819 research outputs found

    Utilization of Forming Tool with Variable Blankholder Force for Drawing of Al Alloys

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    AbstractDrawing of stampings technology is nowadays the most using technology for sheets processing. Because of stamping's weight reduction is these days actual sheet processing from aluminium alloys which by their properties differ a lot from commonly using deep-drawing sheets. To achieve maximal plastic deformation with material fracture is necessary to use sheet with required mechanical properties and properly chosen forming technological properties. Common tools for deep-drawing don’t enable to lively reply of necessity to change blankholder force during sheet drawing. On the experimental tool for deep-drawing with variable blankholder force are in the paper evaluated two variants of drawing methods for irregular shape of stamping. In the first case was stamping from AA6016 alloy designed with constant blankholder force. In the second case was blankholder force optimized and during drawing was changed in dependence on drawing depth. Calculation of blankholder force in dependence on drawing depth was carried out by means of numerical simulation in software PAM-STAMP 2G. Result of optimalization was strain distribution change in critical places of stamping. Strain distribution on stamping is measured by means of optical system ARGUS

    Atmosphere above a large solar pore

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    A large solar pore with a granular light bridge was observed on October 15, 2008 with the IBIS spectrometer at the Dunn Solar Telescope and a 69-min long time series of spectral scans in the lines Ca II 854.2 nm and Fe I 617.3 nm was obtained. The intensity and Doppler signals in the Ca II line were separated. This line samples the middle chromosphere in the core and the middle photosphere in the wings. Although no indication of a penumbra is seen in the photosphere, an extended filamentary structure, both in intensity and Doppler signals, is observed in the Ca II line core. An analysis of morphological and dynamical properties of the structure shows a close similarity to a superpenumbra of a sunspot with developed penumbra. A special attention is paid to the light bridge, which is the brightest feature in the pore seen in the Ca II line centre and shows an enhanced power of chromospheric oscillations at 3-5 mHz. Although the acoustic power flux in the light bridge is five times higher than in the "quiet" chromosphere, it cannot explain the observed brightness.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Localised plumes in three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection

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    Within the umbrae of sunspots, convection is generally inhibited by the presence of strong vertical magnetic fields. However, convection is not completely suppressed in these regions: bright features, known as umbral dots, are probably associated with weak, isolated convective plumes. Motivated by observations of umbral dots, we carry out numerical simulations of three-dimensional, compressible magnetoconvection. By following solution branches into the subcritical parameter regime (a region of parameter space in which the static solution is linearly stable to convective perturbations), we find that it is possible to generate a solution which is characterised by a single, isolated convective plume. This solution is analogous to the steady magnetohydrodynamic convectons that have previously been found in two-dimensional calculations. These results can be related, in a qualitative sense, to observations of umbral dots.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Chromospheric heating by acoustic waves compared to radiative cooling

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    Acoustic and magnetoacoustic waves are among the possible candidate mechanisms that heat the upper layers of solar atmosphere. A weak chromospheric plage near a large solar pore NOAA 11005 was observed on October 15, 2008 in the lines Fe I 617.3 nm and Ca II 853.2 nm with the Interferometric Bidimemsional Spectrometer (IBIS) attached to the Dunn Solar Telescope. Analyzing the Ca II observations with spatial and temporal resolutions of 0.4" and 52 s, the energy deposited by acoustic waves is compared with that released by radiative losses. The deposited acoustic flux is estimated from power spectra of Doppler oscillations measured in the Ca II line core. The radiative losses are calculated using a grid of seven 1D hydrostatic semi-empirical model atmospheres. The comparison shows that the spatial correlation of maps of radiative losses and acoustic flux is 72 %. In quiet chromosphere, the contribution of acoustic energy flux to radiative losses is small, only of about 15 %. In active areas with photospheric magnetic field strength between 300 G and 1300 G and inclination of 20-60 degrees, the contribution increases from 23 % (chromospheric network) to 54 % (a plage). However, these values have to be considered as lower limits and it might be possible that the acoustic energy flux is the main contributor to the heating of bright chromospheric network and plages.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamics of the solar atmosphere above a pore with a light bridge

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    Context: Solar pores are small sunspots lacking a penumbra that have a prevailing vertical magnetic field component. They can include light bridges at places with locally reduced magnetic field. Like sunspots, they exhibit a wide range of oscillatory phenomena. Aims: A large isolated pore with a light bridge (NOAA 11005) is studied to obtain characteristics of a chromospheric filamentary structure around the pore, to analyse oscillations and waves in and around the pore, and to understand the structure and brightness of the light bridge. Methods: Spectral imaging observations in the line Ca II 854.2 nm and complementary spectropolarimetry in Fe I lines, obtained with the DST/IBIS spectrometer and HINODE/SOT spectropolarimeter, were used to measure photospheric and chromospheric velocity fields, oscillations, waves, the magnetic field in the photosphere, and acoustic energy flux and radiative losses in the chromosphere. Results: The chromospheric filamentary structure around the pore has all important characteristics of a superpenumbra: it shows an inverse Evershed effect and running waves, and has a similar morphology and oscillation character. The granular structure of the light bridge in the upper photosphere can be explained by radiative heating. Acoustic waves leaking up from the photosphere along the inclined magnetic field in the light bridge transfer enough energy flux to balance the total radiative losses of the light-bridge chromosphere. Conclusions: The presence of a penumbra is not a necessary condition for the formation of a superpenumbra. The light bridge is heated by radiation in the photosphere and by acoustic waves in the chromosphere.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Astrononomy & Astrophysic

    A model of an expanding giant that swallowed planets for the eruption of V838 Monocerotis

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    In early 2002 V838 Monocerotis had an extraordinary outburst whose nature is still unclear. The optical light curve showed at least three peaks and imaging revealed a light echo around the object - evidence for a dust shell which was emitted several thousand years ago and now reflecting light from the eruption. Spectral analysis suggests that the object was relatively cold throughout the event, which was characterized by an expansion to extremely large radii. We show that the three peaks in the light curve have a similar shape and thus it seems likely that a certain phenomenon was three times repeated. Our suggestion that the outburst was caused by the expansion of a red giant, followed by the successive swallowing of three relatively massive planets in close orbits, supplies a simple explanation to all observed peculiarities of this intriguing object.Comment: 5 pages, 1 LaTex file, 2 .eps figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetic Tension of Sunspot Fine Structures

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    The equilibrium structure of sunspots depends critically on its magnetic topology and is dominated by magnetic forces. Tension force is one component of the Lorentz force which balances the gradient of magnetic pressure in force-free configurations. We employ the tension term of the Lorentz force to clarify the structure of sunspot features like penumbral filaments, umbral light bridges and outer penumbral fine structures. We compute vertical component of tension term of Lorentz force over two active regions namely NOAA AR 10933 and NOAA AR 10930 observed on 05 January 2007 and 12 December 2006 respectively. The former is a simple while latter is a complex active region with highly sheared polarity inversion line (PIL). The vector magnetograms used are obtained from Hinode(SOT/SP). We find an inhomogeneous distribution of tension with both positive and negative signs in various features of the sunspots. The existence of positive tension at locations of lower field strength and higher inclination is compatible with the uncombed model of the penumbral structure. Positive tension is also seen in umbral light bridges which could be indication of uncombed structure of the light bridge. Likewise, the upward directed tension associated with bipolar regions in the penumbra could be a direct confirmation of the sea serpent model of penumbral structures. Upward directed tension at the PIL of AR 10930 seems to be related to flux emergence. The magnitude of the tension force is greater than the force of gravity in some places, implying a nearly force-free configuration for these sunspot features. From our study, magnetic tension emerges as a useful diagnostic of the local equilibrium of the sunspot fine structures.Comment: 06 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for publication in the Astronomy & Astrophysics as a "Letter to the Editor

    Properties of Umbral Dots as Measured from the New Solar Telescope Data and MHD Simulations

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    We studied bright umbral dots (UDs) detected in a moderate size sunspot and compared their statistical properties to recent MHD models. The study is based on high resolution data recorded by the New Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory and 3D MHD simulations of sunspots. Observed UDs, living longer than 150 s, were detected and tracked in a 46 min long data set, using an automatic detection code. Total 1553 (620) UDs were detected in the photospheric (low chromospheric) data. Our main findings are: i) none of the analyzed UDs is precisely circular, ii) the diameter-intensity relationship only holds in bright umbral areas, and iii) UD velocities are inversely related to their lifetime. While nearly all photospheric UDs can be identified in the low chromospheric images, some small closely spaced UDs appear in the low chromosphere as a single cluster. Slow moving and long living UDs seem to exist in both the low chromosphere and photosphere, while fast moving and short living UDs are mainly detected in the photospheric images. Comparison to the 3D MHD simulations showed that both types of UDs display, on average, very similar statistical characteristics. However, i) the average number of observed UDs per unit area is smaller than that of the model UDs, and ii) on average, the diameter of model UDs is slightly larger than that of observed ones.Comment: Accepted by the AP

    Calculation of the number of partitions with constraints on the fragment size

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    This article introduces recursive relations allowing the calculation of the number of partitions with constraints on the minimum and/or on the maximum fragment size

    The dissimilar chemical composition of the planet-hosting stars of the XO-2 binary system

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    Using high-quality spectra of the twin stars in the XO-2 binary system, we have detected significant differences in the chemical composition of their photospheres. The differences correlate strongly with the elements' dust condensation temperature. In XO-2N, volatiles are enhanced by about 0.015 dex and refractories are overabundant by up to 0.090 dex. On average, our error bar in relative abundance is 0.012 dex. We present an early metal-depletion scenario in which the formation of the gas giant planets known to exist around these stars is responsible for a 0.015 dex offset in the abundances of all elements while 20 M_Earth of non-detected rocky objects that formed around XO-2S explain the additional refractory-element difference. An alternative explanation involves the late accretion of at least 20 M_Earth of planet-like material by XO-2N, allegedly as a result of the migration of the hot Jupiter detected around that star. Dust cleansing by a nearby hot star as well as age or Galactic birthplace effects can be ruled out as valid explanations for this phenomenon.Comment: ApJ, in press. Complete linelist (Table 3) available in the "Other formats -> Source" downloa