62 research outputs found

    Non-integrability of density perturbations in the FRW universe

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    We investigate the evolution equation of linear density perturbations in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe with matter, radiation and the cosmological constant. The concept of solvability by quadratures is defined and used to prove that there are no "closed form" solutions except for the known Chernin, Heath, Meszaros and simple degenerate ones. The analysis is performed applying Kovacic's algorithm. The possibility of the existence of other, more general solutions involving special functions is also investigated.Comment: 13 pages. The latest version with added references, and a relevant new paragraph in section I

    The Mixmaster Universe in Five Dimensions

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    We consider a five dimensional vacuum cosmology with Bianchi type-IX spatial geometry and an extra non-compact coordinate. Finding a new class of solutions, we examine and rule out the possibility of deterministic chaos. We interpret this result within the context of induced matter theory.Comment: 13 page

    Brane universes tested by supernovae

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    We discuss observational constrains coming from supernovae Ia \cite{Perlmutter99} imposed on the behaviour of the Randall-Sundrum models. In the case of dust matter on the brane, the difference between the best-fit general relativistic model with a Λ\Lambda-term \cite{Perlmutter99} and the best-fit brane models becomes detectable for redshifts z>0.6z > 0.6. It is interesting that brane models predict brighter galaxies for such redshifts which is in agreement with the measurement of the z=1.7z = 1.7 supernova \cite{Riess01} and with the New Data from the High Z Supernovae Search Team \cite{schmit02}. We also demonstrate that the fit to supernovae data can also be obtained, if we admit the "super-negative" dark energy p=(4/3)ϱp = - (4/3) \varrho on the brane, where the dark energy in a way mimics the influence of the cosmological constant. It also appears that the dark energy enlarges the age of the universe which is demanded in cosmology. Finally, we propose to check for dark radiation and brane tension by the application of the angular diameter of galaxies minimum value test.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, REVTEX4, amended versio

    Extended Quintessence with non-minimally coupled phantom scalar field

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    We investigate evolutional paths of an extended quintessence with a non-minimally coupled phantom scalar field ψ\psi to the Ricci curvature. The dynamical system methods are used to investigate typical regimes of dynamics at the late time. We demonstrate that there are two generic types of evolutional scenarios which approach the attractor (a focus or a node type critical point) in the phase space: the quasi-oscillatory and monotonic trajectories approach to the attractor which represents the FRW model with the cosmological constant. We demonstrate that dynamical system admits invariant two-dimensional submanifold and discussion that which cosmological scenario is realized depends on behavior of the system on the phase plane (ψ,ψ)(\psi, \psi'). We formulate simple conditions on the value of coupling constant ξ\xi for which trajectories tend to the focus in the phase plane and hence damping oscillations around the mysterious value w=1w=-1. We describe this condition in terms of slow-roll parameters calculated at the critical point. We discover that the generic trajectories in the focus-attractor scenario come from the unstable node. It is also investigated the exact form of the parametrization of the equation of state parameter w(z)w(z) (directly determined from dynamics) which assumes a different form for both scenarios.Comment: revtex4, 15 pages, 9 figures; (v2) published versio

    Effective dynamics of the closed loop quantum cosmology

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    In this paper we study dynamics of the closed FRW model with holonomy corrections coming from loop quantum cosmology. We consider models with a scalar field and cosmological constant. In case of the models with cosmological constant and free scalar field, dynamics reduce to 2D system and analysis of solutions simplify. If only free scalar field is included then universe undergoes non-singular oscillations. For the model with cosmological constant, different behaviours are obtained depending on the value of Λ\Lambda. If the value of Λ\Lambda is sufficiently small, bouncing solutions with asymptotic de Sitter stages are obtained. However if the value of Λ\Lambda exceeds critical value Λc=3mPl22πγ321mPl2\Lambda_{\text{c}} =\frac{\sqrt{3}m^2_{\text{Pl}}}{2\pi\gamma^3} \simeq 21 m^2_{\text{Pl}} then solutions become oscillatory. Subsequently we study models with a massive scalar field. We find that this model possess generic inflationary attractors. In particular field, initially situated in the bottom of the potential, is driven up during the phase of quantum bounce. This subsequently leads to the phase of inflation. Finally we find that, comparing with the flat case, effects of curvature do not change qualitatively dynamics close to the phase of bounce. Possible effects of inverse volume corrections are also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Acceleration of the Universe driven by the Casimir force

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    We investigate an evolutional scenario of the FRW universe with the Casimir energy scaling like ()(1+z)4(-)(1+z)^4. The Casimir effect is used to explain the vacuum energy differences (its value measured from astrophysics is so small compared to value obtained from quantum field theory calculations). The dynamics of the FRW model is represented in terms of a two-dimensional dynamical system to show all evolutional paths of this model in the phase space for all admissible initial conditions. We find also an exact solution for non flat evolutional paths of Universe driven by the Casimir effect. The main difference between the FRW model with the Casimir force and the Λ\LambdaCDM model is that their generic solutions are a set of evolutional paths with a bounce solution and an initial singularity, respectively. The evolutional scenario are tested by using the SNIa data, FRIIb radiogalaxies, baryon oscillation peak and CMB observation. We compare the power of explanation of the model considered and the Λ\LambdaCDM model using the Bayesian information criterion and Bayesian factor. Our investigation of the information criteria of model selection showed the preference of the Λ\LambdaCDM model over the model considered. However the presence of negative like the radiation term can remove a tension between the theoretical and observed primordial 4{}^4He and D abundance.Comment: RevTeX4, 17 pages, 9 figure

    Observational hints on the Big Bounce

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    In this paper we study possible observational consequences of the bouncing cosmology. We consider a model where a phase of inflation is preceded by a cosmic bounce. While we consider in this paper only that the bounce is due to loop quantum gravity, most of the results presented here can be applied for different bouncing cosmologies. We concentrate on the scenario where the scalar field, as the result of contraction of the universe, is driven from the bottom of the potential well. The field is amplified, and finally the phase of the standard slow-roll inflation is realized. Such an evolution modifies the standard inflationary spectrum of perturbations by the additional oscillations and damping on the large scales. We extract the parameters of the model from the observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation. In particular, the value of inflaton mass is equal to m=(2.6±0.6)1013m=(2.6 \pm 0.6) \cdot 10^{13} GeV. In our considerations we base on the seven years of observations made by the WMAP satellite. We propose the new observational consistency check for the phase of slow-roll inflation. We investigate the conditions which have to be fulfilled to make the observations of the Big Bounce effects possible. We translate them to the requirements on the parameters of the model and then put the observational constraints on the model. Based on assumption usually made in loop quantum cosmology, the Barbero-Immirzi parameter was shown to be constrained by γ<1100\gamma<1100 from the cosmological observations. We have compared the Big Bounce model with the standard Big Bang scenario and showed that the present observational data is not informative enough to distinguish these models.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, JHEP3.cl

    Universe from vacuum in loop-string cosmology

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    In this paper we study the description of the Universe based on the low energy superstring theory modified by the Loop Quantum Gravity effects.This approach was proposed by De Risi et al. in the Phys. Rev. D {\bf 76} (2007) 103531. We show that in the contrast with the string motivated pre-Big Bang scenario, the cosmological realisation of the tt-duality transformation is not necessary to avoid an initial singularity. In the model considered the universe starts its evolution in the vacuum phase at time tt\to - \infty. In this phase the scale factor a0a\to 0, energy density ρ0\rho \to 0 and coupling of the interactions gs20g^2_s \to 0. After this stage the universe evolves to the non-singular hot Big Bang phase ρρmax<\rho \to \rho_{\text{max}} < \infty. Then the standard classical universe emerges. During the whole evolution the scale factor increases monotonically. We solve this model analytically. We also propose and solve numerically the model with an additional dilaton potential in which the universe starts the evolution from the asymptotically free vacuum phase gs20g^2_s \to 0 and then evolves non-singularly to the emerging dark energy dominated phase with the saturated coupling constant gs2constg^2_s \to \text{const}.Comment: JHEP3 LaTeX class, 19 pages, 9 figures, v2: added some comments and references, v3: new numerical result added, new figure

    Cosmological model with macroscopic spin fluid

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    We consider a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model with some exotic perfect fluid with spin known as the Weyssenhoff fluid. The possibility that the dark energy may be described in part by the Weyssenhoff fluid is discussed. The observational constraint coming from supernovae type Ia observations is established. This result indicates that, whereas the cosmological constant is still needed to explain current observations, the model with spin fluid is admissible. For high redshifts z>1z > 1 the differences between the model with spin fluid and the cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant become detectable observationally for the flat case with Ωm,0=0.3\Omega_{\text{m},0}=0.3. From the maximum likelihood method we obtain the value of Ωs,0=0.004±0.016\Omega_{\text{s},0} = 0.004 \pm 0.016. This gives us the limit Ωs,0>0.012\Omega_{\text{s},0} > -0.012 at the 1σ1\sigma level. While the model with ``brane effects'' is preferred by the supernovae Ia data, the model with spin fluid is statistically admissible. For comparison, the limit on the spin fluid coming from cosmic microwave background anisotropies is also obtained. The uncertainties in the location of a first peak give the interval 1.4×1010<Ωs,0<1010-1.4 \times 10^{-10} < \Omega_{\text{s},0} < -10^{-10}. From big bang nucleosynthesis we obtain the strongest limit Ωs,01020\Omega_{\text{s},0} \gtrsim -10^{-20}. The interconnection between the model considered and brane models is also pointed out.Comment: RevTeX4, 15 pages, 10 figures; some minor change

    Particle-Like Description in Quintessential Cosmology

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    Assuming equation of state for quintessential matter: p=w(z)ρp=w(z)\rho, we analyse dynamical behaviour of the scale factor in FRW cosmologies. It is shown that its dynamics is formally equivalent to that of a classical particle under the action of 1D potential V(a)V(a). It is shown that Hamiltonian method can be easily implemented to obtain a classification of all cosmological solutions in the phase space as well as in the configurational space. Examples taken from modern cosmology illustrate the effectiveness of the presented approach. Advantages of representing dynamics as a 1D Hamiltonian flow, in the analysis of acceleration and horizon problems, are presented. The inverse problem of reconstructing the Hamiltonian dynamics (i.e. potential function) from the luminosity distance function dL(z)d_{L}(z) for supernovae is also considered.Comment: 35 pages, 26 figures, RevTeX4, some applications of our treatment to investigation of quintessence models were adde