317 research outputs found

    Efferent projections of C3 adrenergic neurons in the rat central nervous system

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    C3 neurons constitute one of three known adrenergic nuclei in the rat central nervous system (CNS). While the adrenergic C1 cell group has been extensively characterized both physiologically and anatomically, the C3 nucleus has remained relatively obscure. This study employed a lentiviral tracing technique that expresses green fluorescent protein behind a promoter selective to noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons. Microinjection of this virus into the C3 nucleus enabled the selective tracing of C3 efferents throughout the rat CNS, thus revealing the anatomical framework of C3 projections. C3 terminal fields were observed in over 40 different CNS nuclei, spanning all levels of the spinal cord, as well as various medullary, mesencephalic, hypothalamic, thalamic, and telencephalic nuclei. The highest densities of C3 axon varicosities were observed in Lamina X and the intermediolateral cell column of the thoracic spinal cord, as well as the dorsomedial medulla (both commissural and medial nuclei of the solitary tract, area postrema, and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus), ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, dorsal parabrachial nucleus, periventricular and rhomboid nuclei of the thalamus, and paraventricular and periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. In addition, moderate and sparse projections were observed in many catecholaminergic and serotonergic nuclei, as well as the area anterior and ventral to the third ventricle, Lamina X of the cervical, lumbar, and sacral spinal cord, and various hypothalamic and telencephalic nuclei. The anatomical map of C3 projections detailed in this survey hopes to lay the first steps toward developing a functional framework for this nucleus

    A Single Dermatome Clinical Prediction Rule for Independent Walking 1 Year After Spinal Cord Injury

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    Objective: To derive and validate a simple, accurate CPR to predict future independent walking ability after SCI at the bedside that does not rely on motor scores and is predictive for those initially classified in the middle of the SCI severity spectrum. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Binary variables were derived, indicating degrees of sensation to evaluate predictive value of pinprick and light touch variables across dermatomes. The optimal single sensory modality and dermatome was used to derive our CPR, which was validated on an independent dataset. Setting: Analysis of SCI Model Systems dataset. Participants: Individuals with traumatic SCI. The data of 3679 participants (N=3679) were included with 623 participants comprising the derivation dataset and 3056 comprising the validation dataset. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Self-reported ability to walk both indoors and outdoors. Results: Pinprick testing at S1 over lateral heels, within 31 days of SCI, accurately identified future independent walkers 1 year after SCI. Normal pinprick in both lateral heels provided good prognosis, any pinprick sensation in either lateral heel provided fair prognosis, and no sensation provided poor prognosis. This CPR performed satisfactorily in the middle SCI severity subgroup. Conclusions: In this large multi-site study, we derived and validated a simple, accurate CPR using only pinprick sensory testing at lateral heels that predicts future independent walking after SCI

    Iron Phosphate Glass-Containing Hanford Waste Simulant

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    Resolution of the nation's high-level tank waste legacy requires the design, construction, and operation of large and technically complex one-of-a-kind processing waste treatment and vitrification facilities. While the ultimate limits for waste loading and melter efficiency have yet to be defined or realized, significant reductions in glass volumes for disposal and mission life may be possible with advancements in melter technologies and/or glass formulations. This test report describes the experimental results from a small-scale test using the research-scale melter (RSM) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to demonstrate the viability of iron-phosphate-based glass with a selected waste composition that is high in sulfate (4.37 wt% SO3). The primary objective of the test was to develop data to support a cost-benefit analysis related to the implementation of phosphate-based glasses for Hanford low-activity waste (LAW) and/or other high-level waste streams within the U.S. Department of Energy complex. The testing was performed by PNNL and supported by Idaho National Laboratory, Savannah River National Laboratory, Missouri University of Science and Technology, and Mo-Sci Corporation
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