232 research outputs found

    On Q*s - regular spaces and Q*s - normal spaces

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    The notion of Q* - open sets in a topological space was introduced by Murugalingam and Lalitha [7]. We introduce the notion of Q*s - regular, Q*s - normal, s*Q* - normal and obtain some characterizations Q*s - regularity and Q*s тАУ normality, s*Q* - normal

    Anaesthesia mumps after total laparoscopic hysterectomy under general anaesthesia

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    Anaesthesia mumps is a rare clinical entity characterised by acute transient swelling of the parotid gland in postoperative period. In our case a 58 years obese lady developed left sided parotid swelling which was managed conservatively and settled without any sequelae. In this article we discuss possible causes, differential diagnosis and treatment for this condition. This is to increase awareness about this relatively unknown condition amongst anaesthetist and surgeons and to avoid unnecessarily apprehension in post-operative period

    Unusual foaming along Thiruvananthapuram coast

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    Unusual foaming was observed on 18 and 19 October 2009 along the coast of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. A similar phenomenon was reported in 1999, which suggested that foaming in coastal waters of the Northern Adriatic, the English Channel and beaches of France, the Netherlands and Germany was due to the mucilage formed from the extracellular polymeric substances

    Design of low-cost indigenous recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for broodstock maturation of marine fishes

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    Maturation of most coastal fishes may well be achieved if the animals are maintained in good quality seawater, provided they are well fed and reared without the stress of overcrowding and disturbances. RAS provides perfect opportunity to manipulate environmental conditions that are critical in maturation processes such as temperature, photoperiod, nutrition and other water quality parameters in addition to facilitating observation of the behaviour of fishes and do various husbandry steps. There is a need for the development of cost-effective, economically viable systems that minimize the environmental impact while at the same time ensuring optimal rearing conditions. Present article describes design and operation of low-cost RAS systems developed by ICAR-CMFRI for broodstock development of marine fishes, which include 30000 to 2000 l FRP systems with mechanical, biological filtration sub systems including disinfection, temperature control and photoperiod manipulation, using equipment such as, proteins skimmer, UV filters, chillers, biological filter cabinets and LED lighting with timer control

    Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract from selected macroalgae of southwest coast of India

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    Aqueous extract of seven species of marine macroalgae were screened for their antimicrobial potency against ten pathogenic bacterial strains. Ulva fasciata, Gracilaria corticata, Sargassum wightii and Padina tetrastromatica showed significantly higher activity against 70% of the tested bacterial isolates. The maximum zone of inhibition was noted for the red alga G.corticata against Proteus mirabilis (17mm) and brown alga P. tetrastromatica against the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio harveyi (15mm). The general trend of inhibitory activity was higher towards Gram negative bacteria

    Study to evaluate the effectiveness of coagulation factor concentrate prophylaxis in children with severe hemophilia

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylaxis with coagulation factor concentrates VIII/IX (FVII/IX) in children with severe hemophilia A/B, respectively. Materials and Methods: Retrospective observational study was done on children enrolled in our hemophilia clinic, who initially received тАЬon demandтАЭ therapy and were on prophylaxis with factor VIII/IX concentrate at the time of the study. The study group consisted of 8 children. Annual hemarthrosis rate (AHR) over a period of 1-year during on demand therapy was compared with AHR during a period of 1-year on prophylaxis with FVIII/IX. Results: There was reduction in AHR by 87% in hemophilia A and 85% in hemophilia B during prophylaxis compared to on demand therapy. There was a significant reduction in hemarthrosis/patient/year from 2.5 to 0.3 on prophylaxis with factor concentrate compared to on demand therapy. There was also reduction in other bleeding manifestation like psoas muscle bleed, oral bleeds, epistaxis, and number of target joints involved. Conclusion: Prophylaxis with coagulation factor concentrate significantly reduces the AHR, and hence, decreases the disability associated with it compared to тАЬon demandтАЭ therapy

    Polymicrobial skin lesions in the red spot emperor, Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede 1802) during mass incursion towards shore along Kanyakumari coast, south India

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    Mass incursion of fishes with polymicrobial skin lesions, fin erosions and scale loss was recorded in the red spot emperor Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede 1802) along the Kanyakumari coast, south India during August 2009. An estimated 2.5 t of fish, mostly the red spot emperors were found to migrate in live condition to the shore areas in a stressful state. Microbiological analyses of tissue from sampled fishes revealed three distinct types of bacterial colonies forming 5.2 x 105 CFU g-1 of the infected tissues. The predominant bacterial colonies were characterized as Aeromonas sp. (70.0%) followed by Flavobacterium sp. (20%) and Vibrio sp. (10%). The Aeromonas isolate was highly susceptible to norfloxacin while the Flavobacterium and Vibrio isolates were susceptible to chloramphenicol. The Aeromonas and Vibrio isolates exhibited protease and amylase enzyme activities in vitro, suggesting their possible role in the progression of skin lesions and scale loss. The possibilities of ambient unknown stressors weakening the fish and subsequent infections by these bacterial isolates are discussed

    Vizhinjam Marine Aquarium Haven for Marine Ornamentals

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    There has been a huge growth of public aquaria since the opening of the first public aquarium display in the Fish House at the London Zoo in t 826, and particularly in the past 20 years (Hall and Douglas 2003)

    Managing The Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Accuracy Using Computer Vision Based Deep Neural Network

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    Development of leaf disease in the agricultural sector would decrease crop yield output. Thus, leaf disease identification can be achieved in an automatic way to increase the yield in the agriculture sector. However, most of the disease recognition system works with poor disease recognition due to varying patterns of leaf disease which impair detection accuracy. In this article, we are managing this issue by designing a computer vision model that assists in building a system that involves real-time image detection, feature extraction and image classification. The findings are given by the classifier, whether the leaf is diseased or not. In this paper we use Deep Neural Network (DNN) for real-time image classification. The experimental findings on tomato plant indicate that classification rates have increased with the proposed system relative to other current methods
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