110 research outputs found

    Relevance of visco-plastic theory in a multi-directional inhomogeneous granular flow

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    We confront a recent visco-plastic description of dense granular flows [P. Jop et al, Nature, {\bf 441} (2006) 727] with multi-directional inhomogeneous steady flows observed in non-smooth contact dynamics simulations of 2D half-filled rotating drums. Special attention is paid to check separately the two underlying fundamental statements into which the considered theory can be recast, namely (i) a single relation between the invariants of stress and strain rate tensors and (ii) the alignment between these tensors. Interestingly, the first prediction is fairly well verified over more than four decades of small strain rate, from the surface rapid flow to the quasi-static creep phase, where it is usually believed to fail because of jamming. On the other hand, the alignment between stress and strain rate tensors is shown to fail over the whole flow, what yields an apparent violation of the visco-plastic rheology when applied without care. In the quasi-static phase, the particularly large misalignment is conjectured to be related to transient dilatancy effects

    Super-diffusion around the rigidity transition: Levy and the Lilliputians

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    By analyzing the displacement statistics of an assembly of horizontally vibrated bidisperse frictional grains in the vicinity of the jamming transition experimentally studied before, we establish that their superdiffusive motion is a genuine Levy flight, but with `jump' size very small compared to the diameter of the grains. The vibration induces a broad distribution of jumps that are random in time, but correlated in space, and that can be interpreted as micro-crack events at all scales. As the volume fraction departs from the critical jamming density, this distribution is truncated at a smaller and smaller jump size, inducing a crossover towards standard diffusive motion at long times. This interpretation contrasts with the idea of temporally persistent, spatially correlated currents and raises new issues regarding the analysis of the dynamics in terms of vibrational modes.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Jamming point street-lamp in the world of granular media

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    The Jamming of soft spheres at zero temperature, the J-point, has been extensively studied both numerically and theoretically and can now be considered as a safe location in the space of models, where a street lamp has been lit up. However, a recent work by Ikeda et al, 2013 reveals that, in the Temperature/Packing fraction parameter space, experiments on colloids are actually rather far away from the scaling regime illuminated by this lamp. Is it that the J-point has little to say about real system? What about granular media? Such a-thermal, frictional, systems are a-priori even further away from the idealized case of thermal soft spheres. In the past ten years, we have systematically investigated horizontally shaken grains in the vicinity of the Jamming transition. We discuss the above issue in the light of very recent experimental results. First, we demonstrate that the contact network exhibits a remarkable dynamics, with strong heterogeneities, which are maximum at a packing fraction phi star, distinct and smaller than the packing fraction phi dagger, where the average number of contact per particle starts to increase. The two cross-overs converge at point J in the zero mechanical excitation limit. Second, a careful analysis of the dynamics on time scales ranging from a minute fraction of the vibration cycle to several thousands of cycles allows us to map the behaviors of this shaken granular system onto those observed for thermal soft spheres and demonstrate that some light of the J-point street-lamp indeed reaches the granular universe.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, submitted to Soft Matte

    Avalanches and Dynamical Correlations in supercooled liquids

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    We identify the pattern of microscopic dynamical relaxation for a two dimensional glass forming liquid. On short timescales, bursts of irreversible particle motion, called cage jumps, aggregate into clusters. On larger time scales, clusters aggregate both spatially and temporally into avalanches. This propagation of mobility, or dynamic facilitation, takes place along the soft regions of the systems, which have been identified by computing isoconfigurational Debye-Waller maps. Our results characterize the way in which dynamical heterogeneity evolves in moderately supercooled liquids and reveal that it is astonishingly similar to the one found for dense glassy granular media.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Critical scaling and heterogeneous superdiffusion across the jamming/rigidity transition of a granular glass

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    The dynamical properties of a dense horizontally vibrated bidisperse granular monolayer are experimentally investigated. The quench protocol produces states with a frozen structure of the assembly, but the remaining degrees of freedom associated with contact dynamics control the appearance of macroscopic rigidity. We provide decisive experimental evidence that this transition is a critical phenomenon, with increasingly collective and heterogeneous rearrangements occurring at length scales much smaller than the grains' diameter, presumably reflecting the contact force network fluctuations. Dynamical correlation time and length scales soar on both sides of the transition, as the volume fraction varies over a remarkably tiny range (δϕ/ϕ103\delta \phi/\phi \sim 10^{-3}). We characterize the motion of individual grains, which becomes super-diffusive at the jamming transition ϕJ\phi_J, signaling long-ranged temporal correlations. Correspondingly, the system exhibits long-ranged four-point dynamical correlations in space that obey critical scaling at the transition density.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Temperature in nonequilibrium systems with conserved energy

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    We study a class of nonequilibrium lattice models which describe local redistributions of a globally conserved energy. A particular subclass can be solved analytically, allowing to define a temperature T_{th} along the same lines as in the equilibrium microcanonical ensemble. The fluctuation-dissipation relation is explicitely found to be linear, but its slope differs from the inverse temperature T_{th}^{-1}. A numerical renormalization group procedure suggests that, at a coarse-grained level, all models behave similarly, leading to a two-parameter description of their macroscopic properties.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, final versio

    Turbulence lifetimes: what we can learn from the physics of glasses

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    In this note, we critically discuss the issue of the possible finiteness of the turbulence lifetime in subcritical transition to turbulence in shear flows, which attracted a lot of interest recently. We briefly review recent experimental and numerical results, as well as theoretical proposals, and compare the difficulties arising in assessing this issue in subcritical shear flow with that encountered in the study of the glass transition. In order to go beyond the purely methodological similarities, we further elaborate on this analogy and propose a qualitative mapping between these two apparently unrelated situations, which could possibly foster new directions of research in subcritical shear flows.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Moving walls accelerate mixing

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    Mixing in viscous fluids is challenging, but chaotic advection in principle allows efficient mixing. In the best possible scenario,the decay rate of the concentration profile of a passive scalar should be exponential in time. In practice, several authors have found that the no-slip boundary condition at the walls of a vessel can slow down mixing considerably, turning an exponential decay into a power law. This slowdown affects the whole mixing region, and not just the vicinity of the wall. The reason is that when the chaotic mixing region extends to the wall, a separatrix connects to it. The approach to the wall along that separatrix is polynomial in time and dominates the long-time decay. However, if the walls are moved or rotated, closed orbits appear, separated from the central mixing region by a hyperbolic fixed point with a homoclinic orbit. The long-time approach to the fixed point is exponential, so an overall exponential decay is recovered, albeit with a thin unmixed region near the wall.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. PDFLaTeX with RevTeX 4-1 styl