478 and bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor, in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, KW-2478 enhanced bortezomib-induced cell growth inhibition, both in MM cell lines and primary patient MM cells. The combination of KW-2478 and bortezomib also induced caspase activation in MM cell lines. Interestingly, the combination synergistically enhanced the expression of Hsp70B, a homolog of Hsp70, in human MM cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, indicating Hsp70B could be a surrogate biomarker for the combination of Hsp90 and proteasome inhibitors. In vivo, the combination of KW-2478 with bortezomib showed synergistic anti-tumor activity without significant body weight loss in a subcutaneously inoculated human myeloma model. Furthermore, the combination also showed synergistic reduction of tumor burden in bone marrow in an orthotopic myeloma model. Our results strongly suggest that combination of KW-2478 with bortezomib could exhibit enhanced anti-tumor activity against human myeloma

    Class II Transactivator (CIITA) Enhances Cytoplasmic Processing of HIV-1 Pr55Gag

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    The Pr55(gag) (Gag) polyprotein of HIV serves as a scaffold for virion assembly and is thus essential for progeny virion budding and maturation. Gag localizes to the plasma membrane (PM) and membranes of late endosomes, allowing for release of infectious virus directly from the cell membrane and/or upon exocytosis. The host factors involved in Gag trafficking to these sites are largely unknown. Upon activation, CD4+ T cells, the primary target of HIV infection, express the class II transcriptional activator (CIITA) and therefore the MHC class II isotype, HLA-DR. Similar to Gag, HLA-DR localizes to the PM and at the membranes of endosomes and specialized vesicular MHC class II compartments (MIICs). In HIV producer cells, transient HLA-DR expression induces intracellular Gag accumulation and impairs virus release.Here we demonstrate that both stable and transient expression of CIITA in HIV producer cells does not induce HLA-DR-associated intracellular retention of Gag, but does increase the infectivity of virions. However, neither of these phenomena is due to recapitulation of the class II antigen presentation pathway or CIITA-mediated transcriptional activation of virus genes. Interestingly, we demonstrate that CIITA, apart from its transcriptional effects, acts cytoplasmically to enhance Pr160(gag-pol) (Gag-Pol) levels and thereby the viral protease and Gag processing, accounting for the increased infectivity of virions from CIITA-expressing cells.This study demonstrates that CIITA enhances HIV Gag processing, and provides the first evidence of a novel, post-transcriptional, cytoplasmic function for a well-known transactivator

    Intraoperative electrocortical stimulation of Brodman area 4: a 10-year analysis of 255 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Brain tumor surgery is limited by the risk of postoperative neurological deficits. Intraoperative neurophysiological examination techniques, which are based on the electrical excitability of the human brain cortex, are thus still indispensable for surgery in eloquent areas such as the primary motor cortex (Brodman Area 4). METHODS: This study analyzed the data obtained from a total of 255 cerebral interventions for lesions with direct contact to (121) or immediately adjacent to (134) Brodman Area 4 in order to optimize stimulation parameters and to search for direct correlation between intraoperative potential changes and specific surgical maneuvers when using monopolar cortex stimulation (MCS) for electrocortical mapping and continuous intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. RESULTS: Compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) were recorded from the thenar muscles and forearm flexors in accordance with the large representational area of the hand and forearm in Brodman Area 4. By optimizing the stimulation parameters in two steps (step 1: stimulation frequency and step 2: train sequence) MCS was successful in 91% (232/255) of the cases. Statistical analysis of the parameters latency, potential width and amplitude showed spontaneous latency prolongations and abrupt amplitude reductions as a reliable warning signal for direct involvement of the motor cortex or motor pathways. CONCLUSION: MCS must be considered a stimulation technique that enables reliable qualitative analysis of the recorded potentials, which may thus be regarded as directly predictive. Nevertheless, like other intraoperative neurophysiological examination techniques, MCS has technical, anatomical and neurophysiological limitations. A variety of surgical and non-surgical influences can be reason for false positive or false negative measurements

    Prevention of Diabetes in NOD Mice by Repeated Exposures to a Contact Allergen Inducing a Sub-Clinical Dermatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, while allergic contact dermatitis although immune mediated, is considered an exposure driven disease that develops due to epicutaneous contact with reactive low-molecular chemicals. The objective of the present study was to experimentally study the effect of contact allergens on the development of diabetes in NOD mice. As the link between contact allergy and diabetes is yet unexplained we also examined the effect of provocation with allergens on Natural Killer T (NKT) cells, since involvement of NKT cells could suggest an innate connection between the two diseases. METHOD: NOD mice 4 weeks of age were exposed, on the ears, to two allergens, p-phenylenediamine and 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene respectively, to investigate the diabetes development. The mice were followed for a maximum of 32 weeks, and they were either repeatedly exposed to the allergens or only sensitized a week after arrival. The stimulation of NKT cells by the two allergens were additionally studied in C57BL/6 mice. The mice were sensitized and two weeks later provocated with the allergens. The mice were subsequently euthanized at different time points after the provocation. RESULTS: It was found that repeated application of p-phenylenediamine reduced the incidence of diabetes compared to application with water (47% vs. 93%, P = 0.004). Moreover it was shown that in C57BL/6 mice both allergens resulted in a slight increment in the quantity of NKT cells in the liver. Application of the allergens at the same time resulted in an increased number of NKT cells in the draining auricular lymph node, and the increase appeared to be somewhat allergen specific as the accumulation was stronger for p-phenylenediamine. CONCLUSION: The study showed that repeated topical application on the ears with a contact allergen could prevent the development of diabetes in NOD mice. The contact allergens gave a non-visible, sub-clinical dermatitis on the application site. The preventive effect on diabetes may be due to stimulation of peripheral NKT cells, as shown for provocation with p-phenylenediamine in the C57BL/6 mouse. This epicutaneous procedure may lead to new strategies in prevention of type 1 diabetes in humans

    Patterns and Risk Factors of Helminthiasis and Anemia in a Rural and a Peri-urban Community in Zanzibar, in the Context of Helminth Control Programs

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    In many parts of the developing world, parasitic worms and anemia are of considerable public health and economic importance. We studied the patterns and risk factors of parasitic worm infections in a rural and a peri-urban community on Zanzibar Island, Tanzania, in the context of national deworming programs. We invited 658 individuals aged between 5 and 100 years and examined their stool and urine for the presence of parasitic worm eggs. Additionally, we obtained a finger-prick blood sample to estimate the level of anemia and to assess for specific immune reactions against parasitic worm infections. We found that, despite large-scale deworming efforts in Zanzibar over the past 15 years, three-quarter of the rural participants and half of the peri-urban residents were infected with parasitic worms. Every second participant was anemic. Risk factors for a parasitic worm infection were age, sex, consumption of raw vegetables or salad, recent travel history, and socio-economic status. For a sustainable control of parasitic worm infections and prevention of anemia, access to safe and efficacious drugs, complemented with health education and improvements in water supply and adequate sanitation are necessary