310 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of EuPtSi3_3 single crystals

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    Single crystals of EuPtSi3_3, which crystallize in the BaNiSn3_3-type crystal structure, have been grown by high temperature solution growth method using molten Sn as the solvent. EuPtSi3_3 which lacks the inversion symmetry and has only one Eu site in the unit cell is found to be an antiferromagnet with two successive magnetic transitions at TN1T_{\rm N1} = 17 K and TN2T_{\rm N2} = 16 K, as inferred from magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity and 151^{151}Eu M\"ossbauer measurements. The isothermal magnetization data for HH \parallel [001] reveal a metamagnetic transition at a critical field HcH_{\rm c} = 1 T. The magnetization saturates to a moment value of 6.43 μB\mu_{\rm B}/Eu above 5.9 T (9.2 T) for HH \parallel [001] ([100]), indicating that these fields are spin-flip fields for the divalent Eu moments along the two axes. The origin of this anisotropic behaviour is discussed. A magnetic (H, T) phase diagram has been constructed from the temperature dependence of isothermal magnetization data. The reduced jump in the heat capacity at TN1T_{\rm N1} indicates a transition to an incommensurate, amplitude modulated antiferromagnetic structure. The shape of the hyperfine field split M\"ossbauer spectrum at TN1T_{\rm N1} provides additional support for the proposed nature of this magnetic transition.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Non-Langevin behaviour of the uncompensated magnetisation in nanoparticles of artificial ferritin

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    The magnetic behaviour of nanoparticles of antiferromagnetic ferritin has been investigated by 57Fe Mossbauer absorption spectroscopy and magnetisation measurements, in the temperature range 2.5K-250K and with magnetic fields up to 7T. Samples containing nanoparticles with an average number of Fe atoms ranging from 400 to 2500 were studied. The value of the anisotropy energy per unit volume was determined and found to be in the range 3-6 10**5 ergs/cm3, which is a value typical for ferric oxides. By comparing the results of the two experimental methods at large field, we show that, contratry to what is currently assumed, the uncompensated magnetisation of the feritin cores in the superparamagnetic regime does not follow a Langevin law. For magnetic fields below the spin-flop field, we propose an approximate law for the field and temperature variation of the uncompensated magnetisation which has so far never been applied in antiferromagnetic systems. This approach should more generally hold for randomly oriented antiferro- magnetic nanoparticles systems with weak uncompensated moments.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Enhanced conduction band density of states in intermetallic EuTSi3_3 (T=Rh, Ir)

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    We report on the physical properties of single crystalline EuRhSi3_3 and polycrystalline EuIrSi3_3, inferred from magnetisation, electrical transport, heat capacity and 151^{151}Eu M\"ossbauer spectroscopy. These previously known compounds crystallise in the tetragonal BaNiSn3_3-type structure. The single crystal magnetisation in EuRhSi3_3 has a strongly anisotropic behaviour at 2 K with a spin-flop field of 13 T, and we present a model of these magnetic properties which allows the exchange constants to be determined. In both compounds, specific heat shows the presence of a cascade of two close transitions near 50 K, and the 151^{151}Eu M\"ossbauer spectra demonstrate that the intermediate phase has an incommensurate amplitude modulated structure. We find anomalously large values, with respect to other members of the series, for the RKKY N\'eel temperature, for the spin-flop field (13 T), for the spin-wave gap (\simeq 20-25 K) inferred from both resistivity and specific heat data, for the spin-disorder resistivity in EuRhSi3_3 (35\simeq 35 μ\muOhm.cm) and for the saturated hyperfine field (52 T). We show that all these quantities depend on the electronic density of states at the Fermi level, implying that the latter must be strongly enhanced in these two materials. EuIrSi3_3 exhibits a giant magnetoresistance ratio, with values exceeding 600 % at 2 K in a field of 14 T.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure