41 research outputs found

    Analysis of the possibility to separate bus lane along to the traffic route on the Pilot贸w and Olszyny streets in Cracow

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    W artykule przedstawiono mo偶liwo艣ci usprawnienia ruchu autobus贸w na ci膮gu ulic Pilot贸w i Olszyny w Krakowie. Dokonano analizy stanu istniej膮cego, badaj膮c czasy przejazdu pojazd贸w transportu zbiorowego, nape艂nienie w autobusach oraz nat臋偶enie ruchu ko艂owego na analizowanym ci膮gu. Opieraj膮c si臋 na analizie i prowadzonych obserwacjach, wskazano miejsca, kt贸re generuj膮 straty czasu podczas przejazdu autobus贸w. Na tej podstawie wskazano mo偶liwe rozwi膮zania (wydzielone pasy autobusowe czy 艣luzy), kt贸re mog膮 przyczyni膰 si臋 do poprawy punktualno艣ci oraz spadku traconego czasu.In the article possibilities of improvement of the bus traffic on the Pilot贸w and Olszyny streets in Cracow are presented. The analysis of current situation was conducted by examining transfer times by public transport, number of carried passengers in buses and intensity of the traffic (all vehicles) on the analysed routes. Based on the analysis as well as conducted observations, places that generate loss of time during the travel have been indicated. On this base available solutions (bus lanes or locks) that can contribute with the improvement of punctuality and the decrease of the loss of time have been presented