792 research outputs found
Causality Constraints on Hadron Production In High Energy Collisions
For hadron production in high energy collisions, causality requirements lead
to the counterpart of the cosmological horizon problem: the production occurs
in a number of causally disconnected regions of finite space-time size. As a
result, globally conserved quantum numbers (charge, strangeness, baryon number)
must be conserved locally in spatially restricted correlation clusters. This
provides a theoretical basis for the observed suppression of strangeness
production in elementary interactions (pp, e^+e^-). In contrast, the space-time
superposition of many collisions in heavy ion interactions largely removes
these causality constraints, resulting in an ideal hadronic resonance gas in
full equilibrium.Comment: 16 pages,8 figure
Hawking-Unruh Hadronization and Strangeness Production in High Energy Collisions
The thermal multihadron production observed in different high energy
collisions poses many basic problems: why do even elementary, and
hadron-hadron, collisions show thermal behaviour? Why is there in such
interactions a suppression of strange particle production? Why does the
strangeness suppression almost disappear in relativistic heavy ion collisions?
Why in these collisions is the thermalization time less than fm/c?
We show that the recently proposed mechanism of thermal hadron production
through Hawking-Unruh radiation can naturally answer the previous questions.
Indeed, the interpretation of quark- antiquark pairs production, by the
sequential string breaking, as tunneling through the event horizon of colour
confinement leads to thermal behavior with a universal temperature, Mev,related to the quark acceleration, a, by . The resulting
temperature depends on the quark mass and then on the content of the produced
hadrons, causing a deviation from full equilibrium and hence a suppression of
strange particle production in elementary collisions. In nucleus-nucleus
collisions, where the quark density is much bigger, one has to introduce an
average temperature (acceleration) which dilutes the quark mass effect and the
strangeness suppression almost disappears.Comment: Contribution to special issue of Adv. High Energy Phys. entitled
"Experimental Tests of Quantum Gravity and Exotic Quantum Field Theory
Quarkonium Feed-Down and Sequential Suppression
About 40-50 % of the quarkonium ground states J/psi(1S) and Upsilon(1S)
produced in hadronic collisions originate from the decay of higher excitations.
In a hot medium, these higher states are dissociated at lower temperatures than
the more tightly bound ground states, leading to a sequential suppression
pattern. Using new finite temperature lattice results, we specify the in-medium
potential between heavy quarks and determine the dissociation points of
different quarkonium states. On the basis of recent CDF data on bottomonium
production, we then obtain first predictions for sequential Upsilon suppression
in nuclear collisions.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 11 figure
Sequential Quarkonium Suppression
We use recent lattice data on the heavy quark potential in order to determine
the dissociation temperatures of different quarkonium states in hot strongly
interacting matter. Our analysis shows in particular that certain quarkonium
states dissociate below the deconfinement point.Comment: Talk presented on the International Workshop on the Physics of the
Quark - Gluon Plasma, September 4-7, 2001, Palaisea
Thermal Hadronization and Hawking-Unruh Radiation in QCD
We conjecture that because of color confinement, the physical vacuum forms an
event horizon for quarks and gluons which can be crossed only by quantum
tunneling, i.e., through the QCD counterpart of Hawking radiation by black
holes. Since such radiation cannot transmit information to the outside, it must
be thermal, of a temperature determined by the chromodynamic force at the
confinement surface, and it must maintain color neutrality. We explore the
possibility that the resulting process provides a common mechanism for thermal
hadron production in high energy interactions, from annihilation to
heavy ion collisions.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figure
Universal strangeness production and size fluctuactions in small and large systems
Strangeness production in high multiplicity events gives indications on the
transverse size fluctuactions in nucleus-nucleus (), proton-nucleus ()
and proton-proton () collisions. In particular the behavior of strange
particle hadronization in "small" () and "large" () initial
configurations of the collision can be tested for the specific particle
species, for different centralities and for large fluctuations of the
transverse size in and by using the recent ALICE data. A universality
of strange hadron production emerges by introducing a dynamical variable
proportional to the initial parton density in the transverse plane.Comment: talk at EPS-HEP conference , Venice, 201
Statistical J/psi production and open charm enhancement in Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS
Production of open and hidden charm hadrons in heavy ion collisions is
considered within the statistical coalescence model. Charmed quarks and
antiquarks are assumed to be created at the initial stage of the reaction and
their number is conserved during the evolution of the system. They are
distributed among open and hidden charm hadrons at the hadronization stage in
accordance with laws of statistical mechanics. The model is in excellent
agreement with the experimental data on J/psi production in lead-lead
collisions at CERN SPS and predicts strong enhancement of the open charm
multiplicity over the standard extrapolation from nucleon-nucleon to
nucleus-nucleus collisions. A possible mechanism of the charm enhancement is
proposed.Comment: Presented at 6th International Conference on Strange Quarks in
Matter, Frankfurt am Main, 2001. 4 pages, LaTeX, 1 PS-figur
String Breaking and Quarkonium Dissociation at Finite Temperatures
Recent lattice studies of string breaking in QCD with dynamical quarks
determine the in-medium temperature dependence of the heavy quark potential.
Comparing this to the binding energies of different quarkonium states, we check
if these can decay into open charm/beauty in a confined hadronic medium. Our
studies indicate in particular that the chi_c and the psi dissociate into open
charm below the deconfinement point.Comment: 8 pages LaTeX, 4 figure
The production of charm mesons from quark matter at CERN SPS and RHIC
We study the production of charm mesons and other charm baryons from quark
matter at CERN SPS and RHIC energies. Using quark coalescence models as
hadronization mechanism, we predict particle ratios, absolute yields and
transverse momentum spectra.Comment: 4 pages in Latex, 2 PS figure, to be published in the proceedings of
the SQM'2000 Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 20-25, 2000. Submitted to J.
An Introduction to the Spectral Analysis of the QGP
This is an introduction to the study of the in-medium behavior of quarkonia
and its application to the quark-gluon plasma search in high energy nuclear
collisions.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures; Lecture given at the QGP Winter School Jaipur
2008 (QGPWS08), Feb 1st-3rd, 2008, Jaipur, Indi
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