9,268 research outputs found

    Numerical modeling of dynamic powder compaction using the Kawakita equation of state

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    Dynamic powder compaction is analyzed using the assumption that the powder behaves, while it is being compacted, like a hydrodynamic fluid in which deviatoric stress and heat conduction effects can be ignored throughout the process. This enables techniques of computational fluid dynamics such the equilibrium flux method to be used as a modeling tool. The equation of state of the powder under compression is assumed to be a modified version of the Kawakita loading curve. Computer simulations using this model are performed for conditions matching as closely as possible with those from experiments by Page and Killen [Powder Metall. 30, 233 (1987)]. The numerical and experimental results are compared and a surprising degree of qualitative agreement is observed

    Algorithmic approach to adiabatic quantum optimization

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    It is believed that the presence of anticrossings with exponentially small gaps between the lowest two energy levels of the system Hamiltonian, can render adiabatic quantum optimization inefficient. Here, we present a simple adiabatic quantum algorithm designed to eliminate exponentially small gaps caused by anticrossings between eigenstates that correspond with the local and global minima of the problem Hamiltonian. In each iteration of the algorithm, information is gathered about the local minima that are reached after passing the anticrossing non-adiabatically. This information is then used to penalize pathways to the corresponding local minima, by adjusting the initial Hamiltonian. This is repeated for multiple clusters of local minima as needed. We generate 64-qubit random instances of the maximum independent set problem, skewed to be extremely hard, with between 10^5 and 10^6 highly-degenerate local minima. Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, it is found that the algorithm can trivially solve all the instances in ~10 iterations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Pengembangan Modul Evolusi Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Menggunakan Model Think, Talk, Write (Ttw) Di SMA

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    The learning materials of evolutionary in biology for students of class XII IPA SMAN I Glenmore Banyuwangi is still in obstacles. The materials in textbooks based on School Based of Curriculum (KTSP), while teachers should teach the scientific approach which refers to curriculum of 2013. The requirement analysis of evolutionary teachers stated that 86% of teachers requires learning modules for students. The analysis of the mastery learning of students in the last three years of study showed that the level of student mastery of less than 35%. The purpose of this research is to develop modules of evolution for students with scientific approach using model Think, Talk, Write in SMAN I Glenmore Banyuwangi. The module was developed based on the model of the research and development of Dick & Carey (2001), which consists of nine stages of development. The validation results of learning experts showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 90.77% to the syllabus and <p> 91.04% to RPP. The validation results of study design experts showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 98.57% to the module. The validation results of material experts showed a valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 82.33% to the module for students. The validation results by implementing learning practitioners in the field showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 100% to the syllabus, <p> 93.08% to RPP, and <p> 97.25% to module for students. The test results by the legibility of small groups of students showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> by 86.78%. to modul. Based on the validation results, we can conclude that the evolution module with the scientific approach using Think, Talk, Write models earmarked for students is valid and is expected to meet the limitations on teaching materials that are already available.Pembelajaran biologi materi evolusi bagi peserta didik kelas XII IPA SMAN I Glenmore Kabupaten Banyuwangi mengalami kendala. Bahan ajar yang ada masih mengacu pada buku paket dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), sedangkan guru harus mengajar dengan pendekatan saintifik yang mengacu pada kurikulum 2013. Analisis kebutuhan guru menyatakan bahwa 86% guru pengampu pelajaran biologi materi evolusi memerlukan modul pembelajaran bagi peserta didik. Analisis kebutuhan peserta didik dalam tiga tahun pembelajaran terakhir menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketuntasan peserta didik kurang dari 35%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul evolusi bagi peserta didik dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan model Think, Talk, Write di SMAN I Glenmore Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Modul dikembangkan berdasarkan model pengembangan Dick & Carey (2001) yang terdiri dari sembilan tahap pengembangan. Analisis hasil validasi ahli perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 90,77% untuk silabus dan <p> sebesar 91,04% untuk RPP. Analisis hasil validasi ahli desain pembelajaran menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 98,57% untuk modul. Analisis hasil validasi ahli materi menunjukkan kategori valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 82,33% untuk modul peserta didik. Analisis hasil validasi oleh praktisi pelaksana pembelajaran di lapangan menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 100% untuk silabus, <p> sebesar 93,08% untuk RPP, dan <p> sebesar 97,25% untuk modul peserta didik. Analisis hasil uji coba keterbacaan kelompok kecil oleh peserta didik menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 86,78% untuk modul. Berdasarkan hasil validasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul evolusi dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan model Think, Talk, Write yang diperuntukkan bagi peserta didik valid dan diharapkan mampu memenuhi keterbatasan pada bahan ajar yang sudah tersedia

    Resistance of Wild Species of Groundnut to Insect and Mite Pests

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    Whrle sources ot resrslance are avarlable in cuhvaled specres ot groundnul to some pests such as. Ihrrps. (Scirtothnps dorsalis Hood. Frankl~ntella schultrer Trybom. and F lusca Hrnds ). ~asstds (Empoasca fabse Harrts and E kerr~P rulhr), lermiles (Odontotermes spp), andsouthern corn roo1 worn?( Diabro~rc. undeompunctala howardi Barber). a hrgh level of resisfance has yet to be cdentrtrsd lor several rmporrant pests such as the groundnut aphid (Aphrs craccrvora Woch ). Spodoptera spp. Heltoth~ss pp. and miles (Tetranychus spp) Avarlable reports mdicale that some wlld Arachts specres have very high levels ol resrstence to these pests Specres wrthrn the seclron Arach~so ffer Ihe highest polentral lor rapid trtrlrrelion 01 wild germplasm Future hybrrdization programs should utrlrze A chacoense as a source ot resrstance to aphrds, thrrps, lassids and tomalo spotted wilt virus. A baltrocol and A correnttna lor lassid resislance. A chacoense and A stenosperma for pod-bonng ~nsecr resrslance. A vtllosultcarpn. A correntlna. and Arachls sp PI 263996 tor mrle resrslance. and A correnttna tor Heltoth~sr esrstanc

    Major Field Insect Pests Of Groundnut In India And Associated Crop Losses

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    Field experimentation for assessment of yield loss associated with insect pests of groundnuts

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    Damage from insect pests results in heavy losses to groundnut crops in indi

    Studies on arthropod vectors of groundnut viruses, their ecology and control

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    Bud necrosis disease (BND) of groundnut is caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and is economically important in India on groundnut and other crop plants such as tomato, mungbean, urdbean, peas, and beans. The casual virus was identified by virology group at ICRISAT in 1974. Detailed investigations were conducted from 1978-1983 to understand the epidemiology of BND in relation to groundnut and formulate measures of control. In this report relevant data and conclusions drawn therefrom are given along with the suggestions for additional research needs. The data presented in this report are based on the studies at ICRISAT research farm and the conclusions drawn are thus applicable to ICRISAT conditions, Before general recommendations can be made for other regions, such studies need to be carried out ther

    Thermally assisted adiabatic quantum computation

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    We study the effect of a thermal environment on adiabatic quantum computation using the Bloch-Redfield formalism. We show that in certain cases the environment can enhance the performance in two different ways: (i) by introducing a time scale for thermal mixing near the anticrossing that is smaller than the adiabatic time scale, and (ii) by relaxation after the anticrossing. The former can enhance the scaling of computation when the environment is superohmic, while the latter can only provide a prefactor enhancement. We apply our method to the case of adiabatic Grover search and show that performance better than classical is possible with a superohmic environment, with no a priori knowledge of the energy spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Final version to appear in PR

    A scalable readout system for a superconducting adiabatic quantum optimization system

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    We have designed, fabricated and tested an XY-addressable readout system that is specifically tailored for the reading of superconducting flux qubits in an integrated circuit that could enable adiabatic quantum optimization. In such a system, the flux qubits only need to be read at the end of an adiabatic evolution when quantum mechanical tunneling has been suppressed, thus simplifying many aspects of the readout process. The readout architecture for an NN-qubit adiabatic quantum optimization system comprises NN hysteretic dc SQUIDs and NN rf SQUID latches controlled by 2N+22\sqrt{N} + 2 bias lines. The latching elements are coupled to the qubits and the dc SQUIDs are then coupled to the latching elements. This readout scheme provides two key advantages: First, the latching elements provide exceptional flux sensitivity that significantly exceeds what may be achieved by directly coupling the flux qubits to the dc SQUIDs using a practical mutual inductance. Second, the states of the latching elements are robust against the influence of ac currents generated by the switching of the hysteretic dc SQUIDs, thus allowing one to interrogate the latching elements repeatedly so as to mitigate the effects of stochastic switching of the dc SQUIDs. We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve single qubit read error rates of <10−6<10^{-6} with this readout scheme. We have characterized the system-level performance of a 128-qubit readout system and have measured a readout error probability of 8×10−58\times10^{-5} in the presence of optimal latching element bias conditions.Comment: Updated for clarity, final versio
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