34 research outputs found

    Alternative mechanisms for tiotropium

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    a b s t r a c t Tiotropium is commonly used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although largely considered to be a long-acting bronchodilator, its demonstrated efficacy in reducing the frequency of exacerbations and preliminary evidence from early studies indicating that it might slow the rate of decline in lung function suggested mechanisms of action in addition to simple bronchodilation. This hypothesis was examined in the recently published UPLIFT study and, although spirometric and other clinical benefits of tiotropium treatment extended to four years, the rate of decline in lung function did not appear to be reduced by the addition of tiotropium in this study. This article summarizes data from a variety of investigations that provide insights into possible mechanisms to account for the effects of tiotropium. The report summarizes the discussion on basic and clinical research in this field

    Role of guaifenesin in the management of chronic bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections

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    Abstract Guaifenesin, a mucoactive drug, acts by loosening mucus in the airways and making coughs more productive. It is used for relief of wet cough and chest congestion due to the common cold, and remains the only legally marketed expectorant in the US (per OTC Monograph). An ingredient in numerous over-the-counter (OTC) cough/cold medications, guaifenesin has a secondary indication for use in stable chronic bronchitis (professional indication). Clinical pharmacology and patient studies support the clinical utility of guaifenesin in respiratory conditions where mucus hypersecretion is prevalent: acute upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), stable chronic bronchitis, and possibly rhinosinusitis. Guaifenesin has a well-established and favorable safety and tolerability profile in adult and pediatric populations. Its dosing range (200–400 mg 4-hourly, up to 6× daily) allows flexible dose titration to allow an increase of plasma concentrations. Multiple daily doses are needed to maintain 24-h therapeutic effect with immediate-release formulations. Extended-release guaifenesin tablet formulations are available, providing convenience with 12-hourly dosing and portability compared to liquids. Guaifenesin is considered as a safe and effective expectorant for the treatment of mucus-related symptoms in acute URTIs and stable chronic bronchitis. Its clinical efficacy has been demonstrated most widely in chronic respiratory conditions, where excess mucus production and cough are more stable symptoms. Progress is being made to establish clinical models and measures that are more appropriate for studying symptomatic relief with guaifenesin in acute respiratory infections. This will help generate the up-to-date and high-quality data needed to optimize guaifenesin’s effectiveness in established uses, and in new respiratory indications associated with mucus hypersecretion

    Cough hypersensitivity syndrome is an important clinical concept:a pro/con debate

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    The major etiologies of chronic cough are generally accepted to consist of upper airway cough syndrome (formerly postnasal drip syndrome), eosinophilic airway inflammation (asthma, nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, only a small percentage of patients with these very common conditions suffers from chronic cough. Furthermore, acute cough due to viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is almost always a transient, self-limited condition, yet in a small subgroup of patients, URI heralds the onset of chronic, refractory cough. The cough hypersensitivity syndrome has been proposed to explain the occurrence of chronic cough in a subgroup of patients exposed to the same putative triggers as the vast majority of the population in whom chronic cough does not result. Although conceptually the cough hypersensitivity syndrome may be intellectually satisfying, differences of opinion remain as to whether this newly recognized entity is of clinical significance, i.e., useful for the treatment of patients suffering from chronic cough. The Third American Cough Conference, held in New York in June 2011, provided an ideal forum for the debate of this issue between two internationally recognized authorities in the field of cough. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Tackling the neuropathic cough of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): more needs to be done

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    Up to 80% of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) suffer from a chronic cough, which may be the first symptom of the disease. Cough has been reported to be an independent predictor of disease progression [1] and is associated with reduced quality of life (QoL), because from the patients’ point of view, it causes physical and emotional distress with chest pain, hoarse voice, incontinence, and sleep disturbance [2, 3]. In addition, cough QoL scores have been independently associated with a higher risk of hospitalisation, lung transplantation and death at 1 year [4]. Therefore, control of cough in IPF remains an important priority

    Phase II, Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of a Polyclonal Anti-Staphylococcus aureus Capsular Polysaccharide Immune Globulin in Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremiaâ–¿

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    New treatment modalities are needed for the treatment of infections due to multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. S. aureus capsular polysaccharide immune globulin (Altastaph) is a polyclonal immune globulin preparation that is being developed as adjunctive therapy for persons with S. aureus infections complicated by bacteremia. In a phase II, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 40 subjects with documented S. aureus bacteremia received standard therapy plus either Altastaph at 200 mg/kg of body weight in each of two infusions 24 h apart or placebo. During the 42-day observation period, antibody pharmacokinetics and safety were the primary characteristics studied. Information regarding the resolution of bacteremia and fever was also analyzed. Anti-type-5 and anti-type-8 capsular antibody levels peaked after the second infusion at 550 μg/ml and 419 μg/ml, respectively, and remained above 100 μg/ml at day 28. A total of 316 adverse events were noted in 39 of 40 subjects. Infusion-related adverse events in Altastaph recipients were infrequent and similar to those among recipients of commercial intravenously administered immunoglobulin G products. Five of 21 (23%) subjects in the Altastaph group died, whereas 2 of 18 (11%) subjects in the placebo group died (P = 0.42). Compared to the control patients, the Altastaph recipients had a shorter median time to the resolution of fever (2 days and 7 days, respectively; P = 0.09) and a shorter length of hospital stay (9 days and 14 days, respectively; P = 0.03). However, these findings are exploratory, and there were few differences in the other variables measured. High levels of opsonizing antibodies were maintained for the initial 4 weeks. Although the study was not powered to show efficacy, these preliminary findings and safety profile suggest that Altastaph may be an effective adjunct to antibiotics and warrants further investigation (ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT00063089)

    ERS guidelines on the assessment of cough

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    ### Cough 1) All basic scientific articles should refer to cough as a three-phase motor act. For the purposes of acoustic recordings in clinical studies, however, cough should be described as a forced expulsive manoeuvre or manoeuvres against a closed glottis that are associated with a characteristic sound or sounds. 2) All scientific articles should include a clear definition of what the authors have used as their definition of cough. ### Capsaicin and citric acid inhalation cough challenge 1) The methodology for the performance of inhalation cough challenge should be standardised so as to facilitate universal interpretation and comparison of data generated by different laboratories. 2) Comprehensive normal ranges need to be developed using the standardised methodology advocated in the present document. 3) The single-breath concentration–response method using a flow-limited dosimeter is recommended for most experimental protocols. 4) Both C2 and C5 should be recorded. 5) Since there is wide inter-individual variation, cough challenge data have no intrinsic significance, but may usefully be used to follow change in cough reflex sensitivity in an individual. ### Cough induced by inhalation of aqueous solutions 1) Aerosolised aqueous solutions represent a useful experimental tool in cough research. 2) The cough challenge with ultrasonic distilled water (fog) is difficult to standardise since it is highly dependent upon nebuliser output. 3) Consideration should be given to potential adverse events, such as bronchoconstriction and cross-infection. ### Cough monitors 1) No cough monitor is currently the gold standard. 2) Monitors should be developed that are ambulatory, are capable of being digitally processed and permit prolonged (24-h) recording. 3) There is little to commend any particular method of quantifying cough over any other. ### Assessment of quality of life of patients with chronic cough 1) Cough can have profound effects on health status, which can be assessed by cough-specific health status questionnaires. 2) Cough visual analogue scale (VAS, 0–100 mm) should be used to assess cough severity in patients with chronic cough. 3) Patients with chronic cough should be assessed with cough-specific quality-of-life questionnaires in clinical studies. ### Animal models of cough 1) The most useful animal model of cough is

    Alternative mechanisms for tiotropium

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    Tiotropium is commonly used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although largely considered to be a long-acting bronchodilator, its demonstrated efficacy in reducing the frequency of exacerbations and preliminary evidence from early studies indicating that it might slow the rate of decline in lung function suggested mechanisms of action in addition to simple bronchodilation. This hypothesis was examined in the recently published UPLIFT study and, although spirometric and other clinical benefits of tiotropium treatment extended to four years, the rate of decline in lung function did not appear to be reduced by the addition of tiotropium in this study. This article summarizes data from a variety of investigations that provide insights into possible mechanisms to account for the effects of tiotropium. The report summarizes the discussion on basic and clinical research in this field. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved