690 research outputs found

    Intramuscular (infiltrating) Lipoma

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    Intraoral lipomas are benign and relatively rare tumors, although they occur with higher frequencies in other areas, most especially the back, abdomen and shoulders of adults. They have no gender predilection and predominantly affect the buccal mucosa. This paper describes a case of intramuscular (infiltrating) lipoma on the buccal mucosa of a 60-year old male which is relatively rare when compared to simple lipoma of buccal mucosa, and review pertinent literature

    Effect of maternal nutritional status on the biochemical composition of human milk

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    Background: Infants normally thrive on their mother's milk. The nutrients required to sustain such a rapid growth are all supplied by breast milk alone in the first 3-4 months of life, in all infants. The composition of human milk should therefore provide a clue to the physiological needs for energy and nutrients in infants.Methods: Sixty three milk samples of lactating mothers of full term babies were assessed for the levels of lactose, protein, triglyceride and cholesterol and were compared depending on their body mass index (BMI).Results: The result of the present study showed that lactose content of the milk ranged between 4.2 gm/dl to 9.7 gm/dl, with a mean of 6.47 gm/dl. Protein content ranged from 0.6 gm/dl to 7.1 gm/dl, with a mean of 2.4 gm/dl. Cholesterol had a wide range with a minimum of 4.8 gm/dl to a maximum of 99.4 mg/dl, with a mean of 32.3 mg/dl. Triglyceride had a mean value of 8.4 gm/dl, values ranging from 1.9 to 34.1 gm/dl.Conclusions: Breast milk composition is fairly constant and is not affected by maternal nutrition, or dietary intake

    The coherent interaction between matter and radiation - A tutorial on the Jaynes-Cummings model

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    The Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model is a milestone in the theory of coherent interaction between a two-level system and a single bosonic field mode. This tutorial aims to give a complete description of the model, analyzing the Hamiltonian of the system, its eigenvalues and eigestates, in order to characterize the dynamics of system and subsystems. The Rabi oscillations, together with the collapse and revival effects, are distinguishing features of the JC model and are important for applications in Quantum Information theory. The framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) is chosen and two fundamental experiments on the coherent interaction between Rydberg atoms and a single cavity field mode are described.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Tutorial. Submitted to a special issue of EPJ - ST devoted to the memory of Federico Casagrand

    A Creative “Nanotown”. Framing Sustainable Development Scenarios with Local People in Calabria

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    During a two-year research programme from 2016 to 2018, scholars and students from diferent disciplinary backgrounds engaged with the local community of the town of Gagliato in Calabria, Italy, to co-produce future scenarios of local development. The aim was to enable a transition towards sustainability for a town afected by economic and demographic decline, like many other rural areas of southern Italy, but also be the protagonist of a promising annual summer science festival which had contributed to raising some expectations of change. The research has been designed to enable transdisciplinary knowledge production in the urban feld that could matter for the local community and would ultimately produce a real, positive impact on people’s lives. Despite its broad premises to test innovative learning practices with participating students for an ideal future academia, its concrete outcomes have been deeply ingrained in the local community, becoming part of their discussions of daily life and even informing their political agenda

    West Nile Virus: Epidemiology, Classification and Molecular Basic

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    Virus west nile (WN) dapat menimbulkan penyakit yang ditularkan melalui nyamuk. Di Indonesia virus west nile mulaidiperhatikan karena menginfeksi 12 warga Surabaya pada tahun 2014. Pemahaman mengenai virus west nile ditinjau dariaspek epidemiologi, klasifikasi dan dasar molekuler diperlukan untuk mengenal apa dan bagaimana sifat dari virus WNdalam rangka upaya deteksi dini dan pencegahan terjadinya KLB virus WN. Tulisan ini merupakan telaah denganmengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai jurnal dan buku teks mengenai virus west nile. Secara epidemiologi virus dapattersebar melalui vektor nyamuk utamanya Culex sp., dan Aedes sp. sebagai vektor sekunder. Virus ini d jugaditemukan pada burung/unggas. Penularan virus melalui gigitan nyamuk yang terinfeksi ke hewan dan manusia. Virus westnile merupakan anggota famili Flaviviridae dari genus Flavivirus. Virus ini memiliki genom yang terdiri dari satu singlestranded(ss) RNA yang dikelilingi suatu nucleocapsid berbentuk icosahedral atau isometric. Genom virus west nilememiliki panjang 11.029 nukleotida. Upaya pencegahan terhadap infeksi virus WN dapat dilakukan dengan mengendalikanpopulasi nyamuk, mengurangi gigitan nyamuk, dan secara berkala melakukan survei pada unggas/burung utamanya yangdipelihara dalam skala besar maupun yang sedang bermigrasi

    INTREPID Futures Initiative: Universities and Knowledge for Sustainable Urban Futures: as if inter and trans-disciplinarity mattered. 4th INTREPID REPORT

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    This London Workshop is meant to advance the agenda of “Universities and Knowledge for Sustainable Urban Futures: as if ID and TD mattered”, by helping to define the scope of the EU COST Action INTREPID contribution, and of the activities to be funded for 2017-2019. Intention statement: ‘To contribute to the shaping of tomorrow’s universities & their urban curricula: as if inter and transdisciplinary ways of knowing actually mattered’. For this purpose, the Workshop was a one-day gathering of experts and practitioners with diverse experience and disciplinary backgrounds. The report outlines the results obtained

    Spatial Distribution of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Cases in Banyumas District, Central Java Province

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is the most important public health problem in Indonesia, that needs serious attention.DHF cases in Banyumas regency always high in every year, and decrease in 2011.This research aimed to describe spatialdistribution of DHF in Banyumas district based on location, altitude, landuse and population density and pattern of casesbased on rainfall. DHF cases data obtained from Banyumas District Health Office. Topography map scale 1:25.000obtained from Bakosurtanal and Bappeda of Banyumas regency. Processing data and DHF spatial analize by overlay usingArc Gis.10 software. This research showed DHF cases in 2012 were 200, spread in almost all subdistrict (75%). DHF casesclustered in East Purwokerto, South Purwokerto and North Purwokerto, that were lowlands area (12-250 above sea level) ,urban area, settlement closed to ricefild and height density population. DHF cases were distributed in lowland area withdensely populated closed to rice field. DHF cases increasing on highly rainfall on January until May

    Pengaruh Penambahan Karaginan, Egg White Dan Isolat Protein Kedelai Terhadap Kualitas Gel Surimi Ikan Kurisi (Nemipterus Nematophorus)

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    Surimi merupakan lumatan daging yang telah mengalami proses pencucian, pengepresan dan pembekuan. Kekuatan gel surimi mengalami penurunan selama proses pembuatan surimi, seperti pada proses pencucian dan pemanasan. Penambahan bahan tambahan pangan diharapkan dapat membantu memperbaiki kekuatan gel dan menambah kandungan gizi pada surimi. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan bahan tambahan karaginan, egg white dan isolat protein kedelai terhadap kualitas gel dari surimi ikan Kurisi (Nemipterus nematophorus). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain percobaan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan penambahan bahan tambahan karaginan, egg white dan isolat protein kedelai dan dilakukan tiga kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan bahan tambahan yang berbeda memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,5) terhadap nilai gel strength, derajat putih, nilai expressible moisture content (EMC), kadar protein, dan uji sensori (kenampakan, uji lipat dan uji gigit). Surimi ikan Kurisi dengan penambahan isolat protein kedelai 12% merupakan produk yang terbaik dengan kriteria mutu: kekuatan gel 1275,47 g.cm; kenampakan 7,80; uji lipat 8,13; uji gigit 8,13; uji derajat putih 69,02; kadar protein 19,39%; kadar air 79,25%; EMC 11,77% dan pH 6,91. Surimi is minced fish that has been mechanically washed, pressed, and then frozen. Gel forming ability decreased during the manufacturing process of surimi, as washing and heating process. The addition of food additives in an attempt to improve gel forming ability and enhance nutritional content of surimi. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of carrageenan, egg white and soy protein isolate addition on gel forming ability of threadfin bream (Nemipterus nematophorus) surimi. Research method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with carrageenan, egg white and soy protein isolate addition treatments and done in triplicate. Results of this research showed that different food additives addition had significantly (P<0.05) for gel strength, whiteness, expressible moisture content (EMC), protein content, sensoric test (appearance, folding test, and teeth cutting test). Threadfin bream surimi with 12% soy protein isolate adding was the best product which had the quality criteria : gel strength 1275,47 g.cm; appearance 7,80; folding test 8,13; teeth cutting test 8,13; whiteness 69,02; protein content 19,39%; water content 79,25%; EMC 11,77% and pH value 6,91
