6 research outputs found
GLOSI taxonomy: A tool for ‘seismic risk assessment’ oriented classification of school buildings
For the seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of school infrastructure in a region, it becomes necessary first to identify and classify these constructions into a distinct number of structural typologies characterised by their vulnerability features. This enables us to rank the expected vulnerability of different typologies at the initial screening stage as well as to characterise the representative index buildings of different typologies for detailed vulnerability quantification. Currently, a systematic and comprehensive taxonomy tailored for the school buildings is not available. The present paper thus develops a globally applicable structural taxonomy to be used in the seismic risk assessment of school infrastructure within the framework of the Global Program for Safer Schools (GPSS) of the World Bank. Application as well as verification of the proposed taxonomy is tested to a range of school construction types from different countries across the world
Hybrid EEFIT mission to february 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence
The southwestern part of Türkiye was hit on 6 February 2023 by an Mw 7.8 (epicentre:Pazarcık) and then an Mw 7.5 earthquake (epicentre: Elbistan). The event was followed by tensof thousands of aftershocks including the Mw 6.3 event on 20 February (epicentre: Uzunbağ).This paper reports on the preliminary findings of the mission organised by the UK’s EarthquakeEngineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) to the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake sequence ofFebruary 2023. This mission followed a hybrid model, combining field and remote investigationtechniques, to investigate the characteristics of the earthquake sequence, its impact on buildingsand infrastructure, as well as the efficacy of relief, response and recovery operations. The keymessages include that the building stock is hard to categorise which brings along difficulties withdamage assessment, that the recovery and reconstruction require multi-sectoral engagement ofkey stakeholders, and that the auditing and quality control mechanisms within the constructionindustry need revisiting in the way forward for better disaster resilience in Türkiye
The Türki̇ye earthquake sequence of February 2023: A longitudinal study report by EEFIT
On 6 February 2023 at 4:17 am local time, a large area in southeastern Türkiye and northern
Syria was hit by an Mw 7.8 earthquake, which was followed by an Mw 7.5 earthquake at 1:24
pm local time, causing the loss of more than 50,000 lives, some 100,000 injuries and
significant damage to buildings and infrastructure, estimated to be in the range of 84.1 billion
USD for Türkiye alone. The largest earthquake in Türkiye since the deadly 1939 Erzincan
earthquake with however much larger losses, the sequence immediately attracted the
attention of the global post-disaster reconnaissance/engineering communities. This included
the Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT), who, within one week of the
event, gathered a team with 30 people from academia and industry in the UK (19), Türkiye
(5), New Zealand (1), Hungary (1), Bulgaria (1), Greece (1) and USA (1) with two support
members from the UK and the Netherlands, to study the events and their impacts, and also to
develop suggestions to reduce the existing vulnerabilities in the future. The team was
organised in the form of 6 working groups as shown below, which were (1) strong ground
motions and seismotectonics, (2) geotechnics, (3) structures, (4) infrastructure, (5) remote
sensing and (6) relief response and recovery
2023 Türki̇ye deprem sekansi deprem mühendi̇sli̇ği̇ saha çalişmalari eki̇bi̇ (EEFIT) Misyonu: Türkçe geni̇şleti̇lmi̇ş özet
Türkiye'nin güneydoğusunda ve kuzey Suriye'de geniş bir
alan, 6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde yerel saatle sabaha karşı
04:17'de gerçekleşen 7.8 büyüklüğünde yıkıcı bir
depremle sarsıldı, aynı gün içerisinde 13:24’te meydana
gelen 7.5 büyüklüğündeki deprem ile yıkımın boyutu ve
etki alanı büyük ölçüde arttı. Bu depremler, yalnızca
Türkiye'de 84.1 milyar $’ı (≈2.5 trilyon ₺) aşan ekonomik
kayba, bina ve altyapı stokunda ciddi hasara, 100,000'den
fazla yaralı ve 50,000'den fazla can kaybına neden oldu