949 research outputs found

    Estuarine behaviour of European silver eel (<i>Anguilla anguilla</i>) in the Scheldt estuary

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    Estuaries are among the most productive ecosystems in the world and are characterised by high habitat diversity. As transition areas between inland rivers and the open sea, they function as transport zones for diadromous species like the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), a catadromous fish species that migrates to the Sargasso Sea for spawning. However, information on the migratory behaviour of eel in estuaries is scarce. Therefore, more insight is needed to efficiently restore and conserve the species. We tracked 47 eels with acoustic telemetry between July 2012 and October 2015 and analysed their behaviour from the Braakman creek into the Scheldt Estuary, separated by a tidal barrier. Eels arrived in the Braakman between mid-summer and early winter and stayed there on average 44 days (0 - 578 days). As such, arrival in the Scheldt Estuary was much later: between early autumn and early winter. The average residence time in the Scheldt Estuary was considerably shorter than in the Braakman, and was only five days (0 - 64 days). The long residence time in the Braakman was probably due to the discontinuous operation of the tidal barrier, which is used to control the water level in the upstream wetland area. This resulted in a discontinuous flow conditions, leading to searching behaviour in eels. Eventually 37 eels did pass the sluice and reached the Scheldt Estuary; the 10 eels which did not pass the sluice were probably caught by a commercial eel fisherman in the Braakman creek. In the Scheldt Estuary, 26 eels migrated towards the sea, whereas eight took the opposite direction and three were only detected at the first receivers downstream of the sluice. The eight eels that did not migrate towards the sea showed estuarine retention behaviour. They could have been injured by the tidal barrier or missed the right moment to migrate, and could be waiting in the estuary until favourable conditions are met to proceed their journey. Our results indicate that eel migration is obstructed by a tidal barrier, which resulted in delayed eel migration. As the migratory period occurred from mid-summer to early winter, this information can be implemented in management plans such as environmental windows to open the sluice during eel migration if circumstances allow such measurements

    Scraping the Social? Issues in live social research

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    What makes scraping methodologically interesting for social and cultural research? This paper seeks to contribute to debates about digital social research by exploring how a ‘medium-specific’ technique for online data capture may be rendered analytically productive for social research. As a device that is currently being imported into social research, scraping has the capacity to re-structure social research, and this in at least two ways. Firstly, as a technique that is not native to social research, scraping risks to introduce ‘alien’ methodological assumptions into social research (such as an pre-occupation with freshness). Secondly, to scrape is to risk importing into our inquiry categories that are prevalent in the social practices enabled by the media: scraping makes available already formatted data for social research. Scraped data, and online social data more generally, tend to come with ‘external’ analytics already built-in. This circumstance is often approached as a ‘problem’ with online data capture, but we propose it may be turned into virtue, insofar as data formats that have currency in the areas under scrutiny may serve as a source of social data themselves. Scraping, we propose, makes it possible to render traffic between the object and process of social research analytically productive. It enables a form of ‘real-time’ social research, in which the formats and life cycles of online data may lend structure to the analytic objects and findings of social research. By way of a conclusion, we demonstrate this point in an exercise of online issue profiling, and more particularly, by relying on Twitter to profile the issue of ‘austerity’. Here we distinguish between two forms of real-time research, those dedicated to monitoring live content (which terms are current?) and those concerned with analysing the liveliness of issues (which topics are happening?)

    A large-scale experiment to evaluate control of invasive muskrats

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    The muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) is an invasive species in Europe. The extensive waterways of the Netherlands provide ideal habitat for muskrats, and a large population established itself after arrival in 1941. A control program was put into effect immediately because muskrat burrowing can compromise the integrity of dikes and, hence, poses a significant public safety risk. The current (2015) annual catch of approximately 89,000 individuals is equivalent to approximately 0.30 muskrats/km of waterway, well above the national objective in spite of decades of effort. The control program is expensive (€35 M annually) and contested by animal rights groups. These factors created the need for a careful evaluation of the full range of control possibilities, from ‘no control’ to ‘extermination.’ As part of this, we experimentally evaluated the validity of a previously published correlation (based on historical data) between catch and effort. We raised or lowered removal effort (2013–2016) in a stratified random sample of 117 5-km × 5-km ‘atlas squares’ from the national grid. We found that catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) decreased after effort was increased, and rose after effort was decreased, by amounts slightly greater than expected based on the correlational data, though confidence intervals enclose zero. As anticipated, CPUE varied consistently and strongly between seasons. The biggest (and unanticipated) effects were those of the catch in the preceding 3 years (‘history’), and surrounding area (‘neighborhood’). Our experiment confirms estimates of intensity of control required to lower muskrat populations. These results will help with more effective allocation of control effort, and better-informed evaluation of the economic costs of various control options

    Sex- and age-specific trends in mortality from suicide and undetermined death in Germany 1991–2002

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last decade, significant downward linear time trends in suicide mortality were observed in most Western countries. To date, it is not established whether those favourable time trends developed homogeneously for sex and age groups and how they were affected by the number of undetermined deaths. METHODS: Data on suicide mortality and undetermined death from 1991 to 2002 in Germany were obtained from the German Federal Statistical Office. For each year, the age-standardised suicide rate (SR), undetermined death rate (UDR) and total rate (SR+UDR) was calculated by direct standardisation separately for men and women. Time trends were analyzed by Poisson regression estimating the average annual percentage change (AAPC) of the rates for sex and four age groups (15–24, 25–44, 45–74, ≥ 75 years). RESULTS: A significant decline of the SR was observed in all age groups but was less pronounced among the younger ages, particularly among men aged 15–24 years (AAPC -0.7%, p = 0.041). The SR in the oldest male age group (≥ 75 years) declined much stronger (AAPC -3.5%, p < 0.001). In women, the AAPC of the SR ranged from -1.7% to -4.6%. The average annual percentage changes in the age groups 25 – 74 years did not differ substantially for SR and SR+UDR. In contrast, due to an increase of undetermined deaths for subjects ≥ 75 years, time trends in this age group were affected by the number of undetermined deaths, especially in women. CONCLUSION: Observing downward trends in suicide mortality with lower declines for younger subjects, prevention strategies should focus in particular on younger subjects

    Cytosolic Sequestration of Prep1 Influences Early Stages of T Cell Development

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    Objective: Prep1 and Pbx2 are the main homeodomain DNA-binding proteins of the TALE (three amino acid loop extension) family expressed in the thymus. We previously reported reduced Pbx2 expression and defective thymocyte maturation in Prep1 hypomorphic mice. To further investigate the role of this homeodomain DNA-binding protein in T cell development, we generated transgenic mice expressing the N-terminal fragment of Pbx1 (Pbx1NT) under the control of the Lck proximal promoter. Principal Findings: Pbx1NT causes Prep1 cytosolic sequestration, abolishes Prep1-dependent DNA-binding activity and results in reduced Pbx2 expression in developing thymocytes. Transgenic thymi reveal increased numbers of CD4 2 CD8 2 CD44 2 (DN3 and DN4) thymocytes, due to a higher frequency of DN2 and DN4 Pbx1NT thymocytes in the S phase. Transgenic thymocytes however do not accumulate at later stages, as revealed by a normal representation of CD4/CD8 double positive and single positive thymocytes, due to a higher rate of apoptotic cell death of DN4 Pbx1NT thymocytes. Conclusion: The results obtained by genetic (Prep1 hypomorphic) and functional (Pbx1NT transgenic) inactivation of Prep

    Academic freedom: in justification of a universal ideal

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    This paper examines the justification for, and benefits of, academic freedom to academics, students, universities and the world at large. The paper surveys the development of the concept of academic freedom within Europe, more especially the impact of the reforms at the University of Berlin instigated by Wilhelm von Humboldt. Following from this, the paper examines the reasons why the various facets of academic freedom are important and why the principle should continue to be supported