323 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary administration of oil extract from rosemary on reproductive efficiency in boars

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    A decrease in reproductive performance in boars during and immediately after hot summer weather has been previously reported (Park and Yi, 2002). High temperature causes germ-cell destruction and results in a temporary decrease in sperm production and fertility. The increase of metabolic activity following thermic stress matches with a higher production of free radicals that impairs cells, such as spermatozoa, particularly rich in polyunsatured fatty acids and poor in antioxidants systems


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    5,5,7,7-Tetrametyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[c,e]azepine has been synthesized as a possible pro-chiral (or tropos) unit for the construction of a chiral catalyst and as a molecular chirality sensor for the absolute configuration assignment by chiroptical spectroscopy. A straightforward synthetic strategy for the preparation of the title compound in high overall yield through sequential addition of the four methyl groups on benzylic positions has been described. A VT-NMR study was used to determine the rotational barrier of the aryl-aryl bond in this biphenylazepine, revealing its torsional flexibility at room temperature, which makes the biphenylazepine suitable as both a chirality probe and a tropos moiety in chiral ligands

    Absolute configuration sensing of chiral aryl-and aryloxy-propionic acids by biphenyl chiroptical probes

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    The absolute configuration of chiral 2-aryl and 2-aryloxy propionic acids, which are among the most common chiral environmental pollutants, has been readily and reliably established by either electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy or optical rotation measurements employing suitably designed 4,4′-disubstituted biphenyl probes. In fact, the 4,4′-biphenyl substitution gives rise to a red shift of the diagnostic electronic circular dichroism signal of the biphenyl A band employed for the configuration assignment, removing its overlap with other interfering dichroic bands and allowing its clear sign identification. The largest A band red shift, and thus the most reliable results, are obtained by employing as a probe the 4,4′-dinitro substituted biphenylazepine 3c. The method was applied to the absolute configuration assignment of 2-arylpropionic acids ibuprofen (1a), naproxen (1b), ketoprofen (1c) and flurbiprofen (1d), as well as to the 2-aryloxypropionic acids 2-phenoxypropionic acid (2a) and 2-naphthoxypropionic acid (2b). This approach, allowing us to reveal the sample’s absolute configuration by simple optical rotation measurements, is potentially applicable to online analyses of both the enantiomeric composition and absolute configuration of these chiral pollutants

    Reproductive parameters of "Nero di Parma" sows reared outdoor and indoor

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    AbstractThe swine genetic type "Nero di Parma" has been obtained after a preservation programme of a local breed suitable for outdoor rearing systems in Parma province. Actually, 480 females and 35 males are registered by Italian Swine Breeders Association and are reared in 28 herds of Parma province. The study involved the analysis of the reproductive performance of 120 sows from 19 boars, born between 1999 and 2005, during 211 parities from 2002 to 2006. For each parity, the boar, the age of the sow, the length of the farrowing interval, and the litter size (number of born alive, stillborn and weaned piglets) were recorded. Two rearing systems of the farrowing sows (from the final phase of gestation to the end of lactation) were considered: indoor (sows closed off in individual stalls or farrowing cages) and outdoor (sows in individual huts inside the paddocks, with straw bedding); dry sows in both systems had access on pasture with forage and concentrate integration. Data concerning sows performance we..

    Prediction of milk, fat and protein yields in first lactation from serum ß-lactoglobulin concentrations during gestation in Italian Brown heifers

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    The Authors report the results of a study carried out on 23 pregnant Italian Brown heifers, with the aim to determine the relationships between blood serum ß-lactoglobulin (ß-LG) concentrations during first gestation and subsequent milk production and quality in first lactation, in order to obtain an improved selection method for replacement heifers. At weeks 20, 26 and 32 of gestation, ß-LG concentrations (±SE) were 706±78, 753±66 and 772±63 ng/ml, respectively (P>0.05). High and significant (P≤0.05) correlation coefficients were observed only between ß-LG content at week 32 and total milk and protein yields in first lactation. Prediction equations of milk, fat and protein production in first lactation from log10 ß-LG content at week 32 of gestation, from parent average genetic indexes and from both were calculated by means of multiple regression analysis. When the contribution of both ß-LG content and predicted genetic indexes were considered, the regression equations gave generally a better estimate of the production parameters in first lactation (higher R2, lower SE of estimate) than the above mentioned parameters alone. These results suggest that it is valuable to pre-estimate milk, fat and protein production in Italian Brown first lactating cows by means of the analysis of serum ß-LG content during gestation


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    The aim of this study was to analyse the litter size traits in two genotypes of pig population with black coat: Black Slavonian (BS) and “Nero di Parma” (NP). Data analysis included records from the 1st to 4th parity separately, and all parities (from 1st to 11th) for the following traits: Total Number of Born (TNB), Number of Born Alive (NBA), and Number of Weaned (NW) piglets, collected from 296 BS and 421 NP sows. Litter size traits from 1st to 4th paritywas analysed separately for each breed and ANOVA Repetead Measure test was used to calculate the difference between parities. The analysis of seasonality in all parities was performed using the General Linear Model.Significant differences (P<0.05) between-parity in BS were observed in the 1st and 3rd as well in the 1st and 4th parities for TNB and NW. Only for the NBA difference (P<0.05) was found between 1st and 3rd parities.Differences (P<0.05) in NP pigs were reported between the 1st and 3rd as between 1st and 4th parity for TNB and NBA. First-parity sows for NW shows significant differences (P<0.05) in relation to 2nd, 3rd and 4th parity. In all parities analysed according to the seasons significant differences was recorded between summer and autumn period for TNB (P<0.05) in BS. Difference (P<0.05) was also obtained for NBA between spring and autumn, as well as for summer and autumn season. In all parity analysis in BS pig, the NW (P<0.05) showed differences only between spring and summer period. Season in all parity analysis had a significant impact on litter size traits in NP pig. Differences (P<0.05) was obtained for TNB, NBA and NW among spring-winter, summerwinter and autumn-winter period.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati pokazatelje veličine legla u dvije populacije svinja: crne slavonske pasmine svinja (CS) i crne pasmine svinja “Nero di Parma” (NP). Analizirani su pokazatelji veličine legla: ukupan broj oprasenih (UOO), živooprasenih (ŽO) i broj odbijenih odojaka (BOO) od prvog do četvrtog prasenjaza svaku pasminu. Skupnom analizom od prvog do jedanaestog legala prikazani su rezultati UOO, ŽO i BOO po sezoni prasenja. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 296 krmača CS i 421 krmača NP. Testiranje razlika navedenih pokazatelja od prvog do četvrtog prasenja provedena je analizom varijance s ponovljenim mjerenjima. Podaci skupne analize po sezoni prasenja prikazani su pomoću općeg linearnog modela izračuna. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđena je značajna razlika (p<0,05) između prvog i trećeg prasenja te prvog i četvrtog prasenja za svojstva UOO i BOO u CS, dok je značajna razlika (p<0,05) u broju ŽO usta-novoljena samo između prvog i trećeg prasenja. Razlika u broju UOO i ŽO bila je značajna (p<0,05) između prvopraskinja u odnosu na treće-i četvrtopraskinje NP. Najmanji BOO u NP zabilježen je u prvopraskinja te su razlike bile značajne (p<0,05) u usporedbi s drugim, trećim i četvrtim prasenjem. Skupnom analizom prasenja utvrđene su značajne razlike (p<0,05) za UOO između ljetne i jesenske sezone te za ŽO između jesenske i proljetne sezone te jesenske i ljetne sezone prasenja (p<0,05). Nadalje, značajna razlika (p<0,05) u BOO zabilježena je između proljetne i ljetne sezone prasenja. Broj UOO, ŽO i BOO u NP tijekom zimske sezone bio je značajno manji (p<0,05) u odnosu na zabilježene vrijednosti tijekom proljetne, ljetne i jesenke sezone prasenja