1,332 research outputs found

    Design of a 30 GHz bragg reflector for a Raman FEL

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    A design of a Bragg reflector for a Raman FEL is described. It is shown that mode conversion occurs whenever the axial wavenumbers of the two modes fulfil the Bragg condition. With a constant ripple of the corrugation it is shown that the reflected radiation also contains higher order modes, assuming that the incident radiation consists only of a TE11 mode. The mode purity can be increased by increasing the length of the reflector at the expense of a smaller reflection bandwidth. A more flexible method is by applying a Hamming window to the corrugation of the reflector. Contributions of other modes to the reflected radiation can in that case be neglected. The reflector will be installed in a Raman laser to be able to compare the amplifier with the oscillator configuration. Therefore some preliminary results are also presented about the start-up of the Raman laser

    Studies of a Terawatt X-Ray Free-Electron Laser

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    The possibility of constructing terawatt (TW) x-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) has been discussed using novel superconducting helical undulators [5]. In this paper, we consider the conditions necessary for achieving powers in excess of 1 TW in a 1.5 {\AA} FEL using simulations with the MINERVA simulation code [7]. Steady-state simulations have been conducted using a variety of undulator and focusing configurations. In particular, strong focusing using FODO lattices is compared with the natural, weak focusing inherent in helical undulators. It is found that the most important requirement to reach TW powers is extreme transverse compression of the electron beam in a strong FODO lattice. The importance of extreme focusing of the electron beam in the production of TW power levels means that the undulator is not the prime driver for a TW FEL, and simulations are also described using planar undulators that reach near-TW power levels. In addition, TW power levels can be reached using pure self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) or with novel self-seeding configurations when such extreme focusing of the electron beam is applied.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Comparison between a FEL amplifier and oscillator

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    Previous experiments with the Raman FEL, situated at the Twente University, showed that the output was influenced by the rather strong increase of the current density with time. The field emission diode has been modified to produce a more constant current pulse to simplify the analysis of the measurements. This resulted in a lower current density of the electron beam. With this new diode two set-ups are studied. In the first set-up the laser is still configured as an amplifier whereas in the second set-up the laser configuration is changed into an oscillator using a Bragg reflector with a space-variable corrugation height. For both set-ups we measured the frequency spectrum for specific values of undulator and guide magnetic fields. The relative performance of the amplifier and the oscillator configuration will be presented

    An X-Ray Regenerative Amplifier Free-Electron Laser Using Diamond Pinhole MIrrors

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    Free-electron lasers (FELs) have been built ranging in wavelength from long-wavelength oscillators using partial wave guiding through ultraviolet through hard x-ray FELs that are either seeded or start from noise (SASE). Operation in the x-ray spectrum has relied on single-pass SASE due either to the lack of seed lasers or difficulties in the design of x-ray mirrors. However, recent developments in the production of diamond crystal Bragg reflectors point the way to the design of regenerative amplifiers (RAFELs) which are, essentially, low-Q x-ray free-electron laser oscillators (XFELOs) that out-couple a large fraction of the optical power on each pass. A RAFEL using a six-mirror resonator providing out-coupling of 90% or more through a pinhole in the first downstream mirror is proposed and analyzed using the MINERVA simulation code for the undulator interaction and the Optics Propagation Code (OPC) for the resonator. MINERVA/OPC has been used in the past to simulate infrared FEL oscillators. For the present purpose, OPC has been modified to treat Bragg reflection from diamond crystal mirrors. The six-mirror resonator design has been analyzed within the context of the LCLS-II beamline under construction at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and using the HXR undulator which is also to be installed on the LCLS-II beamline. Simulations have been run to optimize and characterize the properties of the RAFEL, and indicate that substantial powers are possible at the fundamental (3.05 keV) and third harmonic (9.15 keV).Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Deep Saturated Free Electron Laser Oscillators and Frozen Spikes

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    We analyze the behavior of Free Electron Laser (FEL) oscillators operating in the deep saturated regime and point out the formation of sub-peaks of the optical pulse. They are very stable configurations, having a width corresponding to a coherence length. We speculate on the physical mechanisms underlying their growth and attempt an identification with FEL mode locked structures associated with Super Modes. Their impact on the intra-cavity nonlinear harmonic generation is also discussed along with the possibility of exploiting them as cavity out-coupler.Comment: 28 page

    The effect of a Bragg reflector on the spectral stability of the Twente Raman free electron laser

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    The spectral distribution of the Twente Raman FEL has been studied as a function of the interaction length for an amplifier configuration. A stable spectrum was found for the minimum required interaction length necessary for the RF signal to be detected. Large variations in total emitted energy are observed however. With increasing interaction length the spectral distribution not only evolves but deviations are also observed, i.e. for some shots distributions are found which do not conform to the average distribution. For even longer interaction lengths the spectra can be grouped in a few different patterns. The influence of the feedback on the spectral distribution has been studied by changing the configuration to an oscillator using a Bragg reflector. For all settings investigated, the oscillator showed a more stable spectrum, i.e., less spread in total emitted energy as well as less spread in spectral distribution. For some settings operation on a single frequency in the Ka band was observed

    Mapping individual electromagnetic field components inside a photonic crystal

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    We present a method to map the absolute electromagnetic field strength inside photonic crystals. We apply the method to map the electric field component Ez of a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab at microwave frequencies. The slab is placed between two mirrors to select Bloch standing waves and a subwavelength spherical scatterer is scanned inside the resulting resonator. The resonant Bloch frequencies shift depending on the electric field at the position of the scatterer. To map the electric field component Ez we measure the frequency shift in the reflection and transmission spectrum of the slab versus the scatterer position. Very good agreement is found between measurements and calculations without any adjustable parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    General weak segregation theory with an application to monodisperse semi-flexible diblock copolymers

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    A general theory has been developed for a polydisperse semi-flexible multi-block copolymer melt. Using the Bawendi-Freed approach to model semi-flexible chains, an expression for the Landau free energy is derived in the weak segregation regime, which includes density and orientation order-parameters. The orientation order-parameter is described in the smectic phase and in more complicated structures, such as the hexagonal phase. The Landau free energy contains contributions of two kinds of interactions. The first kind is the Flory-Huggins interaction, which describes the incompatibility of chemically different blocks and may induce microphase separation. The second kind is the Maier-Saupe interaction, which may induce nematic ordering. In the framework of the weak segregation limit, the Landau theory allows us to predict phase structures in the melt as a function of the composition, persistence length, and the strength of the Flory-Huggins and Maier-Saupe interaction. The general theory is applied to a simple system of monodisperse semi-flexible diblock copolymers. In several phase diagrams, a number of possible phase structures are predicted, such as the bcc, hexagonal, smectic-A, smectic-C, and nematic phase. The influence of the Maier-Saupe interaction on the microphase structure is thoroughly discussed.</p

    Online nieuws: copyright of commons: discussiebundel

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    Onder invloed van digitalisering en internet is de afgelopen jaren de discussie over auteursrechten in het journalistieke veld opgelaaid. Verschillende aspecten spelen een rol in deze discussie. Sommigen benadrukken het belang van de online rechten van de makers en stellen dat het traditionele systeem van auteursrechten in de digitale wereld aan een update toe is. In 2008 opende de Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ) bijvoorbeeld een plagiaatdienst terwijl ook het Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANP) onlangs een meldpunt in het leven heeft geroepen om ongeoorloofd hergebruik van hun nieuwsberichten in kaart te brengen. Anderen vinden auteursrecht in deze digitale tijd een achterhaald systeem. De sector zou zich volgens hen in plaats daarvan moeten richten op nieuwe manieren om geld te verdienen met nieuws. Modellen gebaseerd op Creative Commons zijn misschien wel geschikter om rechtenkwesties te regelen. In het kader van het Designing the Daily Digital project (3D) brengt de 3D Academy deze discussie in kaart. In deze bundel belicht een gevarieerde groep auteurs in een aantal mini-essays de verschillende kanten van het debat. Erik Huizer, algemeen directeur van TNO Informatiemaatschappij, verzorgt de inleiding op deze bundel. We zijn alle auteurs zeer erkentelijk voor hun bijdragen en hopen dat hun essays een vruchtbaar uitgangspunt zullen zijn bij de discussies die de komende tijd over auteursrechten en journalistiek gevoerd zullen worden