35 research outputs found

    Phytotherapeutic and naturopathic adjuvant therapies in otorhinolaryngology

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    Phytotherapeutic pharmaceuticals and herbal medicinal products with its roots in classical phytotherapeutic medicine have a well-established role in otolaryngological therapy, especially for diseases of the upper airways and acute and chronic infections. A thorough selection and application could mean huge benefit for the patient, in particular in cases with contraindications, chemo- and antibiotic resistance or patient request. Besides, it might spare other medications. Phytotherapeutic pharmaceuticals must fulfil the same criteria of quality, effectiveness and harmlessness of evidence-based medicine like chemical pharmaceuticals, although they are often prescribed due to its well established or traditional based use. This review focuses on phytotherapeutic therapies well established within the European Community for otolaryngologic disease patterns by referring to clinical studies or meta-analysis

    Diabetes MILES – The Netherlands: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining the psychosocial aspects of living with diabetes in Dutch adults

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    Background : As the number of people with diabetes is increasing rapidly worldwide, a more thorough understanding of the psychosocial aspects of living with this condition has become an important health care priority. While our knowledge has grown substantially over the past two decades with respect to the physical, emotional and social difficulties that people with diabetes may encounter, many important issues remain to be elucidated. Under the umbrella of the Diabetes MILES (Management and Impact for Long-term Empowerment and Success) Study International Collaborative, Diabetes MILES &ndash; The Netherlands aims to examine how Dutch adults with diabetes manage their condition and how it affects their lives. Topics of special interest in Diabetes MILES - The Netherlands include subtypes of depression, Type D personality, mindfulness, sleep and sexual functioning. Methods/design : Diabetes MILES &ndash; The Netherlands was designed as a national online observational study among adults with diabetes. In addition to a main set of self-report measures, the survey consisted of five complementary modules to which participants were allocated randomly. From September to October 2011, a total of 3,960 individuals with diabetes (40% type 1, 53% type 2) completed the battery of questionnaires covering a broad range of topics, including general health, self-management, emotional well-being and contact with health care providers. People with self-reported type 1 diabetes (specifically those on insulin pump therapy) were over-represented, as were those using insulin among respondents with self-reported type 2 diabetes. People from ethnic minorities were under-represented. The sex distribution was fairly equal in the total sample, participants spanned a broad age range (19&ndash;90 years), and diabetes duration ranged from recent diagnosis to living with the condition for over fifty years. Discussion : The Diabetes MILES Study enables detailed investigation of the psychosocial aspects of living with diabetes and an opportunity to put these findings in an international context. With several papers planned resulting from a pooled Australian-Dutch dataset and data collections planned in other countries, the Diabetes MILES Study International Collaborative will contribute substantially to identifying potentially unmet needs of those living with diabetes and to inform clinical research and care across the globe. <br /

    Fatigue in neuromuscular disorders: focus on Guillain–Barré syndrome and Pompe disease

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    Fatigue accounts for an important part of the burden experienced by patients with neuromuscular disorders. Substantial high prevalence rates of fatigue are reported in a wide range of neuromuscular disorders, such as Guillain–Barré syndrome and Pompe disease. Fatigue can be subdivided into experienced fatigue and physiological fatigue. Physiological fatigue in turn can be of central or peripheral origin. Peripheral fatigue is an important contributor to fatigue in neuromuscular disorders, but in reaction to neuromuscular disease fatigue of central origin can be an important protective mechanism to restrict further damage. In most cases, severity of fatigue seems to be related with disease severity, possibly with the exception of fatigue occurring in a monophasic disorder like Guillain–Barré syndrome. Treatment of fatigue in neuromuscular disease starts with symptomatic treatment of the underlying disease. When symptoms of fatigue persist, non-pharmacological interventions, such as exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy, can be initiated

    The relationship among restless legs syndrome (Willis–Ekbom Disease), hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease

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    Comparison of the caries progression estimation in permanent teeth by Diagnodent and Diagnodent Pen 2190 apparatus

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    Diagnodent to laserowe urządzenie diagnostyczne, służące do wykrywania patologicznych zmian szkliwa i zębiny w obrębie bruzd na powierzchniach stycznych oraz gładkich. Aparat ten wykorzystuje zjawisko fluorescencji. Cyfrowa analiza sygnału fluorescencji pozwala na ocenę stanu mineralizacji badanej powierzchni. Badanie takie jest szybkie, bezbolesne i nieinwazyjne. Celem pracy było porównanie urządzeń Diagnodent i Diagnodent Pen. Oceniano czułość wykrywania w zależności od stopnia zaawansowania choroby próchnicowej w bruzdach zębów stałych przedtrzonowych. Scharakteryzowano również walory użytkowe obu urządzeń. Materiał badawczy stanowiły bruzdy 40 zębów przedtrzonowych górnych i dolnych. Do badań zakwalifikowano wyłącznie zęby nieleczone stomatologicznie. Do oceny stanu twardych tkanek zęba w obrębie bruzd zastosowano urządzenie Diagnodent (KaVo) i Diagnodent Pen (KaVo). Diagnostykę prowadzono przed oczyszczeniem powierzchni żujących ze złogów nazębnych oraz po ich usunięciu. Poziom zaawansowania choroby próchnicowej oceniano wg skali Hibsta i Paulusa.Diagnodent is a laser diagnostic apparatus used for detecting dentine and enamel lesions at grooves, occlusal and interproximal surfaces. The diagnosis is based on the fluorescence phenomena. Digital analysis of fluorescence signal enables the evaluation of the mineralization degree. The diagnostic procedure is simple, fast, painless and non-invasive. In this study, the 40 teeth were examined. The research material was composed of groove of upper and lower untreated premolar teeth. Diagnodent and Diagnodent Pen systems were used in the diagnosis. Measurements were performed both, before and after cleaning of occlusal teeth surfaces by removing dental deposits. For estimation of progression of caries in permanent teeth, the scale according to Hibst and Paulus was used

    An empirical continuous positive airway pressure trial for suspected obstructive sleep apnea

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    BACKGROUND: Standard practice in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) management requires that a positive diagnostic, overnight polysomnography (PSG) test be obtained before initiating treatment. However, long waiting times due to lack of access to PSG testing facilities may delay the initiation of definitive treatment for OSA

    Obesity, Sex, Snoring and Severity of OSA in a First Nation Community in Saskatchewan, Canada

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    Sleep disorders have been related to body weight, social conditions, and a number of comorbidities. These include high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, both of which are prevalent in the First Nations communities. We explored relationships between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and risk factors including social, environmental, and individual circumstances. An interviewer-administered survey was conducted with adult participants in 2018&ndash;2019 in a First Nations community in Saskatchewan, Canada. The survey collected information on demographic variables, individual and contextual determinants of sleep health, and objective clinical measurements. The presence of OSA was defined as an apnea&ndash;hypopnea index (AHI) &ge;5. Multiple ordinal logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine relationships between the severity of OSA and potential risk factors. In addition to the survey, 233 men and women participated in a Level 3 one-night home sleep test. Of those, 105 (45.1%) participants were reported to have obstructive sleep apnea (AHI &ge; 5). Mild and moderately severe OSA (AHI &ge; 5 to &lt;30) was present in 39.9% and severe OSA (AHI &ge; 30) was identified in 5.2% of participants. Being male, being obese, and snoring loudly were significantly associated with severity of OSA. The severity of OSA in one First Nation appears relatively common and may be related to mainly individual factors such as loud snoring, obesity, and sex