37,417 research outputs found

    Genetic Selective Abortion: Still a Matter of Choice

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    Jeremy Williams has argued that if we are committed to a liberal pro-choice stance with regard to selective abortion for disability, we will be unable to justify the prohibition of sex selective abortion. Here, I apply his reasoning to selective abortion based on other traits pregnant women may decide are undesirable. These include susceptibility to disease, level of intelligence, physical appearance, sexual orientation, religious belief and criminality—in fact any traits attributable to some degree to a genetic component. Firstly, I review Williams’ argument, which claims that if a woman is granted the right to abort based on fetal impairment, then by parity of reasoning she should also be granted the right to choose sex selective abortion. I show that these same considerations that entail the permissibility of sex selective abortion are also applicable to genetic selection abortion. I then examine the objections to sex selective abortion that Williams considers and rejects, and show that they also lack force against genetic selection abortion. Finally, I consider some additional objections that might be raised, and conclude that a liberal pro-choice stance on selective abortion for disability entails the permissibility of selective abortion for most genetic traits

    Stable ac phase and amplitude comparator

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    Stable ac phase and amplitude comparator detects excessive vehicle maneuvering or vibration. It has phase demodulation, low-pass filter, and multiple threshold-setting capability designed specifically for low drifts over a wide range of temperatures

    An introduction to ethical theory for healthcare assistants

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    This article will explore and summarise the four main ethical theories that have relevance for healthcare assistants. These are utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and principlism. Understanding different ethical theories can have a number of significant benefits, which have the potential to shape and inform the care of patients, challenge bad practice and lead staff to become better informed about areas of moral disagreement

    Processing Induced Voxel Correlation in SENSE FMRI Via the AMMUST Framework

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    Models of Microbial Dormancy in Biofilms and Planktonic Cultures

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    We present models of dormancy in a planktonic culture and in biofilm, and examine the relative advantage of short dormancy versus long dormancy times in each case. Simulations and analyses indicate that in planktonic batch cultures and in chemostats, live biomass is maximized by the fastest possible exit from dormancy. The lower limit of time to reawakening is thus perhaps governed by physiological, biochemical or other constraints within the cells. In biofilm we see that the slower waker has a defensive advantage over the fast waker due to a larger amount of dormant biomass, without an appreciable difference in total live biomass. Thus it would seem that typical laboratory culture conditions can be unrepresentative of the natural state. We discuss the computational methods developed for this work

    Solving physics-driven inverse problems via structured least squares

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    Numerous physical phenomena are well modeled by partial differential equations (PDEs); they describe a wide range of phenomena across many application domains, from model- ing EEG signals in electroencephalography to, modeling the release and propagation of toxic substances in environmental monitoring. In these applications it is often of interest to find the sources of the resulting phenomena, given some sparse sensor measurements of it. This will be the main task of this work. Specifically, we will show that finding the sources of such PDE-driven fields can be turned into solving a class of well-known multi-dimensional structured least squares prob- lems. This link is achieved by leveraging from recent results in modern sampling theory – in particular, the approximate Strang-Fix theory. Subsequently, numerical simulation re- sults are provided in order to demonstrate the validity and robustness of the proposed framework

    Geographical catch distribution of yellowfin and skipjack tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, 1967-1970, and fleet and total catch statistics, 1962-1970

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    ENGLISH: Logbook records of tuna vessels fishing in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to prepare charts showing the distribution of yellowfin tuna and skipjack catches by i-degree area, by quarter of the year, and by gear, for the years 1967-1970. Recent changes in the geographical distribution of yellowfin catch are illustrated. Also given are annual catch statistics and the composition of the international tuna fishing fleets which operated in the Commission's Yellowfin Regulatory Area each year, 1962-1970. SPANISH: Los registros de los cuadernos de bitácora de los barcos pesqueros de atún en el Océano Pacífico oriental se usaron para preparar gráficos que presentan para los años de 1967-1970, la distribución de captura del atún aleta amarilla y barrilete por área de 1 grado, trimestre del año y, por las artes. Se ilustran los recientes cambios en la distribución geográfica de la captura del atún aleta amarilla. Se presentan también las estadísticas de captura anual y la composición de la flota internacional de pesca, que explota cada año el Area Reglamentaria de la Comisión, 1962-1970. (PDF contains 95 pages.

    Quantifying the Statistical Impact of GRAPPA in fcMRI Data with a Real-Valued Isomorphism

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    The interpolation of missing spatial frequencies through the generalized auto-calibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA) parallel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) model implies a correlation is induced between the acquired and reconstructed frequency measurements. As the parallel image reconstruction algorithms in many medical MRI scanners are based on the GRAPPA model, this study aims to quantify the statistical implications that the GRAPPA model has in functional connectivity studies. The linear mathematical framework derived in the work of Rowe , 2007, is adapted to represent the complex-valued GRAPPA image reconstruction operation in terms of a real-valued isomorphism, and a statistical analysis is performed on the effects that the GRAPPA operation has on reconstructed voxel means and correlations. The interpolation of missing spatial frequencies with the GRAPPA model is shown to result in an artificial correlation induced between voxels in the reconstructed images, and these artificial correlations are shown to reside in the low temporal frequency spectrum commonly associated with functional connectivity. Through a real-valued isomorphism, such as the one outlined in this manuscript, the exact artificial correlations induced by the GRAPPA model are not simply estimated, as they would be with simulations, but are precisely quantified. If these correlations are unaccounted for, they can incur an increase in false positives in functional connectivity studies