2 research outputs found

    Adaptation stability of European beech Fagus sylvatica L. after five years of growth

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    This study was focused on the evaluation of beech adaptation on test plots in the G贸ra 艢l膮ska and 艢wiebodzin Forest Districts. For this purpose, we examined offspring from seed stands of beech growing in the Regional Directorates of State Forests in Szczecin, Szczecinek, Pi艂a, Zielona G贸ra and Pozna艅, which were brought to both test plots. The aim was to determine the adaptive response of the offspring from these stands after five years of growth with respect to the changed environmental conditions compared to the site of origin. Our analysis revealed a relatively low survival rate which was 60.8% and 72.2% in G贸ra 艢l膮ska and 艢wiebodzin respectively. Interestingly, beeches grown on the plot in G贸ra 艢l膮ska were about 40% higher than those grown in 艢wiebodzin (77.6 cm). The trees from both plots were significantly different from each other in terms of the analyzed features and a significant interaction was observed between test plot and site of origin. However, the variability in the adaptive response of the seedlings was large. Using a regression coefficient and the average height value, we determined the seedlings stability, which indicated high quality in offspring from the beech stand in the 艁opuch贸wko Forest District (Buczyna forest range, sub-compartment 95n) and a high degree of adaptation to growth in adverse environmental conditions. Our results also indicate a low survival rate and reduced height of beech offspring from commercial seed stands (local standard)