27,802 research outputs found

    Precise Formulation of Neutrino Oscillation in the Earth

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    We give a perturbation theory of neutrino oscillation in the Earth. The perturbation theory is valid for neutrinos with energy E \gsim 0.5 GeV. It is formulated using trajectory dependent average potential. Non-adiabatic contributions are included as the first order effects in the perturbation theory. We analyze neutrino oscillation with standard matter effect and with non-standard matter effect. In a three flavor analysis we show that the perturbation theory gives a precise description of neutrino conversion in the Earth. Effect of the Earth matter is substantially simplified in this formulation.Comment: References added, 21 pages, 10 figures, version to appear in PR

    Higgs radiation off quarks in supersymmetric theories at e^+e^- colliders

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    Yukawa couplings between Higgs bosons and quarks in supersymmetric theories can be measured in the processes e^+e^- -> Q Qbar + Higgs. We have determined the cross sections of these processes in the minimal supersymmetric model including the complete set of next-to-leading order QCD corrections for all channels.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Renormalization Group Approach to Field Theory at Finite Temperature

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    Scalar field theory at finite temperature is investigated via an improved renormalization group prescription which provides an effective resummation over all possible non-overlapping higher loop graphs. Explicit analyses for the lambda phi^4 theory are performed in d=4 Euclidean space for both low and high temperature limits. We generate a set of coupled equations for the mass parameter and the coupling constant from the renormalization group flow equation. Dimensional reduction and symmetry restoration are also explored with our improved approach.Comment: 29 pages, can include figures in the body of the text using epsf.st

    Quantum switch for single-photon transport in a coupled superconducting transmission line resonator array

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    We propose and study an approach to realize quantum switch for single-photon transport in a coupled superconducting transmission line resonator (TLR) array with one controllable hopping interaction. We find that the single-photon with arbitrary wavevector can transport in a controllable way in this system. We also study how to realize controllable hopping interaction between two TLRs via a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). When the frequency of the SQUID is largely detuned from those of the two TLRs, the variables of the SQUID can be adiabatically eliminated and thus a controllable interaction between two TLRs can be obtained.Comment: 4 pages,3 figure

    The decay and collisions of dark solitons in superfluid Fermi gases

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    We study soliton collisions and the decay of solitons into sound in superfluid Fermi gases across the Bose-Einstein condensate to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BEC-BCS) crossover by performing numerical simulations of the time-dependent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. This decay process occurs when the solitons are accelerated to the bulk pair-breaking speed by an external potential. A similar decay process may occur when solitons are accelerated by an inelastic collision with another soliton. We find that soliton collisions become increasingly inelastic as we move from the BEC to BCS regimes, and the excess energy is converted into sound. We interpret this effect as being due to evolution of Andreev bound states localized within the soliton.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Keck Spectroscopy of distant GOODS Spheroidal Galaxies: Downsizing in a Hierarchical Universe

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    We analyze the evolution of the Fundamental Plane for 141 field spheroidal galaxies in the redshift range 0.2<z<1.2, selected morphologically to a magnitude limit F850LP=22.43 in the northern field of the Great Observatories Origin Survey. For massive galaxies we find that the bulk of the star formation was completed prior to z=2. However, for the lower mass galaxies, the luminosity-weighted ages are significantly younger. The differential change in mass-to-light ratio correlates closely with rest-frame color, consistent with recent star formation and associated growth. Our data are consistent with mass rather than environment governing the overall growth, contrary to the expectations of hierarchical assembly. We discuss how feedback, conduction, and galaxy interactions may explain the downsizing trends seen within our large sample.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press. 4 figure

    Sub and Super-Luminal Propagation of Intense Pulses in Media with Saturated and Reverse Absorption

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    We develop models for the propagation of intense pulses in solid state media which can have either saturated absorption or exhibit reverse absorption . We show that the experiments of Bigelow {\it et al.}[Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 90}, 113903 (2003); Science {\bf 301}, 200 (2003).] on subluminal propagation in Ruby and superluminal propagation in Alexandrite are well explained by modelling them as three level and four level systems coupled to Maxwell equations. We present results well beyond the traditional pump-probe approach.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Investigation into O(N) Invariant Scalar Model Using Auxiliary-Mass Method at Finite Temperature

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    Using auxiliary-mass method, O(N) invariant scalar model is investigated at finite temperature. This mass and an evolution equation allow us to calculate an effective potential without an infrared divergence. Second order phase transition is indicated by the effective potential. The critical exponents are determined numerically.Comment: LaTex 8 pages with 3 eps figure

    Flow Equations for U_k and Z_k

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    By considering the gradient expansion for the wilsonian effective action S_k of a single component scalar field theory truncated to the first two terms, the potential U_k and the kinetic term Z_k, I show that the recent claim that different expansion of the fluctuation determinant give rise to different renormalization group equations for Z_k is incorrect. The correct procedure to derive this equation is presented and the set of coupled differential equations for U_k and Z_k is definitely established.Comment: 5 page