20 research outputs found

    Targeting Inflation in a Dollarized Economy: The Peruvian Experience

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    This discusses the unique experience of Peru`s Central Bank with inflation targeting in an economy characterized by a high degree of financial dollarization. The paper outlines how Peru has taken financial dollarization into consideration in the design of monetary policy, then deals with monetary policy implementation and the Central Bank`s strategy for controlling financial dollarization risks. The paper concludes with analysis and lessons drawn from the Peruvian case

    Thompson e a tradição Marxista Thompson and the Marxist tradition

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    O autor critica o empreendimento teórico do historiador inglês E. P. Thompson de dar consistência analítica à noção marxista de "consciência de classe" recorrendo a idéias tais como as de "experiênciias comuns" e de "valores morais compartilhados. A vitalidade analítica do marxismo só pode ser demonstrada aceitando-se a tese "marxista vulgar" da determinação da superestrutura pela estrutura econômica; e concentrando-se nos problemas empíricos que emergem das ações instrumentais de agentes no âmbito "infraestrutural".<br>The author criticizes tlie theoretical endeavours of the British historian E. P. Thompson in order to give analytical consistency to the Marxist notion of "class consciousness" through ideas like "commom experiences" and "shared moral values". He maintains that the only way to demonstrate the analytical vitality of Marxism is by accepting the "vulgar Marxist" thesis of the determination of the superstructure by the economic structure; and by concentrating on the empirical problems that arise from the instrumental action of the actors on the "infrastructural" leve