26 research outputs found

    Charge-carrier transport and recombination in heteroepitaxial CdTe

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    We analyze charge-carrier dynamics using time-resolved spectroscopy and varying epitaxial CdTe thickness in undoped heteroepitaxial CdTe/ZnTe/Si. By employing one-photon and nonlinear two-photon excitation, we assess surface, interface, and bulk recombination. Two-photon excitation with a focused laser beam enables characterization of recombination velocity at the buried epilayer/substrate interface, 17.5 lm from the sample surface. Measurements with a focused two-photon excitation beam also indicate a fast diffusion component, from which we estimate an electron mobility of 650 cm2 (Vs)1 and diffusion coefficient D of 17 cm2 s 1 . We find limiting recombination at the epitaxial film surface (surface recombination velocity Ssurface ¼ (2.8 6 0.3) 105 cm s1 ) and at the heteroepitaxial interface (interface recombination velocity Sinterface ¼ (4.8 6 0.5) 105 cm s1 ). The results demonstrate that reducing surface and interface recombination velocity is critical for photovoltaic solar cells and electronic devices that employ epitaxial CdTe. VC 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896673

    From theoretical concept to survey item

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    Correlations of Cu In,Ga Se2 imaging with device performance, defects, and microstructural properties

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    Camera imaging techniques have been used for the characterization of Cu In,Ga Se2 CIGS solar cells. Photoluminescence PL imaging shows brightness variations after the deposition of the CIGS layer that persist through CdS deposition and subsequent processing steps to finish the devices. PL and electroluminescence imaging on finished cells show a correlation to the devices corresponding efficiency and open circuit voltage VOC , and dark defect related spots correspond to bright spots on images from illuminated lock in thermography LIT and forward bias dark LIT. These image detected defect areas are weak diodes and shunts. Imaging provides locations of defects detrimental to solar cell performance. Some of these defects are analyzed in more detail by scanning electron microscopy using cross sectional view