12 research outputs found

    Actual PV module performance including spectral losses in the UK

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    STC efficiencies are not sufficient to compare photovoltaic devices of different semiconductor material or device configurations. The energy yield will change as the variables of STC deviates from their original values when the modules are placed in various climatic conditions. The magnitude of this change for different modules is not always clear and needs to be investigated and modelled. A modeling and analysis method named site specific conditions (SSC) is demonstrated which is a measure-correlate-predict approach. It allows an accurate estimation of the actual energy yield for different sites based on the measurements at one single site. The method takes into account the effect of the physical operating environment and translates this to other meteorological conditions on the basis of physics related formulae. Our results show a large seasonal variation for modules for the different effects. For crystalline modules losses of up to 12% in the summer is due to the temperature effect while the multi-junction thin film losses of more than 30% in the winter is due to spectral changes and incidence angle effect for the UK

    Regional and national differences in stroke thrombolysis use and disparities in pricing, treatment availability, and coverage.

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    Major disparities have been reported in recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) availability among countries of different socioeconomic status. To characterize variability of rtPA price, its availability, and its association with and impact on each country's health expenditure (HE) resources. We conducted a global survey to obtain information on rtPA price (50 mg vial, 2020 US Dollars) and availability. Country-specific data, including low, lower middle (LMIC), upper middle (UMIC), and high-income country (HIC) classifications, and gross domestic product (GDP) and HE, both nominally and adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), were obtained from World Bank Open Data. To assess the impact of rtPA cost, we computed the rtPA price as percentage of per capita GDP and HE and examined its association with the country income classification. rtPA is approved and available in 109 countries. We received surveys from 59 countries: 27 (46%) HIC, 20 (34%) UMIC, and 12 (20%) LMIC. Although HIC have significantly higher per capita GDP and HE compared to UMIC and LMIC (p < 0.0001), the median price of rtPA is non-significantly higher in LMICs (USD 755, interquartile range, IQR (575-1300)) compared to UMICs (USD 544, IQR (400-815)) and HICs (USD 600, IQR (526-1000)). In LMIC, rtPA cost accounts for 217.4% (IQR, 27.1-340.6%) of PPP-adjusted per capita HE, compared to 17.6% (IQR (11.2-28.7%), p < 0.0001) for HICs. We documented significant variability in rtPA availability and price among countries. Relative costs are higher in lower income countries, exceeding the available HE. Concerted efforts to improve rtPA affordability in low-income settings are necessary

    Remanufacturing and consumers' risky choices: Behavioral modeling and the role of ambiguity aversion

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    Willingness to pay (WTP) is known to be lower for remanufactured products than for comparable new products. Normative work to date has assumed that a consumer\u27s WTP for a remanufactured product is a fraction, called discount factor, of the consumer\u27s WTP for a corresponding new product, and that this discount factor is constant across consumers. Recent empirical research demonstrates, however, that the discount factor is not constant across consumers. This discovery has led researchers to call for an exploration of more refined utility models that incorporate heterogeneous risk preferences through elements such as risk aversion, loss aversion, and ambiguity aversion. To address this call, this manuscript assesses each of these risk preference elements by empirically deriving WTP distributions from two interlinked studies. To provide triangulation in both the empirical method and sample, the interlinked studies employ an online survey and a laboratory experiment that elicits WTP for framed lotteries that proxy the situation of buying remanufactured products. The empirical results and robustness verifications demonstrate that a parsimonious standard utility model incorporating only risk aversion explains the WTP data reasonably well

    Sustentabilidade e cadeia de suprimentos: uma perspectiva comparada de publicações nacionais e internacionais

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