19 research outputs found

    Transgenic tomatoes expressing human beta-amyloid for use as a vaccine against Alzheimer’s disease

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    Human β-amyloid (Aβ) is believed to be one of the main components of Alzheimer’s disease, so reduction of Aβ is considered a key therapeutic target. Using Agrobacterium-mediated nuclear transformation, we generated transgenic tomatoes for Aβ with tandem repeats. Integration of the human Aβ gene into the tomato genome and its transcription were detected by PCR and Northern blot, respectively. Expression of the Aβ protein was confirmed by western blot and ELISA, and then the transgenic tomato line expressing the highest protein level was selected for vaccination. Mice immunized orally with total soluble extracts from the transgenic tomato plants elicited an immune response after receiving a booster. The results indicate that tomato plants may provide a useful system for the production of human Aβ antigen

    Low-dose oral immunization with lyophilized tissue of herbicide-resistant lettuce expressing hepatitis B surface antigen for prototype plant-derived vaccine tablet formulation

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    Efficient immunization against hepatitis B virus (HBV) and other pathogens with plant-based oral vaccines requires appropriate plant expressors and the optimization of vaccine compositions and administration protocols. Previous immunization studies were mainly based on a combination of the injection of a small surface antigen of HBV (S-HBsAg) and the feeding with raw tissue containing the antigen, supplemented with an adjuvant, and coming from plants conferring resistance to kanamycin. The objective of this study was to develop a prototype oral vaccine formula suitable for human immunization. Herbicide-resistant lettuce was engineered, stably expressing through progeny generation micrograms of S-HBsAg per g of fresh weight and formed into virus-like particles (VLPs). Lyophilized tissue containing a relatively low, 100-ng VLP-assembled antigen dose, administered only orally to mice with a long, 60-day interval between prime and boost immunizations and without exogenous adjuvant, elicited mucosal and systemic humoral anti-HBs responses at the nominally protective level. Lyophilized tissue was converted into tablets, which preserved S-HBsAg content for at least one year of room temperature storage. The results of the study provide indications on immunization methodology using a durable, efficacious, and convenient plant-derived prototype oral vaccine against hepatitis B

    Algae as Protein Factories: Expression of a Human Antibody and the Respective Antigen in the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Microalgae are thought to offer great potential as expression system for various industrial, therapeutic and diagnostic recombinant proteins as they combine high growth rates with all benefits of eukaryotic expression systems. Moreover, microalgae exhibit a phototrophic lifestyle like land plants, hence protein expression is fuelled by photosynthesis, which is CO2-neutral and involves only low production costs. So far, however, research on algal bioreactors for recombinant protein expression is very rare calling for further investigations in this highly promising field. In this study, we present data on the expression of a monoclonal human IgG antibody against the Hepatitis B surface protein and the respective antigen in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Antibodies are fully-assembled and functional and accumulate to 8.7% of total soluble protein, which complies with 21 mg antibody per gram algal dry weight. The Hepatitis B surface protein is functional as well and is recognized by algae-produced and commercial antibodies

    RIKEN Cassava Initiative: establishment of a cassava functional genomics platform

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important tropical root crop that provides food security and income generation for many farmers. Cassava ranks as the third most important source of calories in the tropics and provides sustenance to 800 million people worldwide. Cassava is also an efficient source of modified starch and bioethanol. In spite of the many advantages and high potential of cassava, the research community lacks functional genomic resources. Therefore, RIKEN has been working to establish a cassava functional genomics platform, which includes full-length cDNAs, DNA microarrays, transformation capabilities, and a searchable database in collaboration with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) of Colombia and Mahidol University of Thailand. In this review, we summarize the present status and future perspectives of our cassava functional genomic approaches

    A plant signal peptide–hepatitis B surface antigen fusion protein with enhanced stability and immunogenicity expressed in plant cells

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    The use of transgenic plants to express orally immunogenic protein antigens is an emerging strategy for vaccine biomanufacturing and delivery. This concept has particular suitability for developing countries. One factor that has limited the development of this technology is the relatively modest levels of accumulation of some antigenic proteins in plant tissues. We used fusion protein design to improve expression of the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) by attempting to mimic the process of HBsAg targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum of human liver cells during hepatitis B virus infection. We created a gene encoding a recombinant HBsAg modified to contain a plant signal peptide fused to its amino terminus. The signal peptide from soybean vegetative storage protein vspA (VSPαS) directed endoplasmic reticulum targeting of HBsAg in plant cells, but was not cleaved and resulted in enhanced VSPαS-HBsAg fusion accumulation. This product was more stable and presented the protective “a” antigenic determinant to significantly higher levels than unmodified native HBsAg expressed in plant cells. It also showed a greater extent of intermolecular disulfide bond formation and formation of virus-like particles. Moreover, VSPαS-HBsAg stimulated higher levels of serum IgG than native HBsAg when injected into mice. We conclude that HBsAg tolerates a polypeptide fusion at the amino terminus and that VSPαS-HBsAg is an improved antigen for plant-based expression of a subunit vaccine for hepatitis B virus